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The Melancholy Of Haruhi Suzumiya Thread


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Subs were just fine for me.

Personal opinion: Closed space is a lot less imposing in the anime.

This is admittedly due in part to inherent difficulties in capturing the exact nature of it. It would be very hard even with a huge budget in a good movie theater.

It's far harder to demonstrate the absence of something than it is to show the presence of something, especially when a lot of what's missing usually isn't included in the production to start with. And closed space is defined largely by what's not there.

Even in the book, they spend a lot of time just establishing the strangeness of the scene and getting the reader's imagination engaged.

In a TV series, you don't have the luxury of spending as much time as you want setting up.

As far as improving it... leaving out the background music would've done a lot for it.

Emphasizing the life in the world around them before transitioning to closed space instead of ignoring it like usual would have helped even more. They made a little effort right as they entered closed space with a quick crowd shot and then a few quick pictures of the empty city sandwiched the actual transition, but overall it just felt like a gray version of the "real world."

Adding some background noise to the "real world" side would have helped a lot, even though it's generally the LAST thing you want.

Whereas it's usually just a distraction, in this case the noise would've provided a strong contrast when it suddenly stopped.

As-is, the addition of background music after the transition from a dead-silent scene makes closed space feel MORE alive than the "real world."

Adding a few lines to Kyon's thoughts would help a lot too. Let HIM emphasize it.

All in all, it's a shame that part is signifigant, because it really feels like they didn't try very hard.

The Haruhi half of the episode works quite nicely, though.

Maybe they just don't care about Koizumi.


If my bet on the reasoning behind the chaotic episode order is correct, we are indeed just days away from the final epispode.

It's been a fun ride, and I really hope it gets some more episodes pinned on. If nothing else, they really ought to include the production of the "movie"(maybe it's been saved for season 2?).

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The subs on the longer lines were cut off on either end when I watched it.

I think a big part of the reason that closed space stands out so much in the book is because the book spends most of the time in the first person naration mode and devotes very little to descriptions of any kind. The fact that the closed space is described in detail makes it feel more removed from the real world.

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The subs on the longer lines were cut off on either end when I watched it.

Are you watching it stretched to fill the screen?

Assuming aspect correction, that'd do it, since it's a widescreen transfer.

I think a big part of the reason that closed space stands out so much in the book is because the book spends most of the time in the first person naration mode and devotes very little to descriptions of any kind.  The fact that the closed space is described in detail makes it feel more removed from the real world.


Probably it.

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If my bet on the reasoning behind the chaotic episode order is correct, we are indeed just days away from the final epispode.

It's been a fun ride, and I really hope it gets some more episodes pinned on. If nothing else, they really ought to include the production of the "movie"(maybe it's been saved for season 2?).


Melancholy will run for 14 eps so there's just 1 more ep left. I hope they'll continue the anime for the next volumes.

I'm guessing this episode takes place right before the baseball game and after the class president disappears. Haruhi suddenly spilling her heart out was kinda random though. She fell out of character for apparently no reason, and started babbling existential stuff. Appreciated Koizumi's role in spurring the plot further despite all his babble about "I think therefore I am" kinda talk. Antropic something. :lol:


I think the books mention that Kyon used to be like Haruhi that he wished aliens, espers and time travellers to exist. But one day his rational mind took over and he kinda died off with that 'chidish' though. But this was not shown in the anime yet IIRC. I wonder if Kyon was the initiator of the god-like powers. Is Haruhi an avatar of himself carrying out his inner-wishes very much like how the <Celestials> are avatars of Haruhi's frustration. So is this world created 3 years ago a gigantic closed space created by Kyon which exists parralel to the world outside, and Haruhi is Kyon's <Celestial> ? Yeah, u realise i'm thinking here along the lines of Evangelion, like if Kyon was Shinji and he succeeded in the 3rd impact, this is what would've happened.

Because Kyon more or less remains a mystery, despite being the main protagonist. We know pretty much about Haruhi and the rest but next to nothing about Kyon. So i suspect by the end of the books etc, Kyon becomes central to the incident 3 years ago.


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If my bet on the reasoning behind the chaotic episode order is correct, we are indeed just days away from the final epispode.

It's been a fun ride, and I really hope it gets some more episodes pinned on. If nothing else, they really ought to include the production of the "movie"(maybe it's been saved for season 2?).


Melancholy will run for 14 eps so there's just 1 more ep left. I hope they'll continue the anime for the next volumes.

