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Danny Choo makes it big


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An episode of Blog TV in Japan featuring some well known otaku blogs including dannychoo.com. Damn I was so dumb not to take a picture with him or get his signature when I met him at WF. (too excited in a fanboyish way i guess *embarassed*) He's a busy man anyway so I doubt he'll remember me.

He's truly living the otaku dream....Microsoft Engineer, could go to work in his stormtrooper outfit if he wants to....has press passes for every gaming , toys and nerd-related convention, gets to know Japanese idols.....ahhh what more can a nerd ask for?


In the video he mentions he has about 98 gundam models, based on my lousy japanese. Danny Choo also mentions that most "gaijin" think that being otaku is cool which the hosts express abit of surprise by this.

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Nope, honestly never heard of him. Why should I?

He's neither a hot girl, a cheeseburger, a cold beer, a handgun, a cool sci-fi movie/TV series, or a Macross toy/anime/model, so he's outside my sphere of interest.

One of the members of my former IPSC club and fellow G21 shooter was a guy called Danny Man. Only Danny I know!


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I originally heard of him from the storm trooper thing. And that's about all that I've really heard of him.

I agree that hthe layout of his sight is terrible, and it is difficult to impossible to find stuff.

As for his living the otaku dream - glad that I don't consider myself an otaku any longer. The lifestyle sounds so... hollow, and empty.

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I agree that the webdesign's kinda crap. But it does the job. People will click his links and go to his adsense advertisers. And its bi-lingual too so its both for the Japanese people and the english speakers. Wonder how much money he's generating from the website.

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He's a British born chinese otaku who learned Japanese and works for Microsoft in Japan.

He really has the best of many worlds. His father is also a shoe maker so he was coming up with his own line of "Danny Choo - Tokyo" shoes.

He's one of the few otakus that "make it" into their childhood fantasy of living the life in Japan...for me even more impressive because he's asian and typically asians of non-japanese status suffer hard discrimation trying to make it there as opposed to caucasian otakus who are given more deference perhaps due to the fabled gaijin power.

If you are chinese or korean living in Japan, you really have to learn japanese and pretend you are japanese to fit in because people will treat you like you are stupid otherwise.

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He's a British born chinese otaku who learned Japanese and works for Microsoft in Japan.

He really has the best of many worlds. His father is also a shoe maker so he was coming up with his own line of "Danny Choo - Tokyo" shoes.

He's one of the few otakus that "make it" into their childhood fantasy of living the life in Japan...for me even more impressive because he's asian and typically asians of non-japanese status suffer hard discrimation trying to make it there as opposed to caucasian otakus who are given more deference perhaps due to the fabled gaijin power.

If you are chinese or korean living in Japan, you really have to learn japanese and pretend you are japanese to fit in because people will treat you like you are stupid otherwise.

The truth is Chinese and Koreans are considered less than third class citizens... not stupid, generally there is no love between the younger Japanese and other Asians. :mellow:

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The truth is Chinese and Koreans are considered less than third class citizens... not stupid, generally there is no love between the younger Japanese and other Asians. :mellow:

I think this marginalisation happens to the gaijin in general, not necessarily asian foreigners. There still are right-wingers in japan who want to rule japan like the "old times". IE: Gaijin not welcome.

Generally though, since i'm of chinese decent and look like the average japanese on the street, i get treated like one....that's when i try to think of words or end up flabbergested or try to keep quiet. :lol:

Thank God i got friends who can speak japanese. The currency notes look teh same! More than once I gave less than the stated amount....i feel so embarassed. :lol:

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Racism is present everywhere... even the whites, who usually get the better treatment, still occasionally feel the sting of it. Ah well, human nature... just smile, and remember that you are an embassador of your country/culture, and it is better to embaress them with politeness, then justify their actions, with a racist or bigoted response.

I think the best way to sum up the relationship is a quote from an ex-Korean g/f when asked if the young people in Korea hate Japanese as much as the older generations do - "as long as they come with money to shop with, we don't care about history." The same could be said about the youth of Japan - they don't really care, and prefer the easy/lazy route.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Eh, Danny who?


He's just like you, just of the Gundam world.

Even though I like this site cause of Macross, he win's more points in my books because he regularly makes me aware of hot Japanese idols :p

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He's just like you, just of the Gundam world.

Even though I like this site cause of Macross, he win's more points in my books because he regularly makes me aware of hot Japanese idols :p

So Graham, time you sized up and made people aware of hot HK music/movie stars.


MW isn't a blog (yet?) like Dannychoo.com, so its unfair to compare that way, kensei. :p

If Graham has a blog, it might hawter. ;)

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  • 8 months later...
I didnt go into detail regarding exactly how much I make but decided to be open about the most I made in a single day last December (about 100,000 yen). I also mentioned that my income from online activities has made enough for me to pay for our house, bills, food and figures ^^;

Wow :wacko: given how expensive living in Tokyo is...he's got a good thing there... I've been following his blog, apparently the character he created, Mirai, is getting it's own anime by Production IG. Whatever you think of him, he's really doing well as a non-Japanese otaku in Japan. :)

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The anime thing is totally unfounded rumours. I believe it was an April's Fool joke, unless i missed a post somewhere that confirmed it to be true. But I won't be surprised if it became true in the near future.

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If you are chinese or korean living in Japan, you really have to learn japanese and pretend you are japanese to fit in because people will treat you like you are stupid otherwise.

Like walking around every where dressed as Storm Trooper doesn't make you stupid?

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I don't mind looking stupid if i can get rich with it. ;)

Geeky hobbies aside, the guy's a genius in creating revenue. He's launched various projects within his website for the community that has big potential for revenue generation. Linking PVC toy figure pictures through the Amazon affliate program is one of them. His traffic is pretty off the roof as it is right now and toy companies actually send him free stuff to be reviewed, just like Graham for Yamato.

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I visit Danny's website to get updates on hobby events, it a great source if you want to know whats coming out in the future. Also because of danny, I have also started to collect anime figurines.

About the race issue, I would say racism is everywhere and in everyone. I think everyone is racist to some extent, only tolerance and respect is the way to go. Its good to know danny is having a great time in japan without any serious issues. I'm a british chinese myself, even though I don't have anything against japan, my relatives and other chinese people i know have a hatred towards them because of WW2. Its just like scottish hate the english because of history. I don't know what the chinese in hong kong or china think cos I've never been there, but i suspect those feelings exist there also.

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Where's this race issue? I dun geddit.

Graham, he has you truly killed in the toy review department. You'd better get cracking. :p

I guess though, certain events have made that hard recently....<_<

Edited by kensei
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