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Everything posted by mickyg

  1. Looks very nice and the proportions seem to be better than for the model kit, too. No preorder link in NY yet...
  2. What did you get? Probably not appropriate to ask that, on second thought.
  3. I'm really enjoying these, guys! Started watching the series again from the start a few weeks ago. Love the creativity here!
  4. Very nice start! You sure you're new to this kind of thing?
  5. I'd have to echo this as well - I stopped checking the front page a good 5 or 6 years ago. Unless something was mentioned in one of the threads that pointed me back to the front page, that is. It's not that I didn't like the front page news, it's just that the threads were often more recent and up to the minute. That, and my method of checking the forums is a lot more like "news" than anything else I've managed to find. It's become habit. Here's what I mean: First thing in the morning, I click the "Unread Content" button on the upper right corner of the page. This brings up every topic I haven't read, including content I've never posted in. If I'm interested in what I see, I read it, if not, I move on. It's up to date "news" direct from people who are interested in whatever it is that's being discussed. That can be product news, the latest series, or stuff that's not Macross related at all. Curious as to how others do it, actually...
  6. Thanks for taking the time to post this! Very interesting that this part isn't quite as well done as the rest is. Questions about the kit: Do the original "non-super'd" parts still come in the kit? Do we still have the lack of markings for the bottom of the kit that is present in all the others? I have one of these on order and sitting in my private warehouse at HLJ, but unfortunately it will expire before the DX SV-262 hits my private warehouse. I may ship it before then, or cancel it outright and pay the silly restocking fee for such a small purchase. Once again, the small price of these kits is a very good thing!
  7. Been working on these little mecha-colle kits and posting the odd update or so there in the thread for them. Perhaps they're better placed here? I've got all the VF-31s now so rather than doing them one at a time, I figured it might save time to do them assembly line fashion. There are a number of deficiencies in the kits, as I see them. Firstly, the nacelles on the the VF-31 are all a dark metallic colour, but only one kit ships with them in this colour, Arad's VF-31S "Christmas Valk" as I like to call it. The rest all come in the violet grey that seems to be a carry over from the super parts in Frontier. So the nacelles get painted in Mr Color Metallic paints. I've arrived at a final mix but was still experimenting with the VF-31E, hence the difference in shade you can see. The Nacelles are also a fairly dark colour, so I pre-paint the "cuffs" white before applying that white sticker with the stripe on it. The semi-translucent nature of the thin stickers benefits greatly from the white under coat. The other annoyance is stickers, particularly the one for the canopy/fuselage. They look OK from a few feet away, but it doesn't matter how meticulous I am when applying them, there's always a nasty wrinkle where the sticker has to wrap itself around the curves of the canopy. My solution: paint it and trim the worst part of the sticker away. So that's Mr Metal Color Gold, mixed with a touch of Chrome. It shines up nice when polished and certainly looks better than the sticker. And finally, there are no stickers for the bottoms of these little kits at all, so I've been attempting to remedy that as well. There's a lot there to see and Bandai's lack of markings is a real shame on these otherwise very well detailed kits. I've also done a subtle panel line with a grey gundam panel line pen. Helpful to do this before placing the stickers so you don't get ink bleeding under the stickers. It's also handy to do it before assembly of the parts.
  8. Thanks Dex, that sounds about right. I'll fire it up this evening and have a look. I haven't tried it on the DX 31J sitting in front of me but I'm guessing it's possible to get the arms out that way.
  9. Possibly a question for a more Delta specific thread but does anyone have a screen grab, or recall the scene where Chuck's VF-31E pops both arms out in fighter mode, and shoots his way through some swarm of bad guys? I'm trying to remember which episode it was in but I loved that scene. Not only because it was different to what we usually see in a "not quite gerwalk" mode (we've seen lots of legs only configurations) but also because it showed an ELINT role Valk using its weaponry to great effect! In fact, Chuck did that a lot. Wish they'd developed his character a bit more. And the rest of the cast, for that matter...
  10. That Ivanov is such a weird looking dude. Almost looks like a zombie here...
  11. I've always thought of the colour as being very similar to modern stealth coatings, which are a very dark metallic grey. I remember a lot of the scenes in the OVA as having that metallic sheen in shots as well. Sometimes looking glossy, sometimes dull or flat, but almost always looking extremely variable. I'm not surprised it's so hard to capture that look. I've got the Hasegawa kit and had originally planned to paint it the same way I'd do an SR-71 paint job. But now I think I'll make some attempt at the colour I'd paint an F-22. I'm VERY interested to see how Arcadia tackles the colour. It definitely ain't a simple black!
  12. Yeah, agreed about the price. I wonder if Arcadia will revisit these with the SV-51 announcement. You'd think this would spark interest for those holding out on purchasing one because they didn't feel right about paring it with the older, floppier, far more crude panel lined ones of yesteryear.
  13. I honestly can't remember if it ever was out of stock at HLJ. It's never been one I considered in my price range, as much as I LOVE the design.
  14. Anyone still interested in a 0A? https://hlj.com/product/ACA82120
  15. Thanks for the link Kazuo - that makes a lot of sense and is a fascinating read. Also a very good reason why lots of auto translation tools can often make something sound completely bizarre.
  16. Thanks MT! I've made more progress but seem to have forgotten to photograph it. I've painted the cameras around the canopy a transparent red, then filled in the "frame" around them with a heavily thinned black, and also used that mix to hit some of the panel lines. I then misted a coat of future over the whole thing. The Mr Metal Color seems to want to almost tarnish if left to the air. The good news is the future doesn't seem to have impacted the finish too negatively. The bad news is that the rest of the model is now obviously glossy. I've hit the nacelles, feet and canopies of my other VF-31s in the last few days, all with various shades of metallics. Hoping to get them all to similar stages of completion together, rather than doing them all individually.
  17. I got excited about a valk kit for a second there. Oh well. The SV-51 is welcome news, even if it's likely to be way outside my finances to get one. More valks for me to see other people's photos of!
  18. My currently displayed collection: Not pictured: everything that doesn't fit at the moment. Which is a lot! Working on that though. Gotta fit in 6 HMR VF-1s, a Regult, Glaug, monster, 3 Yamato VF-1s, a VF-4, VF-171, YF-29, various model kits, and on and on... Not only do I need more display cases, I also need a new room, in a new house! I tell ya, this hobby is too expensive!
  19. Can't help but be thoroughly impressed by the Hasegawa battroids for zero. I had no idea they were that well articulated!
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