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Everything posted by Renato

  1. At first glance, this seems to be an upscale of the Hi-Metal 19, they certainly based some features off that. So I don't expect it to look too great in Fighter mode.
  2. I think it's actually "kagayaitemitai, itsu no hi ka", which means, "I want to try to shine someday", because "kagayaitte ni nari" doesn't mean anything. Apart from that, I agree with no3ljm's romanization.
  3. OK, I just checked -- Treatment put some screencaps on page 11 and I put mine up on page 12.
  4. They're not that bad overall, but I'm pretty sure that I put up several images of the worst-offending examples of the subtitles in this very thread. There aren't that many pages, so I'm sure they'll come up if you browse through.
  5. Zinjo "M7 had no new valk designs". Because they re-used designs from other projects? In terms of the Elgerzorenes etc, they're still re-designed. And as for the VF-19 and VF-22, sure, you can say they are just the MacPlus designs re-dressed... But then you can say that the YF-19 and YF-21 designs are alternate versions of the M7 designs. And where does the VF-17 fit in all this?
  6. Brand-X I like Macross Plus as well, but I like most other Macross shows just about as much, if not more. I don't think it's so "completely unlike" the others. Let me see.. -More mature characters and situations --> The plot literally goes out of its way (nonsensically, even, just watch Episode 2) to highlight Guld's and Isamu's immaturity -Less focus on singing --> Sharon Apple? -No magic (I thought you wanted them to re-capture it! ) ---> Sharon Apple hypnotized everybody in Macross City... how? -A real human enemy... Erm.. sorry to sound like a broken record, but... SHARON APPLE?? Umm, I don't think you watched Macross Plus, but Cowboy Bebop, instead. Your checklist seems more compatible with that. But hey, it's Watanabe and Kanno, easy mistake to make! EDIT -- phrasing
  7. No, it is a mistake. Both the Movie and the OVAs are included. Note that the Amiami link also claims that the box and inner sleeve art is done by Masayuki, when anyone can see that he did the inner one only, while the outer box was a Hidetaka Tenjin piece.
  8. I think I remember there being a "Delta War" at some point in the 2030s or something within the official Macross continuity. Back when there was one, I mean.
  9. Hi, yeah, I know the track you're talking about, but I haven't watched the final episode in forever. I'll put it in again later and let you know. If you really want to tear out more of your hair, then you can watch the Max/Millia wedding episode and try to work out what the alternate lyrics for "Runner" are in that one.
  10. I agree it probably should have just been one movie (then again, as Gubaba mentioned, I have gone over that at length in the past). And it does have cool scenes in it. However, that's really all I care about, so I have no problem with any deviations from some overly convoluted plot about kabuki dancers, mad scientists and panty-chasers in space. I don't miss things I never liked anyway. Just do what I do and watch the scenes you like, skip the rest and you'll see your stress level go down easy. Hey, not every album is a greatest hits compilation. That said, surfing battleships are cool no matter how you slice it. I would reserve "goofy" for most of the TV show....
  11. Jetspectacular: Thanks for puting up all that stuff! Except now that I'm back in Japan, the Youtube video of the idol contest can't be played, for some reason it is region-blocked. Is it your video? If not, is there any way to contact the uploader and ask to kindly remove the restrictions?
  12. Pfft. I like to pop in the second movie and watch the action and concert scenes, I still believe they are fantastic audio-visual entertainment. If I were to guess at where the hate for the movies is coming from, I'd say it was probably due to people's love for the TV series, and that the very idea of a reimagining is a betrayal of sorts. This seems to tie in with the whole obsession for canonocity, too.
  13. Just checking the official page, and it seems more items have been revealed for the Oshare Macross7 thing, such as cushion covers, Sheryl and Ranka illustrations by Risa Ebata (why?), Macross F badges illustrated by Tochiro's beloved Marufuji (again, why?), and tote bags. Fair enough, but it seems they also scheduled a Mikimoto signing event on the same day as the Chie Kajiura concert, Saturday the 18th October. Sigh.
  14. Yeah, it's pretty cool. Glad to see this mold is still holding up. I wonder if we'll ever see the other variants again, but for now I'm more than content with my complete collection.
  15. Davidwangchoi -- My original Yamato Kai has super-loose ankles now, but as you can see, with a bit of patience you can get both dynamic poses and stoic neutral stances, even with the ultra-heavy Sound Booster equipped, so I wouldn't recommend taking the fun away.
  16. Here's the piece de resistance, though... I think I'll leave it displayed like this for a while. I forgot to mention that the eyes are also sparkly green now, rather than the plain, flat green of the Yamato version. One more difference -- the panels inside the sound booster are now more cream-coloured than the faint pink of the Yamato. I vaguely remember that they wer sort of creamy-looking in the Macross Chronicle. Which doesn't really matter either way, as it's still not show-accurate... I think.
  17. Pics. Yeah, it's pretty much the same toy, with some joints looser and some tighter, basically the same situation as any time you get a repaint of anything. As expected, many of the inner die-cast joint parts are unpainted. This was the same on the other VF-19 variants, as well as the Arcadia YF-19. The only one that had those painted was the original Yamato 19Kai release. It doesn't bother me. Ankles are tight out of the box, at least more so than the YF-19 was, but then they always are. I haven't done Gerwalk yet, but that will be the real ankle test. Which is why I actually am probably not going to bother, at least not soon. Haven't checked out the Sound Booster yet, that seems the same too, other than the gold trim.
  18. Heh. I actually forgot I had it. I was watching the last episode of Space Dandy while drinking tea just now. OK, well, I'm gonna do some other stuff now, I'll transform it later tonight and let you know all the ins and outs. Unless I decide that I need some whiskey, in which case it'll have to be tomorrow. Priorities!
  19. I'm sure I mentioned it ages ago here. They said it would be like that on the finished toy, it's just that it wasn't on the prototypes nor the display pieces, or even the promo pics.
  20. Regarding the paint job on the figures -- I wrote earlier in the thread that Mr K had concerns about that, so it's no surprise. As for the ankles -- Mr K had said that a re-design was out of the question, but that they would try to see what they can do within the constraints they have. I just got back home, it's 11pm, I haven't transformed it and I probably won't get the chance now, so I'll let you know when I do. So far, only the canopy colour and the extremely loose canard bug me.
  21. First impressions of the actual toy. As I expected, the gold/yellow coating on the canopy does indeed look pretty bad. It's like a yellowed old toy from the 80s. That was my first disappointment. Other than that, the right canard is super loose and can just fall off if you tilt the plane. My VF-19P had a similar problem (same piece, same side), but it was not as bad as this. I haven't transformed it yet, and probably won't until later because I have to leave for a while. Full disclosure -- I have all of the VF-19 Yamato variants because I believe this is the best-engineered toy ever. So the above nitpicks stand out for me since I already know the toy is going to be as awesome as the rest. They are, in the end, though, minute nitpicks.
  22. Haha, the figures are just thrown in there at the bottom of the box.
  23. Hopefully we should all be at the con this year. See you guys there!
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