I'm guessing this episode takes place right before the baseball game and after the class president disappears. Haruhi suddenly spilling her heart out was kinda random though. She fell out of character for apparently no reason, and started babbling existential stuff. Appreciated Koizumi's role in spurring the plot further despite all his babble about "I think therefore I am" kinda talk. Antropic something. :lol:


I think the books mention that Kyon used to be like Haruhi that he wished aliens, espers and time travellers to exist. But one day his rational mind took over and he kinda died off with that 'chidish' though. But this was not shown in the anime yet IIRC. I wonder if Kyon was the initiator of the god-like powers. Is Haruhi an avatar of himself carrying out his inner-wishes very much like how the <Celestials> are avatars of Haruhi's frustration. So is this world created 3 years ago a gigantic closed space created by Kyon which exists parralel to the world outside, and Haruhi is Kyon's <Celestial> ? Yeah, u realise i'm thinking here along the lines of Evangelion, like if Kyon was Shinji and he succeeded in the 3rd impact, this is what would've happened.

Because Kyon more or less remains a mystery, despite being the main protagonist. We know pretty much about Haruhi and the rest but next to nothing about Kyon. So i suspect by the end of the books etc, Kyon becomes central to the incident 3 years ago.



I think in the beginning of ep 2 Kyon kinda mentions all that giving up on expecting Sci Fi to happen in real life thing.

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If my bet on the reasoning behind the chaotic episode order is correct, we are indeed just days away from the final epispode.

It's been a fun ride, and I really hope it gets some more episodes pinned on. If nothing else, they really ought to include the production of the "movie"(maybe it's been saved for season 2?).


Melancholy will run for 14 eps so there's just 1 more ep left. I hope they'll continue the anime for the next volumes.

I'm guessing this episode takes place right before the baseball game and after the class president disappears.

AFK's assembled a timeline that shows what print stories and anime episodes land where, if you'd care to see it.


Baseball game does indeed occur right after the end of the Melancholy arc, whereas Ryoko obviously dies during it.

Haruhi suddenly spilling her heart out was kinda random though. She fell out of character for apparently no reason, and started babbling existential stuff.

Near as I can tell, she was already mopey, she was just hiding it.

And she likes Kyon, whether she admits it or not, so she's more willing to open up to him.

Appreciated Koizumi's role in spurring the plot further despite all his babble about "I think therefore I am" kinda talk. Antropic something.  :lol:

Anthropic principle. Which he demonstrates a gross misunderstanding of.

It basically says that if something must be true for us to exist, the fact that we exist is proof that it is true. So Koizumi's first sentence about it is accurate.

It's NOT saying that the universe was shaped by, created by, or created for our existence, though that's a common misunderstanding of it.

The original sentiment was more along the lines of we shouldn't be surprised that the laws of physics allow life to exist because if they didn't we wouldn't be around.

Everything else is philsophical and religious embellishments on it.


I think the books mention that Kyon used to be like Haruhi that he wished aliens, espers and time travellers to exist. But one day his rational mind took over and he kinda died off with that 'chidish' though. But this was not shown in the anime yet IIRC.

That was back in the introduction of the character, actually. Episode 2 of the anime.

Only he never wished for their existence. As a kid he was sure they DID exist, so there was no need for him to wish they existed. The wish was that he could go on grand adventures with them.

Really, Kyon and Haruhi are very similar.

They both want the world to be a lot diffrent than it is, and unless Koizumi is totally nuts* both realize that it "isn't that way" and "can't possibly be that way"(Muwahahahahaha!!!!!). They just reacted to that realization diffrently.

Kyon basically gave up on life. He's not running around jumping off bridges or anything, but he has no ambition, no dreams, nothing. He just exists. Very depressing character, actually.

Haruhi, on the other hand, refused to admit it. She went the other direction and now she runs around making a spectacle of herself in defiance of what she knows to be reality. That's why she doesn't believe that the SOS Brigade has already fulfilled it's mission, because she's pretty sure it CAN'T fulfill it's mission.

*Koizumi's sanity is important because he provides major insights into Haruhi's mental state. If he actually has no connection with Haruhi whatsoever, then he's just a rambling madman.

But the fact that he actually HAS supernatural powers lends support to the rest of his story, since the HARDEST part to believe is demonstrably true. Unless Kyon is nuts, in which case the entire story is nothing more than a product of his imagination, and it's no diffrent than any other fictional universe except this one has a fictional author created by the real author.

I wonder if Kyon was the initiator of the god-like powers. Is Haruhi an avatar of himself carrying out his inner-wishes very much like how the <Celestials> are avatars of Haruhi's frustration. So is this world created 3 years ago a gigantic closed space created by Kyon which exists parralel to the world outside, and Haruhi is Kyon's <Celestial> ?

That would be an interesting twist. And would actually fit within Kyon's wishes.

He didn't want to BE the star of the story, because they tend to wind up in mortal peril. He wanted to be a sidekick. Which he is.


