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Everything posted by Jefuemon

  1. Heh heh, almost the same exact pictures...
  2. That's scalper price. I may have to take a run into town tomorrow before work, see if I can grab any copies I see since it looks like it's sold out pretty much everywhere on-line. Amazon has moved it into the marketplace now, so they don't have stock anymore.
  3. Both. Better description in the Models thread about 1/2400 scale SDF-1.
  4. Yes. All 1/144 scale, and they all have the launch hangers from the game. I'm building them in numerical order, then I'm going to prime, paint, and detail them all at the same time.
  5. As promised, pictures! Table of contents Various Macross information Interview The papercraft section This will probably be a next winter project, when it gets too cold to do any type of painting.
  6. Someone on Facebook asked if they came in a larger scale, like 1/72. If I figured correctly, a 1/72 scale Nupetiet-Vergnitzs would be 56 meters long!
  7. 1988 (I'm in the Anthrax t-shirt) 1989 (Exodus t-shirt) That was my 80's. Of course I've got a ton more, just not scanned.
  8. Got mine today! Have to go to work soon, pics will have to wait a bit. First portion of the book Macross TV series information, doing the main mechs, characters, and a brief episode by episode synopsis. They also talk a little bit about the other Macross series. Middle portion is an interview with Kazutaka Miyatake. Then, the last half of the book is the papercraft. 20 pages of parts printed on thick glossy paper. You will have to cut everything, no perforated parts. Looks like you can build either as cruiser mode, or storm attack, but if you're skilled at papercraft, you could probably switch between the two no problem.
  9. Yahoo! Japan auctions. Macross model kits category. Everything Macross.
  10. Hopefully, either today or tomorrow I'll be able to tell you.
  11. Thanks! Actually, it was seeing your thread a few years back that made me grab these when I was in Mandarake one day.
  12. Or, as I liked to call it while building, Pickle Squadron. All are 1/20000 scale plastic kits from Arii. They're old, but went together pretty easily, and look pretty nice considering their size. The fleet Nupetiet-Vergnitzs 5731 Queadol-Magdomilla 10107 Quiltra-Queleual Thuverl-Salan Tiny SDF-1 As usual, more can been seen here.
  13. So, who's going to be ordering this Sonico/Pochacho t-shirt?
  14. If you like metal, then you HAVE TO get this!! Relapse Records 25th anniversary collection. 184 tracks, 1.8 GB download, and at name your own price you can get it for free if you want. I've been listening to it off and on for close to 2 weeks now, and I'm still only up to the "P" bands.
  15. Electrovolt - "Are you crazy??" DW - "Well, a little manic-depressive on Mondays, but other than that I'm OK."
  16. I thought that too by seeing the pic, then I read your comment.
  17. Once I'm finished!! Should be by Saturday at the latest I'm thinking.
  18. Finished putting decals on the Pickle Squad yesterday. It's, uh, interesting using almost 30 year old decals...
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