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The Xbox 360 Thread Elite Edition

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It always struck me as incredibly odd that game developers don't gear releases for those all important summer vacation months, when kids actually have time to play.

In general, most hobby industries dry up during the summer... for some reason, people go outside and play rather than staying in doors and staring at televisions or aquariums or what have you.

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Which is the exact opposite of what happens in the Midwest. It's WAY too friggin hot and humid to go outside. 30 secs and you're sweating. I stay indoors 24/7 if I can in July and August here--I need games! Spring and Fall are the only times to stay outdoors here.

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yeah, here in OH, it's too hot and humid also. When I was a kid, I used to sleep during the afternoon and was up and out during the evening when it's a little cooler. I asked for a transfer to night shift for the summer but was told no. It's hot and humid enough outside without having to wear body armor all afternoon.

Well, MS sent me a box, I will send my 360 back on Monday and hopefully they will fix it right.

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Which is the exact opposite of what happens in the Midwest. It's WAY too friggin hot and humid to go outside. 30 secs and you're sweating. I stay indoors 24/7 if I can in July and August here--I need games! Spring and Fall are the only times to stay outdoors here.

I hear you. Illinois isn't any better. Hell the only games I have are:


Gears of War

Dynasty Warriors empires

Lost Planet

Dead Rising

Armored Core 4

The Darkness

Burnout revenge


Madden 07

Hitman blood money.


When I had the original Xbox, I had twice as many games in half the time compared to how long I've owned my 360.

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Ha, I'm still only at 2 "permanent" games in my 360 collection. DOA 4 and Oblivion. Everything else was merely rented/borrowed, or sold or is to be sold. (anyone want DOA XBV2?) But again--in Oct/Nov, I'm buying quite a few games I plan to keep forever.

Ironically, while the Gamecube had quite a few games early. Then a huge drought. Then there was Metroid Prime 2, RE 4, and that was about it for the GC. Never did feel I got my money's worth out of the console. The 360 is getting a slow start, but within a year I'll probably have more games for it than I ever did for the GC. (Though I just bought Zelda: TP for the GC, since I don't plan on finding nor buying a Wii any time soon at this point)

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Saw they had DOA X2 even cheaper than Target, so decided to buy it. I give it a meh. I do think the original was better. Let's just say the physics have gone from "improbable" to "it completely pulls you out of any possibly immersive environment/suspension of disbelief". Plus the character models are flat-out shiny. It's like their skin is flesh-colored chrome. Finally, I liked the suits in the first one better. None of Ayane's are good, and I've only found 1 from someone else to give to here.

I had trouble enough with the opening video. I felt like such a dirty old man with that and I'm not even thirty!

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I just got the red ring of death! I just bought my system like 5 months ago. This is bullshit! I have some questions:

1. What happens if I have to send it in?

2. Are they still giving away free wireless controllers and 1 month Live for their stupidity?

3. Do I have to send in my HDD?

4. How long does this take?

5. Do they actually fix it right?

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You'll most likely get a refurbished one sent back, not yours. The official explanation is that it's quicker, so you can play your games again. It also probably is quicker, who knows how long they have to do diagnostics, repairs, etc.

Don't send in your HDD. Or your face plate. Strip it as bare as you can. They actually are quite fast, I had my replacement in like 10 days. Still, I'd rather have waited and gotten my own one back, repaired. The refurb was NOT mint. It's in good shape, better than most used stuff--but it was not as nice or clean as mine. You'd think they could at least wipe off or clean the refurb'd units before sending them out.

You'll get a free month of live, that's what I got.

Also, see my post one page ago: http://macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?s=&a...st&p=505232

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Did the refurb come back with a different serial number? Or do they slap your original serial number on it? I still have my $29 360 warranty which is good till Feb. 2009.

Time to sell the original Xbox to fund my 360 Elite purchase...


was at Best Buy today dropping off my notebook for repair, stopped by the 360 aisle, they had 8 elites and 4 premiums. All Elites were made in 6/2007. None of the Premiums had HDMI, they were all made in 11/2005. So I am guessing Microsoft still has plenty of stock of old Premium systems.

Edited by Chowser
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According to Kotaku, the new non-Elite 360's with the HDMI out do NOT have the 65nm "Falcon" chipsets, but David, you might be interested to hear that they are using Ben-Q drives. Perhaps they'll stick with them when they do release the Falcon models?

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I am interested indeed to hear that. :)

PS--the refub I got is a different serial, different case, different drive. I'm pretty sure MS just has a revolving setup---systems come in, are repaired, then placed in the line to be sent out when someone needs a system fixed. You get the first already-repaired one they grab off the shelf. They'll fix yours later, and give it to someone else.

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Well, hopefully they'll record that and transfer my warranty over to the refurb.

