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Everything posted by Jefuemon

  1. We need to get this guy a Yeti Stand, STAT! Has anyone tried a set-up like this yet?
  2. Actually, if you do a #Robotech search on Twitter, that image is showing up a lot on the new (old rehashed) articles. Here's one. And a variant. I guess it's better than using Macross Zero images, which I've seen a lot of too.
  3. Do you have a 1/72 Battroid you could stick next to it? Wondering if I'm going to have to adjust some shelf space.
  4. My sister and her family are in country visiting her husband's side of the family (yes, both me and my sister have married Japanese!) My 3 year old nephew took this shot. I wonder if this is his image of Uncle Jeff?
  5. Unless Big West caves in and grants the Macross rights to Sony, I'm not worried about this at all. It will be a grand failure for Roboblech, not Macross. Maybe then they'll finally bury the franchise.
  6. Definitely will be following this with great interest! I've got the book as well, but I've never done papercraft before. Probably won't tackle it until next winter when it gets too cold to paint.
  7. Just to let you know, we have a spot for that.
  8. No, that's You from Macross Digital Mission VF-X. Each of the kits comes with a figure from the game, but I'm not going to be doing anything with the Milky Dolls.
  9. I take that back. If you don't mind paying over $3000 when they show up on Yahoo Japan auctions.
  10. The first 5 minutes or so of Plus answers that question.
  11. Is that one of John's, or did you pick up 2 of the Tanmen kits way back?
  12. Me last night. https://youtu.be/ZFj-VUvotH8 hmmm, vid doesn't want to imbed for some reason.
  13. I've checked, and nothing so far.
  14. If you don't mind paying over $2000 when they show up infrequently on Yahoo Japan auctions.
  15. Just started a new thread on it. Nothing on Hase's site yet.
  16. No confirmation from the Hasegawa site yet. But I'll probably definitely be buying!!
  17. The VF-19 has huge cancerous growths instead of sensors on the nose, so I did a little surgery. If you don't have a set of metal files in your building tools, I highly recommend them! I bought a cheap set of 6 for around ¥500, and they do the job pretty well.
  18. The Bandai Frontier model kit line, and the new VF-1 kits. They were presents from my wife, so I really can't get rid of them, but they can stay at the bottom of my "to build" pile indefinitely. I like the older Bandai kits, it's just that the new line is more difficult than it should be to make them look nice. I'll stick with my Hasegawas and garage kits, thanks.
  19. In case anyone was wondering where my signature line comes from...
  20. I think the only shipping wars we have around here are EMS vs. SAL vs. DHL vs. FedEx. For the record, I myself prefer EMS.
  21. I seriously wonder if some of these sculptors have ever seen a naked female in person before.
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