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Everything posted by Renato

  1. For the record, Kawamori has said many times that whenever he is asked to do another Macross sequel he has been told "but please, PLEASE do not change the concept any more than Macross 7!" That to me sounds like 7 is the one that is the most mold-breaking. The message of the original Macross is that culture and love can overcome violence... but they use violence to blow Bodolza up in either version. M7 basically fixed that, eliminating any contradictions in the "message" of Macross. It's as far as the concept can go. For Frontier, notice that they went back to "OK, let's blow the bad guy up".
  2. Here it is! The disc design itself and the booklet cover is a plain, phoned-in design. The finish is similar to the MacPlus box, though, with a nice smooth texture. Watched episode 1 and it looks nice and clean. Oh, and they got rid of the blue in Episode 3! I'll review the extras and commentaries later.
  3. Yeah, me too. That means we will get it tomorrow, one day before the official release date. BUT IS THAT CANON?!? :o
  4. Those were made by completely different developers. Most of them have been bad until recently, with the exception of the Scrambled Valkyrie and maybe DYRL shooters. This one is developed by Artdink, and we go into their history of truly fantastic Macross games (which were on the PSP, not Vita, BTW) at the start of the podcast. Spoilers only come in at around the second half. I have yet to find a single person who has it that is not in love with this game.
  5. The standard version is at just under 29,000 yen right now at Amazon JP brand new, which is less than what I paid for it. The original price is 41,000 or so.
  6. No there's no spoilers I just mention Sidonia for a brief few seconds. This was recorded quite a while back, so Sidonia was still in its first episodes. I had not read the manga. My first impressions were that everyone looked the same, and then there's a bear. But I'm glad I stuck with it, because it did get exciting after a while. Alas, it and Break Blade both finished their short runs, and Captain Earth still keeps on going. I finally gave up on that one, though. I tried, I really did. Anyway, Macross 30!! It's a thing! Let me make this perfectly clear -- if anyone is on the fence about getting this game, come off it right now and just buy it. You will not be disappointed.
  7. Gakken85, do you have sources for that? AFAIK Yamato/Arcadia never revealed the reasons why they closed their doors. Yes, we can make some intelligent and accurate guesses, but I'd advise against stating those as fact, just in case. I think the price increase probably has more to do with two things. 1) The cost of materials and manufacturing. Look at Transformers (even though I would stay away from comparing them to Valks in general), they are getting smaller and more hollow because of this. Rather than cheapening out and making the VF-1S out of crappier materials, Arcadia are just charging more, and adding a few extra options for padding so you don't feel quite so cheated. 2) The price of acquiring the molds. Yes, they had to purchase the assets again, because Yamato and Arcadia are not the same company, and that costs a lot of money. I have no idea how much, though. And this bonus one is purely a guess -- Licensing costs may have gone up. Back when Yamato first started, Macross really was not profitable. Since the success of Frontier, which really took off after Yamato's 1/60 v2s were out, BigWest may be charging more for the use of the design likenesses in merchandising. I know for a fact that they insisted on increasing the price on some of Bandai Visual's products.
  8. I'll certainly and gladly pick up another if Arcadia do one. Actually, this 19P came out at the same time as the VF-1D and VF-4, both of which I had to forgo, and I still think I made the right choice. I finally picked up the 17S recently and it's just not as impressive, really.
  9. The camera on this tablet is just garbage. But anyway, I think this is my fave valk. I'm so glad Yamato feels the love and decided to finally make a toy of this design, after 15 years or so.
  10. Strumvogel: Thanks for the comments! Regarding Captain Earth. I didn't go into detail because it was way beyond the scope of the podcast but the biggest reason these shows are on late at night is because those time slots are cheap to secure from the broadcaster, unlike prime time slots. It's not like the old days where ratings mattered and had an effect on toy sales, today the situation is geared towards selling BDs and DVDs themselves. That is not to say that content is irrelevant, but it comes as second. Either way, the libido thing is really not anything that the PTA would have so much of an issue with, in my opinion. Remember the original Orguss series had an actual sex scene on a Sunday 2pm lunchtime broadcast slot (yes, I realize standards have changed, though). And let's not forget the space aliens having orgasms when listening to Basara's song in M7! Glad you like Angel Voice, yeah, it is such a great song. In fact, as I type this, by coincidence, I have the BD of the final episode of Dynamite Seven playing in the background and it's the scene where Basara is singing Angel Voice with the whale.
  11. Listened to it on my commute today. The guitar sounds even better than I remember it, Jason! It's refreshing to hear these acoustic.