Of course, he HAS wound up in mortal peril, so that would be a really big "whoops," and seems to contradict the idea that it was his will instead of Haruhi's(we have plausible explanations for why no one's been outed to Haruhi if it was her will that they exist and come to her).

There's other seeds scattered about that imply Haruhi runs the world. Like her ability to sleep through an entire day's worth of classes totally un-noticed.

Some things can be waved off as pure coincidence, but others are a bit harder to do.

Tangental side note: Would Kyon or Haruhi have left the old world when they created a new one? Could they, even if they wanted to?

Anything before 3 years ago is an unknown. No one knows if the old world still exists or if it was annihilated. No one even knows if multiple complete worlds CAN exist.

That's part of why Koizumi's group(or at least, the part he's aligned with) wants to keep Haruhi happy. They don't know for sure that they will continue existence if Haruhi snaps again, so it's better for them if she remains unannoyed, if not exactly happy(which she was until Kyon inspired the SOS Brigade. Is it just me, or does Koizumi sound annoyed when he mentions this?).

And arguably, if she destroys and remakes the world, they won't continue existence even if they're recreated in the new world. It gets into a bit of a philosophical debate. Are you still you if you're destroyed and recreated, or did the old you die and the new you is a distinctly seperate person?

Yeah, u realise i'm thinking here along the lines of Evangelion, like if Kyon was Shinji and he succeeded in the 3rd impact, this is what would've happened.


I hereby declare Eva a plague upon humanity.

Because Kyon more or less remains a mystery, despite being the main protagonist. We know pretty much about Haruhi and the rest but next to nothing about Kyon. So i suspect by the end of the books etc, Kyon becomes central to the incident 3 years ago.



Kyon isn't actually the main character, IMO. The story's told from his perspective, but he's too dull to carry it. Everything revolves around Haruhi.

It's like saying the narrator is the main character. Haruhi's narrator just happens to be a "real person."

You could argue that Kyon is left largely undefined(and a normal human) to let the reader/viewer more readily identify with him. That would help engage the audience in the story more readily.

But personally, I think he's been defined as much as everyone else. He's just such an inherently uninteresting person that it FEELS like he's been left out.

For what it's worth, I gather Kyon DOES wind up taking a trip back to 3 years ago with Mikuru. As for the actual events in that trip... no one's translated it yet, so I dunno.

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Near as I can tell, she was already mopey, she was just hiding it.

And she likes Kyon, whether she admits it or not, so she's more willing to open up to him.

Yeah but a gradual mopeyness would've helped. This is Melancholy ep5 after all. What triggered Haruhi to suddenly open up? Haruhi wanted to know what happened to Ryoko without succeeding much. She walks off disappointed. Kyon was quite bored and asks if he can go home since he knew what happened and felt it was a wild goose chase. Next thing you know she pours her heart out to Kyon, who obviously took it quite by surprise too with nothing to share in response to her.

PS: I do feel like Haruhi sometimes, that i'm just a insignificant speck on this earth and everything i felt special that happened to me was actually happening everywhere else in the world. U know like how your old classmates say our class is the best year ever when every other class is the same.

Anthropic principle. Which he demonstrates a gross misunderstanding of.

It basically says that if something must be true for us to exist, the fact that we exist is proof that it is true. So Koizumi's first sentence about it is accurate.

It's NOT saying that the universe was shaped by, created by, or created for our existence, though that's a common misunderstanding of it.

The original sentiment was more along the lines of we shouldn't be surprised that the laws of physics allow life to exist because if they didn't we wouldn't be around.

Everything else is philsophical and religious embellishments on it.

You're starting to sound like Koizumi. :lol:

That was back in the introduction of the character, actually. Episode 2 of the anime.

Only he never wished for their existence. As a kid he was sure they DID exist, so there was no need for him to wish they existed. The wish was that he could go on grand adventures with them.

Really, Kyon and Haruhi are very similar.

They both want the world to be a lot diffrent than it is, and unless Koizumi is totally nuts* both realize that it "isn't that way" and "can't possibly be that way"(Muwahahahahaha!!!!!). They just reacted to that realization diffrently.

Kyon basically gave up on life. He's not running around jumping off bridges or anything, but he has no ambition, no dreams, nothing. He just exists. Very depressing character, actually.

Haruhi, on the other hand, refused to admit it. She went the other direction and now she runs around making a spectacle of herself in defiance of what she knows to be reality. That's why she doesn't believe that the SOS Brigade has already fulfilled it's mission, because she's pretty sure it CAN'T fulfill it's mission.

