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  2. Are they seriously releasing this one without the missiles again? Seriously, what is wrong with these people that they can't just include things they should? I'm guessing the bagged missiles came with the 31J-Kai then though, since they probably didn't have new trays available until Arad's release.
  3. Well, technically the missiles were never available with hayate's supers- only with the 31j-kai release. Mirage's supers came with missiles and arad came with missiles with his valk, and I think that's the only way we ever got them? (IIRC).
  4. Still its impressive there are 70 pages of comments on a toy that hasnt even been released yet.
  5. Just wondering. Does anyone remember which 31/accessory set came with the missiles in a bag, rather than the tray? Boxing up my figures and putting some up for sale, and for the life of me I can't remember where this pair of missiles from one of my 31s came from.
  6. With how poorly the sv-262 was received and sold nobody should be surprised it never got released again. Bandai is risk-averse. I'm just glad that the poor DX reception didn't torpedo the 1/72 model kits (which were much nicer to transform).
  7. Today
  8. I really really do not trust Bandai to do this, after what they did with the Sv262. There was all the opportunity in the world for them to milk that mold with several more variants, and they haven't even looked at that design since the initial release. I think there's definitely a little more potential with M&M releases.. but we've seen how enthusiastic they've been about getting us the M&M DX VF-1s. I'm not holding my breath.
  9. I really hope so. They're gonna need to come up with a canopy shield for VF-22 battroid though. And it would be nice if it were integrated somehow but I'm not sure how they could pull that off. One of the many design features I like about the VF-22 is the unorthodox canopy style.
  10. All we know is that the new one comes with super pack and no missiles, making the missiles originally from the seperately sold super pack all the more unlikely to be made available again lol I'm gonna predict the canopy will turn out to be a slightly different shade for absolutely no reason though lol.
  11. Agree that they ruined it by trying to rush it all. They needed to play the long game. On JL alone, I definitely prefer Snyder Cut over Whedon's attempt to remake the whole thing in his 'image.' The only thing I don't like about the Snyder Cut are the future shots of an evil Supes. After everything, there was no way he was going to be able to tell that story and so leaving it in, as a plot that basically went nowhere, was a bad choice, IMO. Take that part out and it is a good movie!
  12. I see you actually got it to fly. No stand!
  13. To be fair, the Snyder cut was only the Snyder cut after all the complaints of the theatrical version. personally, I really didn’t care much for the Snyder cut even though it was an improvement. I really don’t think I like much from Snyder other than his zombie stuff, but that may just have been a product of the time. After Rebel moon, I don’t think he’s got it in him to do anything else. I think he’s washed up and needs to either retire or learn how to to movies all over from scratch
  14. Re-watched JUSTICE LEAGUE Snyder cut and was reminded of how good it was. A tragedy that WB tried to go full MCU in such short time and abandoned it just as quickly too. No idea how these new films will go but how much reboots and spin-offs can we fans take??
  15. They recently released a new update that allows you to start a non-cheat account and go full progression.
  16. What's the difference between the DX Chogokin Super VF-31J original version and the revival version?
  17. Yep the bike and rider in those pics totally look like rendered images. Nice looking pics, but I don't think they have a whole lot of value when it comes to making a decision.
  18. New pics are cool. Though the bike & figure set still look like rendered images..
  19. Love to see a photo of your Banshee 4, have you finished it yet? only took me 15 years. Ha ha!
  20. So my local Walmart finally had Legacy Evolution Dreadwing. I really enjoyed the Character in Transformers Prime, and with some painting ans modifications I was pretty happy with the toy, so I thought i would give the new version a try. I did need to trim out some of the plastic on one of the hinges in the nosecone to get the torso to transform correctly. The original toy had a stupid gun ruined by a spring activated light up feature. The new toy has a terrible sword ruined by a folding gimmick, clear red plastic and a weird ridge that forces you to only hold it in his left hand. So I thought, I should use the sword from the original guy and the gun from the new one. This is what his Gun looks like in the Cartoon. Note that he stores his sword on the gun. I wanted to try to replicate that look with the new gun and old sword, and I found a way by using a Lego piece as a connector. The second picture is the new gun and sword with the new toy. The third picture is the original sword with the new gun. The fourth picture is the Lego part I used, with no modification required.
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