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Everything posted by mickyg

  1. Wondering about this too. I want to keep my owner's manual sealed and read the online version. I know there was one for the VF-19A but can't even find that anymore.
  2. Mine was in PW as well, and spent a long time at the Tokyo airport before making its way here to hot australia. My protective films all came off, no problem.
  3. There must be official stats somewhere because Jenius has it measuring almost exactly 1/60. Either it's actually smaller at 1:1 when compared with the VF-31, or the VF-31 toy is a bit oversized. I seem to recall the fighter mode for each is quite a bit different in size. Same for battroids. The really cool thing is that the battroid for the Draken is actually bigger than the Seigfreid.
  4. Ditto - was surprised to see they'd been added to my PW this morning. Was hoping they'd be cheap to ship but given what's already in my PW, it's going to cost nearly $50 to get them here quickly.
  5. I see the pictures but as there's no text associated with them (even on the site itself) it's hard to know what is being suggested here. Perhaps I have to transform it before I know what it's referring to...
  6. I have to admit, I am considering this right now.
  7. Awesome!
  8. Just gotta finish the other one now. In all seriousness, the colour is close and the size almost works. I didn't have blutac so the rubber band did the trick.
  9. Ghetto lil'draken fitment:
  10. Thanks Saburo! I'm slightly bummed about the change, as I have some adapters inbound that I'd planned to use on my stands (notice I've even got the beta stand set up with two arms already). I was hoping it would be a simple mod but this'll require a bit of planning and precision use of the Dremel to properly fix. Why Bandai saw the need to change it is beyond me.
  11. Mine arrived today! Ripped into it as soon as I could over lunch (I get all my stuff delivered to work) and it looks pretty impressive. First impressions: The gold is very coppery/orange. I don't dislike it but it's not what I expected, even with all the pictures floating around of this thing so far. The paint overall is just beautiful! No lost tampo after removing any of the protective sheets of plastic, and there are some on the stabiliser/shield as well. I think a lot of the "gappiness" is likely due to shipping and how it was put into the box after assembly. I think much of it can be cleaned up after the first transformation. Also, the panels on the nose for mine are far more tightly pressed than some of the pics I've seen posted so far. The feet aren't very well clipped together on mine, right out of the box The adapter definitely will not work with YetiStands, as there are two skirts on either side of the clear part now, and the stand adapters from YetiStand are too thick to fit between said skirts. Some modification of the adapter will be necessary, which hopefully will not weaken the part. Looking forward to going through the transformation more in the next few days.
  12. mickyg

    Hi-Metal R

    Just cleaning up my little display on my desk at work and attempting to box up my Hikaru 1J and my goodness - what a pain the little tray of hands and gunpod it is to open! I've cut my thumb and nearly split the whole thing open with enough force to spew the contents into the next building! But it's still not opening up! If they can improve the packaging on these releases, it would not be a wasted effort.
  13. mickyg

    Hi-Metal R

    Me too. This'll be my first NY experience.
  14. Those pics are awesome Saburo! I noticed two things that particularly excite me: The gaps in fighter mode look a lot less obvious, proving you can close them up a bit more than some of the pics I've seen so far Gerwalk wings look way more like the anime! How'd you do this? I thought there wasn't room for them to sit the way you've got them.
  15. The shot on the bench almost looks like a still from the movie, inside the death star, waiting to bolt outta there!
  16. No kidding? I've got the kit you're building and didn't even notice on the decal sheet. Wow, that's definitely tedious work. Thinking of options for the Bandai armoured VF-25S kit I've also got. Those are moulded in red. Thought of painting them white and then just removing the paint at the tips somehow (sanding, carefully applying solvent there, using masking fluid, perhaps?). There are a fair few more missiles on the armoured variant though, decals would be crazy in that quantity.
  17. Looking great! Mind sharing how you do the red missile tips? I really struggled with the ones on my Bandai VF-25G super kit.
  18. I'll have to modify mine when they arrive then. Glad I really only need one at the moment.
  19. Still living vicariously through you guys with all the pics. My shipping status shows the package still at Tokyo in the airport. No change since the 23rd. I'm guessing the status updates just aren't current. Hopefully it arrives on Monday.
  20. mickyg

    Hi-Metal R

    Hmmm... Hope NY isn't going to follow suit.
  21. Doh! Now that is seriously clever. Not sure how I missed the reference.
  22. Yeah, Arad's required a special mix of blue and green from my acrylic paint stockpile. I got close but it still looked a bit off when compared to the stickers. See here for how I did on that one:
  23. It is definitely odd. Usually the colour is chosen so leaks and problems are easy to spot. And it's painted in the first place in order to prevent corrosion and wear. I guess Yellow would work, in that respect.
  24. Mine appears to have been in Tokyo for 24 hours now. Arrival scan at the airport on the 22nd and a processed scan 24 hours later at the same location (23rd). Hoping tracking just hasn't updated.
  25. Thanks Seto. And JVM for posting the pics. I really like these tech sections that go into great detail (even if it's fanciful or downright silly). What I really found interesting is how much the engines resemble real, contemporary jet engines. Right down to the nozzles, even. I always assumed the nozzle was the foot and didn't realise there's a regular, round, adjustable one buried up inside the foot, with the foot acting as a sort of "second stage."
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