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25th Anniversary Toys


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You still can order from HLJ, but with out the early bird. I have to do that since my usual guy won't get them....

i think the early bird preorder at hlj went pretty quick for the yf-19 and vf-1s. next thing you know it it was unavailable there.
Edited by Mowe
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Today's actually the first time I've heard of these repaints. I liked the black, but I didn't like the gold, nor did I like how monotonous the black was. Within 5 seconds, I had an idea for a repaint. It wouldn't even take that much work, really. Take the gold, replace it with purple, color the canopy gold, and you have a pretty nifty Skywarp repaint. I think the black looks less monotonous now, and I just think the Skywarp paint job just looks better. I made a few quick digibashes:



Edited by Lord of Tetris
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I made a few more changes. Nothing fancy, but I removed the Tampo text. Don't get me wrong, I like Tampo paint applications just as much as the next guy, but the "25th Anniversary" logos were getting a bit excessively showy. I think Skywarp looks better with the logos removed, so here's my revisions on the digibash. I tried putting some Decepticon logos on him (tried the shield and shoulders), but I wasn't happy with how it turned out, so I just left out the logo.



I don't plan on doing any more digibashes, so if someone wants to put up some Decepticon logos, by all means, feel free to alter my digibash.

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Okay, I'm a complete newb when it comes to buying models; I've never bought one in my life. Where would be good places to get these models (I live in the States by the way)? I saw someone mention HLJ, Laftoys, and BigBadToyStore...but I dunno who's more reliable and so forth. Are there any others aside from those three? I saw the picture of the VF-1S on the main menu and now I'm wanting one of each for my own! Thanks!


Edit: I also suppose this means I shouldn't actually 'play' with these either (transforming them)...since they're limited edition and all? :(

Edited by Oihan
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Well if you mean the 25th Anniversary transformable VF-1S and YF-19 with the black and gold trim, then you want to go for the 1/60 scale Yamato toys. If you mean the 25th Anniversary non-transformable fighter-mode-only VF-1 in dark blue and gold scheme, and the YF-19 in dark purple and gold scheme, then you want to go for the Hasegawa model kits.

HLJ.com is a good place to get stuff (avoid Hobby Search like the plague). I haven't tried laftoys or BBTS, but I pre-ordered the YF-19 w/FD+FP from Twin Moons since I heard a lot of good stuff about them here on MW. :) I've heard some good, but lots of bad about Tisinc99. :p

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Those would be the ones. I don't suppose I should take them out of their boxes either? :/

If you're looking for non 25th ltd edition stuff, i can recomend http://www.yesanimation.com/macross.html (they may be bit pricey for some items)

I live in the U.K. and they ship fast from the states (well packaged too), so even faster to you ! As others have mentioned HLJ is great but they take forever and a day to ship items..

If this will be you're first "toy" or model i recommend not getting the 25th anniversary valks, as you should get one to play with first... and yes i said PLAY! It dont matter how old you are, its like.."zooooooooooooooom" and "whooooooooooooosh" when you get your first macross valk. start with a 1/48, you wont regret it.

Edited by vermillion01
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If you're looking for non 25th ltd edition stuff, i can recomend http://www.yesanimation.com/macross.html (they may be bit pricey for some items)

I live in the U.K. and they ship fast from the states (well packaged too), so even faster to you ! As others have mentioned HLJ is great but they take forever and a day to ship items..

If this will be you're first "toy" or model i recommend not getting the 25th anniversary valks, as you should get one to play with first... and yes i said PLAY! It dont matter how old you are, its like.."zooooooooooooooom" and "whooooooooooooosh" when you get your first macross valk. start with a 1/48, you wont regret it.

Haha! That's the thing, I don't want to pass up on these 25th Anniversary Valks but I do want to play. :p It's going to be hard to not want to transform these things if and when I get them...but I guess that's where the non limited edition stuff comes into play. ^_^ (I'm so going to want to see these things in all 3 modes :()

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Why not play with them? I play with my Low Vis v1. :) Unless your definition of playing is slamming it against other toys making explosion and impact sounds (which I did as a kid, but haven't since I was a kid). :lol:

True, true.. but due the tempremental nature of all yamato valks (i mean quality control) would you risk it with a limited edition?

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just throwing this out there but,

all the gold paint runs along the edges of valks, edges which tend to be high traffic areas so to speak.

so do you guys think the gold paint will hold up through several transformations?

I noticed the same thing. It must also be hard for Yamato the get that thin gold strip to run exactly along the edge of the 19's nose.

I, for one, don't plan to ever transform the 25th YF-19. I like the fighter mode the best anyway. ^_^

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While I will be getting the 19, I'm still not too sure about the vf-1. However, it never ceases to amaze me how they will put out non-canon stuff just out of sheer love of the toyline, at least that's what I'm led to believe. I wonder if this will come out with a 25th anniv. display stand and/or a 25th ann. fold booster. I'm still hoping they do the VF-19 Kai and the Aegis Focker blue version from VFX-2. MMMMM now, that sounds like a toy to get. Then, of course they have to do the supernova version. :rolleyes:

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A VFX2 Ravens VF-19A is very likely, since they released one in the past. A VF-19kai is highly unlikely since they'd have to redo the entire 19 practically from scratch. And a "Hell yeah!" to a Blue Supernova 19.

I like non-cannon paint schemes. Low Visibility version 1, Stealth, hopefully we'll see Dobber's scheme on a SV-51... :D Don't get me wrong, I like the 25th Anniversary 19, I just don't like it enough to spend that kind of money. I'm prioritizing. :p

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I just traded my VF-1J Stealth for another Fokker (I have three now, one for each mode).

I put a deposit down on two VF-1 25th and two 25th 19's. One of each will be displayed, the other two will be left in their boxes. But I will probably display the boxes. The 25th VF-1 will fill the void that my Stealth used to fill. It will be wearing S and S parts though. I know it sounds gaudy and insane, but am thinkig of havig my painter paint the S and S parts gold to match the trim. That sucker will look special then. Could be special ed though, LOL.

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That's alright Sqidd, I've made a few short bus special moves with my stuff too. That's how you learn. Anyways, I missed the early bird special, what were they listed at, at that time? :wacko:

I got them for $149 for the VF-1's and $179 for the VF-19's

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