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Everything posted by Jefuemon

  1. Just the one kit, either as Max or Miria. The only 1/48 scale YF-21 I know of is an event-only resin kit put out by Club M many years ago. If you can find one, grab it! They're pretty rare. The 1/48 VF-19 builds up nice.
  2. Why do I love Galmet? One of the reasons is because Miki, the lead singer, asked me to hang around after the show so that she could get everyone together for these pics. I think I was the last one to leave the club that night! And earlier that same day at Tower Records, Umeda (Osaka)
  3. Bandai already released a light set with the kits, but no siren. EDIT- The pic doesn't show it, but the lights flash in a way that looks like they're spinning.
  4. Same company, same scale, but not that kit! I thoroughly scrubbed the kits with a toothbrush and dish detergent in warm water, then rinse and let air dry. You need a superglue type, regular model glue won't do anything. And you have to prime, or no paint will stick to it. I used to use a dedicated resin primer, until I found out that Mr. Surfacer 1000 works a lot better. Also, be careful of resin dust when you're sanding the parts. Wearing a mask is recommended.
  5. Boxart!! And this one is a limited kit, so if you're not buying now, don't plan on buying later.
  6. Hasn't happened yet! This weekend. Saturday is going to be busy. Galmet will be doing an in-store event at Umeda Marubiru Tower Records starting at 12:00, and the show starts at 5:00. Saw another flyer, looks like Galmet is making some food for the fans as well!!
  7. I've found that Hasegawa decals work best with very hot water. I use water out of a electric hot water pot at around 96 degrees Celsius, and soak the decals about 30 seconds. Come right off no problem.
  8. One thing I've been wondering about (the narration in the trailer brought it up): Exactly how long was the Empire in power? 20 years? It started right before Luke was born, and he couldn't have been that old when he destroyed the Emperor.
  9. If you're in Osaka this weekend, come track me down. I'll be here!! Those are the 3 I really want to see, others sound pretty good, too.
  10. The National Report isn’t real. Unfortunately, a lot of ”real” news outlets get taken in by their stories.
  11. When you use half of the trailer time to show scenes of previous movies, that doesn't bode well for me.
  12. Yes. This newly announced kit is DYRL versions. For a TV Hikaru Super J, you'll just need to paint instead of decal the red, and steal the pilot decals from another kit. Hmmm, if I'm reading the release correctly, this new kit will not have a pilot figure included.
  13. Actually, H-Hangers from Wave, 2 sets. Sorry, I have no 1/60 in my collection, 99% 1/72, model kits only. And yes, that is the 1/72 arm.
  14. I haven't put them in a Valkyrie (yet). I used them to light up a small display base. I used the 3 mm quick flash, and the 5 mm cool white for this:
  15. For very simple to use LED's, I recommend Evan Designs. Everything is already wired up. All you have to do is connect to a battery, and you're done.
  16. Hasegawa is really doing their best to make me not want to build my Bandai VF-1 Strike (which I was going to leave in Gerwalk). And that's a good thing!
  17. Pretty much any Laibach cover is golden, Jesus Christ Superstar just happens to be my all-time favorite one. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cI4wL1n_cOc
  18. Nah, this is the best cover! Laibach - Jesus Christ Superstar
  19. I think this one retailed a little over 10,000 yen. I picked it up for 17,000 on auction. The same guy I bought it from has another. You can either buy it at the 18,500 price, or make him an offer using the blue button. It is a conversion kit, though you only need 6 or so parts off of a Bandai VF-25 kit to make it.
  20. Picked this up off of Yahoo Japan auctions, arrived yesterday. Needs a few parts from the Bandai POS, but I'm willing to sacrifice one of those kits for a much nicer YF-29!
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