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Everything posted by ErikElvis

  1. Well I’m definitely in. Just waiting for other retailers. Maybe one clean finish and one PF.
  2. I read on Facebook someone got their shipping notice. Not sure if it’s true. Hope it comes out soon.
  3. I’d get a 4-5” attacker in blue
  4. I just picked up a A-10 and F-15. Already have one of those Russian jets, F-14, and have a F-22 on preorder.
  5. I just put some ordinance on a new A-10 I got and some of the misses broke. Had to glue back in place. And some of the other ordinance was a tight fit. I’m sure it’s the same with all these models.
  6. Look pretty damn good to me. Ordered another to keep in box.
  7. I lucked out. Just got mine in about a week or 2 ago.
  8. It’s pretty simple. Buy a Rubbermaid tote cut a hole in the top and tape a screen in. Then get a bunch of egg cartons, add a water dish and buy some food and your done. Well temps should be 80 or so in the tote to encourage breeding so I have a reptile heat Mat under them. Cost me about $60 for 10 females and 15 males. You can find them cheaper. I also raise red runners. Don’t get as big but don’t burrow and are quite active so they tempt the tarantulas to eat them.
  9. How long ago did we hear of this? I feel like it came on quick.
  10. ErikElvis

    Macross figures

    Yeah I’d rather have one decent fig than 6 dumps.
  11. ErikElvis

    Macross figures

    Yeah pretty much trash.
  12. I’m hoping for a 4-6 part series that scratches the itch that plus does.
  13. Wait was it the Yamato 0A with the disintegrating biceps or the 19? Or both?
  14. Knock on wood I’ve had decent luck with my valks. I even think all my cf 171’s triangles are intact. I backed off the screws when I got them. My Yamato 0A’s biceps never disintegrated although I don’t think I ever transformed it out of fighter. I don’t want to look now. I did have the wrong leg on my 51.
  15. I know i know. No more NY but I have 6 strike parts sitting there and am kind of afraid if I wait for ems to start back up they may “disappear”. I can wait otherwise.
  16. Not in love with anakins face. Not that it’s bad it just doesn’t seem to fit any pose properly. I think they did do a good job of slightly aging him during the clone wars/ in between RoTS
  17. I hope they don’t make the tail and names stickers. Don’t know if that’s a way around licensing issues.
  18. I feel like I’ve been here since before 09. Did we ever have to resign back up for anything? And when did it stop being called Shawn and Graham’s?
  19. I might be in for those clone wars anakin and obi wan.
  20. Despite the controversy I put in an order. I believe it’s on flying mules site now. I ordered directly through calibre wings.
  21. Off topic but since people are talking about how long they have been here when was it called Shawn and Graham’s macross forum?
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