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Everything posted by Jefuemon

  1. Appreciate it! I'll be sure to save any pointers you can give.
  2. What the hell is nightcore? All YT shows me is page after page of anime-picture vids. So here's some hardcore instead!
  3. Oh Hell yeah!!!! Recorded live at First Avenue and 7th Street Entry, Minneapolis, MN, 1987. And yes, I've been there several times.
  4. I've got PE set 272003 for the 1/72 Valkyrie, and I've got an application question. On part number 48 and 49, are you supposed to drill out the original veneer area, and put in the pe parts? And how exactly would you go about doing that? Thanks. Also, I'm planning on slightly modifying one of Studio Starforge's wonderful UN Spacy male pilot figures into a Macross the First pilot. Are there any color illustrations of the flight suit? There's a great picture of Hikaru in his (Issue 3, page 14), but I'd like to know if there's any color drawings, or if I should go with Movie colors. Still have a few months before I get to these projects, though. Got a 1/350 Battleship Musashi occupying my time now.
  5. Anyone want to make a custom Thunderfocus?
  6. Much appreciated!! I'll keep my eyes open.
  7. One month later, still "pre-order".
  8. Chinese Folk-Metal. Get their first album for free here.
  9. Dedicated to my co-workers, who did nothing but this ALL FREAKING DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. "From Hasbro the company that brought you TRANSFORMERS" yeesh........
  11. Kind of hard to find THOSE in Japan!
  12. Sex Machineguns and Demon Kogure; two great tastes that taste great together!
  13. Slovenian cyber-metal. If you like them, you can get the whole album for free here.
  14. The wash was super-easy to do. I use Promodelers wash (black). Brush it on thick, let dry, then wipe off with a wet tissue. The more wet the tissue, the more comes off. Before wiping After
  15. Hasegawa Macross Series Kit #1- the venerable VF-1A Valkyrie. I had built one of these when they were first released, but it didn't survive the move from North Carolina to Japan. Had done my original one as Hikaru, but decided to show Kakizaki a little respect with the rebuild. Honestly, how many Kakizaki builds have you seen of the -1A?
  16. Meh. I never cared for the rebooted version, so I really don't care for this one, either. And I know that probably puts me in the minority.
  17. Done that already. I've just noticed that it's been under "pre-order" for quite a few months now.
  18. I read here a while ago that whoever owns the masters for the 1/72 scale launch arm were going to do another run for Starship Modeler. Any idea when that's going to happen? Or did it already happen, and I missed it? Just picked up the Hasegawa SVF-41 Black Aces kit, and I'd love to emulate Tenjin's box artwork.
  19. Saw these guys last year about this time http://youtu.be/ZbvRqj-OhYU An American, seeing a Finnish and German band perform live, in Japan.
  20. Only if there's one left over after I snag one for myself
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