I wish I could d/l the bioshock demo, no 360. :(

My internet is finally stabilized at 4.8 Mbps for D/L and I can't even use it.

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It's like Gears of War!, with color!

Seriously though I played through the demo and it rocked as much as Gears did the first time I played. Glad I pre-ordered this one, and for only $39 to!


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I am interested indeed to hear that. :)

PS--the refub I got is a different serial, different case, different drive. I'm pretty sure MS just has a revolving setup---systems come in, are repaired, then placed in the line to be sent out when someone needs a system fixed. You get the first already-repaired one they grab off the shelf. They'll fix yours later, and give it to someone else.

Yeah, that seems to be standard procedure for warranty repairs most places.

It's just easier, and quicker.

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So nobody has downloaded the new Bioshock demo on live yet? I'm only 50% complete <_<

Just got back from my mates, he called me round almost exclusively to see the Bioshock demo. :lol:

It's an extremely atmospheric game, every room has loads to see and pick up and there is so much freaky dialogue, even in just this short demo.

You can play it as a shooter but I had more fun using the plasmids.

As soon as I get an Xbox (ordering tomorrow!) I'm getting this.

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I have downloaded it and played thru it. Nice Demo.

I only have one negative thing to say about it.

When the demo is at its best is when it ends. :( And then they go and add insult to injury by showing you things you want to do in the demo but can't unless you have the full game. It's evil! Evil, I say!

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Anyone try the Stranglehold demo? Has a few annoying parts, but does a pretty great job of capturing John Woo's bullet mayhem in video game form.

I did, right before I sent the 360 back in, I liked it. There's some problems with it, but it's a demo, I got stuck on some scaffolding when I went up, and couldn't get out and ended up dying. Had to restart, but I was able to finish it.

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I don't know why some of you were having problems, it only took me about a half hour. I downloaded it, Eternal Sonata, and Beautiful Katamari, then played them all plus the Blue Dragon demo I never got around to playing because I was too busy playing Ace Combat.

My thoughts as follows:

Eternal Sonata: Interesting story and concept, and I like how you actually have to move in battle... it works better here than it did in FFXII. I thought the demo was pretty hard, though. The pig boss thing killed me good.

Blue Dragon: I played the Nene's Tower demo, killed the boss of the first floor, and got bored. Toriyama's character designs remind me more of DBZ Dragon Quest. And, it seems everyone's trying to reinvent the turn-based wheel. Blue Dragon's attempt (charge all your actions to take longer, but have better results) is a huge turn-off, especially with regards to healing... you can either cast a heal that goes off right away, and probably won't restore enough HP to stand up to a boss's assault, or you can charge it to heal massive HP and give the boss more opportunities to kill you before it goes off.

Beautiful Katamari: Impressive. Katamari Damacy had a simple graphic style that worked well on the PS2, and BK somehow both retains and improves it. When you start, you right away notice that you're not on the PS2 anymore, but you're definitely playing Katamari, as there's zero change in the gameplay department. I like how the King of All Cosmos has some demo-specific dialog, but the demo is over much too fast.

BioShock: I LOVE the game's atmosphere. LOVE it. Can't stress that enough. This game is creepy in a way that more closely resembles Silent Hill than Doom, and I really dig that 50's style "futuristic" setting. The gameplay is a little loose and simple, though. I might be in the minority on this one, but with all the other great games coming out in the next four months, I'm going to pass on BioShock now and grab it used and cheap come next spring.

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Eternal Sonata---meh. Liked it ok, but not going to pay 60 bucks and play for 50 hours though. Have other stuff coming. Mass Effect twice through will be all the RPG I need for a while. And then there's Lost Odyssey!

Blue Dragon--disappointed. I usually like large parties, but everything took forever. Also, the characters seemed even more generic than usual. Remove the hair from DBZ/Chrono Trigger/Blue Dragon and I dare you to tell any of them apart. And I despise "cute comic relief characters" with annoying voices. And the "moving gauge" got really annoying, as you could very easily get totally screwed. Some attacks/spells have the gauge move so rapidly and RANDOMLY you couldn't even "play it safe"---you could "fail" 4 times in a row and have the entire round wasted with .0001% power attacks and healing by completely missing the entire band by .0001 secons. And damage seemed very random/cheap----I checked, and some characters just kept dying, even with stats the same as everyone else's--they just kept getting hit 20 times in a row, every time you revived them.

It just was long and slow. Liked the music. But not the boss music. That sure got annoying after the 450th time you've heard the refrain.

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The only decent comic relief character is HK-47, and that's because he's a bloodthirsty and sociopathic droid who truely loathes the Meatbags he's forced to associate with :D

Are we only talking console games? I kinda liked Minsc in the Baldur's Gate games.

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