  12. I'm calling BS on the whole "No it does take half a million to fund, because you have to factor in licensing fees and DVD authoring and distribution and and and.... bleah". I'll give you that there are costs for pre-production that are not necessary to factor in for an individual episode of a greenlit series, so of course a pilot is going to be more expensive to produce. But, they're really going too far with this. Distribution? Authoring? That is NOT a part of the production. All that should be left to the licensees. Fans are supposed to be funding the making of the show, not how it will be sold. Why not factor in the shitty merchandise costs that they try to flog, too, while they're at it? Why should we donate half a million? Because the money for the Robotech Academy soundtrack CDs and mugs and T-shirts and baseball caps and tie-in comic doesn't grow on trees, don't you know!
  13. Yeah, what is PS4 about this game? Can't this same thing be done on a PS3? Otherwise I would be interested.
  14. 1) Apart from Volks and maybe Kotobukiya (and that shop in Ikebukuro that Save swears by), I don't know. There's mostly only used stuff on sale in Nakano and Akihabara. But they do have items clearly marked "opened" / "unopened", etc. Yodobashi has some Macross, but not that much these days. BIC likely won't have anything. You'll remember that a while back the flagship Kotobukiya store in Akiba got 3 (yes, THREE) Ozma 29's in. And that's it. The situation a decade ago was that you walked in to Sakuraya or Yodobashi or even TRU and there'd be a giant stack of fresh 1/48's at the end of the aisles. Those days are long gone, as I have been lamenting for the last few years on this site.. Most sales have shifted to online preorders, and production is extremely limited now. Most of the hobby shops (i.e., not second-hand shops) I used to go to in the early 2000s have closed down. 2) Yes.
  15. I think Save is on a plane right now so he won't be able to answer, but I'll try to help out. To be honest, I think these stores might not be what you are looking for if you want Macross goods. Sakuraya Shinjuku does not exist anymore. It closed down about 6 years ago. I don't remember what context we talked about it on the podcast but it was probably an off-hand remark. Hongo Sanchoume -- You go out of the station, make an immediate right down a short, narrow street, and then you'll come out to the main road. There, take a left, and just a few paces ahead you should see a yellow sign saying "Yellow Duck" or something like that. I don't remember the name of the store but it's something to do with a duck, and it's on the second floor. It is a tiny store mainly selling import toys. Ebisu -- Google a store called "Monster Japan". That also is an import store. I do not know any other toy shops there. Ikebukuro -- I don't know, sorry. Adrian and Gwyn should know this one. If you are looking for Macross in Tokyo I recommend you hit Nakano Broadway and Akihabara before trying the above places, though.
  16. I should add that a lot of Latin American fans of RT were seriously pissed at the Creavision C&D fiasco, so maybe HG would have gotten more support for this from them if they had tried it this time last year.
  17. They updated the page with a short video of the Spanish-language actor for Rick and Scott, obviously reading lines off a piece of paper (so far, not impressed by his acting). It mentions that Spanish-speaking regions are the second-largest market for HG -- I would say it IS the largest. I think HG is really starting to get desperate now... They should probably have pitched this in Spanish to begin with.
  18. San Diego Comic-Con is coming up, and you know they'll hype this thing as much as they can, so I guess that'll give them another spike.
  19. Well, I watched Robotech growing up in Peru... Alongside "Ironman28" (which later became "the New Adventures of Gigantor") , "Mazinger Z" (Which later became "Tranzor Z"), "Minky Momo" ("Adventures of Gigi") and a bunch of other stuff I can't even remember now. I think it's safe to say that even if Carl Macek and HG hadn't localized Macross as RT, we in the non-English-speaking regions of the world still would have gotten to see it sooner rather than later, because the localization process just wasn't as rigid in most of the world compared to the US/UK, just like the fact that Japanese anime was already old news and world-famous way, way, before "Akira". And that's to say nothing of the Southern California Cartoon/Fantasy Organization and how influential they were in the 80s.
  20. It hasn't hit the mainland yet, I think, it just hit Okinawa... hard. Jefuemon, how are you after that 5εΊ¦ earthquake in Hokkaido yesterday afternoon? Was that near you?
  21. Aha, you see? It says 21st July right there on Jvmacross's poster!
  22. Jefuemon, I recently found out that that version actually HAS been edited. The part where Hikaru and Misa are on Earth -- in the original Japanese version, Minmay is singing Cinderella. But in the English dub, she is singing an odd English-language version of DYRL. However, in the Japanese subbed release of the English dub, they have replaced the track with the original Cinderella song. I guess they have standards after all -- that awful singing made them change it back!
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