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Everything posted by mickyg

  1. I tried to imagine the parts unfolded when I was messing around with painting the thing. I think they're fairly accurate. Bear in mind that the angle I snapped the pic at is going to exaggerate how far the part looks to "hang" below the legs. In reality, they're about the same thickness. If I snapped a pic from the side, I don't think you'd even see the sides of the dish.
  2. Although that certainly looks striking, why would the landing gear be yellow for any practical reason?
  3. Now you'll all know I didn't "really" finish it! Pardon the gray gundam marker that I didn't bother to clean up very well, along with the whole underside that remains unfinished.
  4. What does it say about the engine? I see they've shown it, at the very least. That has me curious.
  5. At least your post delivers on a Saturday...
  6. Excellent!
  7. That, or it hasn't sold as well. Just watched the first half of that WOTAFA video and definitely appreciated the speed he works at when describing the transformation. Also had a look at the "official" Gerwalk art on the Delta site in Japan and saw this: Illustrates that funny thing we're talking about with Gerwalk. Notice the shoulders are above the wings, but still well in front. Sort of reminiscent of the YF-19 series actually. Is this possible with the DX?
  8. Finally got confirmation on mine. Yours probably isn't far behind.
  9. I don't understand the clear canopy, really. It's there to sort of give the same feel as the anime from what I understand. To show the pilot the same way the inside camera view shows him. But it just doesn't work on the toy. At least with the VF-27 there was that one scene in the Frontier movie where Brera actually jettisoned the shield from the canopy. I don't recall that sort of scene in Delta at all.
  10. Wow - it's been over a year since the last update. Time flies and all that! I've worked a bit on this in the last 12 months, just not much to show for it. The good news is that it's pretty well ready to be screwed together for good, with the rest of the work happening on the assembled toy instead of just pieces.
  11. Totally with you guys who are mentioning the negative vibe they're getting with Gerwalk. I don't know - it's like the wings look too high to me. it's not that they're backwards. That bit is weird, but it works. It's the fact that it looks like a "T" from the front that has me scratching my head. I don't recall it looking that way in the show. Look at the episode where they're on Windermere and trying to locate the Walkure in the snow - lots of Gerwalk there. Granted there's no Keith type shown (that I recall at least) but the general wing situation is the same in both types. And in other news, my HLJ bundle still hasn't shipped. Very odd...
  12. Very nice! I had no idea those even existed in kit form.
  13. Love how well the chest locks together on all the pics I've seen so far!
  14. Oh, I like them too. I just spent way, way too long on the one I completed years ago (took me over a year at my slow pace) only to realise transforming it would ruin all the hard work I put into it. So it has remained in fighter mode since it was finished, droopy legs and all. I snapped a couple of quick photos to show it's still around and still on display. DX is behind it. Pardon the clutter. I snapped these when I'd moved them out of reach of little fingers the other day. Guests with kids are always a bit of an unknown... I very much hope the new kits will be more paint friendly and less of an issue to transform. Though I daresay, my focus now is more about painting accents and details than doing the whole thing. I'm also hoping frame parts are a little more durable when it comes to painting. I cracked a few of the leg and arm pieces on the 25G because I used an oil and low odour turpentine wash on them. I will likely not do that this time, just in case.
  15. I've got a billing agreement with them since they introduced it years ago. So pretty much everything I order goes straight into PW. I like to maximise my shipping dollars. I had a few things in there prior to the Draken release and only had a few days remaining till the 60 day deadline. But I'd been eyeing the VF-31 kits for a while now and finally decided to just add it, the same morning the Draken was added to my PW. If I'd have left the order as is, I'm fairly certain it would have shipped on Saturday. I've got no complaints about the private warehouse option in HLJ and think it's likely saved me hundreds on shipping in the last few years. The slowness aspect bugs me but I'm not upset enough to stop using the feature altogether.
  16. You lucky man! Mine hasn't even left HLJ yet, due to my deciding I "needed" a messer 1:72 bandai kit on Saturday and adding it to my PW. It got allocated to the PW late Sat but due to that little addition, obviously didn't get packed into a box in time to make it out the door. Couple that with the Monday holiday there, and it obviously didn't make it anywhere yet. Maybe today...
  17. The Windermereans are building Mazdas now? Say it aint so!
  18. Got one finished today. Decided to just do the minimum on it. Just painted the nacelles, nozzles, canopy, and a few accents on the stabilisers, wings and head. The Gundam marker yellow is a decent match, even though my pics make it look otherwise.
  19. I ordered one, actually against my better judgement. My last experience was not so great. But that was a VF-25G and I'm of the opinion a LOT has changed. So, grabbed a 31F and their 262 ba. We'll see how it goes..
  20. Looks like there are crests for the other characters as well as Bogue's unit there. Wonder if the other markings are there as well. That would be an odd move by Bandai if that's the case.
  21. Mine came in too.
  22. Watched the vid just now too. A few thoughts came to mind: It looks very gappy at the start, and ends up that way too. I think this is likely to be due to how quickly he's running through it and simply not taking the time to push everything together fully before finishing. The finish looks awesome! Nice, bright, glossy gold trim on a matte blue - exactly how I think it should look (NZEOD, no offence to your beautiful jewel interpretation on your 1/72 model kits). Transformation is complicated but not a lot worse than the VF-19EX that Bandai has already done. Looks like it locks together extremely well in all modes. Love the range of motion. I'll ship mine pretty much as soon as it hits the private warehouse - can't wait to get it in my hot little hands!
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