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Everything posted by Jefuemon

  1. Pretty simple work for good results, ne? For the harder to reach areas, I like to use a damp Q-tip. What's also nice, is if you properly affix your decals, you can put that right over the top of them, and get the wash effect over the decal, making the decal look more like a paint application.
  2. If you like the Tokyo Monorail, then next time you stay in Tokyo, stay at the Chisun Hotel in Hamamatsucho. Try to get a room on the 6th floor.
  3. Went to Ashibetsu yesterday to clean the family grave prior to the Obon season. There's a huge statue of the Kanon in Ashibetsu. It was built in order to attract the tourists to town; they've recently closed it down because no one comes. Did get a chance to go in it before it closed, though. There's a observation deck on her chest. Also, trying to go for the "dreamy water" look on a small waterfall.
  4. Saw them on this tour when they came through Sapporo. Great show! I was really happy, since I never thought I'd ever get a chance to see them live.
  5. Have I been over here too long for me to see the price and think "For an Odaiba hotel themed room, that's not too bad"?
  6. This may be a little bit of a thread hijack, but have you actually ever lived in Japan, or just visited? If you've only ever visited, then I'm gonna post a huge font of information you should be aware of (used to be active on Yahoo Answers, and I swear everyday someone would ask about moving to Japan, so I just compiled as much info as I could into Standard Answer #1). If you have actually lived here long term before, I'll shut up now.
  7. Not to dissuade you for what you're looking for, but I could take a stab at translating what you need.
  8. So, are they going to have to rename it the De Robotech for the ones they sell in America?
  9. Actually, my first exposure was through the band Anthrax
  10. I just don't have the room to store them (yes, even though I know the bits are very small), or the inclination to do anything with them. I very rarely have parts left over anyways. Am I doing something wrong not having extra bits?
  11. What exactly are you looking for? The instructions are really well illustrated, so it shouldn't be a problem if you can't speak Japanese.
  12. Kit is boxed until the model is built, then the box gets torn down and thrown in the recycle pile, along with the instruction sheet. All the excess kit bits go into the plastic recycle pile. Only thing I save is unused decals.
  13. Actually, that's the whole model, not just the frame. Looks kinda cool, but probably a real PITA to build.
  14. Thanks! Don't think I need to go that far, though. Just takes a lot of patience. And a lot of masking tape! I scanned the color illustration in from Macross the First Vol 3, and also made a 1:1 enlargement copy. Do a little cutting for a template pattern, and many references looks at the source material, and I'm starting to get there. I think the black will be easier, though, since a majority of it is right next to the red.
  15. Not photos, but it ties back to my Yosakoi photos. This was our team. I'm the flag waver on the left http://youtu.be/e3N24zXL6eY Here's the team that won, Hiragishi Tenjin http://youtu.be/GEENZM5NXfs
  16. Got the red painted, now on to remasking and putting down the black.
  17. No problem. In the end, it may get those who haven't seen that kit yet to come here. Also makes me realize I need to hurry up and finish my current build!
  18. I don't think they've ever released anything in 1/72. I've only ever seen 1/100.
  19. I'm sure you'll like it. My first point of advice is to use the biggest brush you have, and don't worry about slopping it about. Usually it's ready to wipe off in an hour or so. The more wet your tissue/paper towel, the more will come off. I usually just damp it a bit on the tip of my tongue, blot on my hand, then start wiping. Any other questions, please feel free to ask! I started using Mr. Color in the US. I had to import it from Japan, though. I was buying it through a shop called Rainbow 10 (in Shizuoka). Their regular store is still there, but they don't offer on-line sales anymore. Others will have to chime in on what paint is popular with American hobbyists, as once I started using Mr. Color, I've never used anything else.
  20. Just like attending Biology class on acid... http://youtu.be/yHk0tc4dcF0
  21. Thanks for showing that the VF-0D can fit the Hasegawa Macross stand. I was planning on building mine that way, but was a little concerned that it wouldn't fit the stand. Now I know, no worries!
  22. I am. I've got a panel scriber (basically a dental pick under a different name) that I'm running down those areas. I actually did a lot more painting tonight than I thought I would. All that's left is using a fine pen to put down some black lines, then a light wash to bring out the details. I'll save the final unveiling until I finish the VF-1J改 that he goes with.
  23. Here's how he looks with the first coat of paint. Shoulder pads are still a little too big, but I can live with it. Going to try and put down all the yellow bits tonight.
  24. #1 #2 #3 And I will say you get some, interesting, images if you Google search for デネブ カイトス with safe-search off.
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