Nah i wouldn't think Kyon is that depressing. He's NORMAL, enjoying life NORMALLY. But we normally forget this when everyone around Kyon is NON-Normal. Paranormal even. Haruhi sees something in Kyon, perhaps a kindred spirit, which triggered her enthuthiasm to setup the SOS. There was one very short scene while she talks with Kyon in ep2, where she says "I 've met you before haven't I? " where she just shrugs it off afterwards. Probably something happens when Kyon travels back in time later on where he comes face to face with a younger Haruhi.

*Koizumi's sanity is important because he provides major insights into Haruhi's mental state. If he actually has no connection with Haruhi whatsoever, then he's just a rambling madman.

But the fact that he actually HAS supernatural powers lends support to the rest of his story, since the HARDEST part to believe is demonstrably true. Unless Kyon is nuts, in which case the entire story is nothing more than a product of his imagination, and it's no diffrent than any other fictional universe except this one has a fictional author created by the real author.

And this falls back on existential theory again. XD What actually exists? I don't wanna think. I'm in the office. :lol:

Tangental side note: Would Kyon or Haruhi have left the old world when they created a new one? Could they, even if they wanted to?

Anything before 3 years ago is an unknown. No one knows if the old world still exists or if it was annihilated. No one even knows if multiple complete worlds CAN exist.

That's part of why Koizumi's group(or at least, the part he's aligned with) wants to keep Haruhi happy. They don't know for sure that they will continue existence if Haruhi snaps again, so it's better for them if she remains unannoyed, if not exactly happy(which she was until Kyon inspired the SOS Brigade. Is it just me, or does Koizumi sound annoyed when he mentions this?).

And arguably, if she destroys and remakes the world, they won't continue existence even if they're recreated in the new world. It gets into a bit of a philosophical debate. Are you still you if you're destroyed and recreated, or did the old you die and the new you is a distinctly seperate person?

This one's pretty interesting. Even if the world ended and restarted, would it have mattered to Koizumi? It could've happened 2 seconds ago and he wouldn't even realise it. And is their existence even real? Could they all be just created out of Haruhi's whim and fancy? I think Koizumi will be reaching this kinda dillema later in the series. Then talk about God, omnipotence etc will likely be the theme and it will tie back to existentialism. The old world/new world thing would be similar to Zion from Matrix Revolutions.

But going back to my theory, imagine if this current world they're in is just a BIG closed space which appeared 3 years ago, when Suzumiya is "destroyed" or something happens that she loses her power and the barrier falls, what will happen? Will the world return to normal? Will the world outside cease to exist but instead being overlapped by Haruhi's world?

And should Koizumi even care? Why was he given the knowledge that the <Celestials> are not to be let loose onto the world? Why does he and the ESPERs feel obligated to destroy these things? Why let Haruhi be happy? The simple answer is to "preserve" the current world that they perceive as reality. But they also know that the current world isn't reality and might be the 10th incarnation of the world.

Kyon isn't actually the main character, IMO. The story's told from his perspective, but he's too dull to carry it. Everything revolves around Haruhi.

It's like saying the narrator is the main character. Haruhi's narrator just happens to be a "real person."

You could argue that Kyon is left largely undefined(and a normal human) to let the reader/viewer more readily identify with him. That would help engage the audience in the story more readily.

But personally, I think he's been defined as much as everyone else. He's just such an inherently uninteresting person that it FEELS like he's been left out.

I agree with what you say that he plays the part of narrator as well as a connector to the viewers/readers and portrayed as a boring person like any rational thinking human like u and me. But i do believe that he will eventually play one of the more pivotal roles in the series. I feel that the writer purposely left out alot about him like his name, for reasons that will appear grandoise by the end of the series, not solely as a RPG protagonist. Besides, RPG protagonists (like Chrono who doesn't speak) somehow end up as the centerpiece of a grand scheme. XD

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Nah i wouldn't think Kyon is that depressing. He's NORMAL, enjoying life NORMALLY.


I took an instant and intense dislike to him when he launched into his speech to Haruhi about how only special people could change the world and that everyone should just kick back and enjoy what was set before them insetad of trying to change things(I can't help but wonder if the SOS Brigade was as much to slap Kyon in the face for that pathetic waste of verbosity as actually INSPIRED by it).

He may be normal, but he's a painfully dull normal.

But we normally forget this when everyone around Kyon is NON-Normal. Paranormal even. Haruhi sees something in Kyon, perhaps a kindred spirit, which triggered her enthuthiasm to setup the SOS.

They actually touch upon it a bit more in the book. At least their initial conversations.

Kyon's success in engaging her in conversation seems to have a lot to do with that he doesn't wander into the same generic smalltalk everyone else does. He attempts to engage her on her terms, which is more than the rest of her classmates are apparently willing to do.

*Koizumi's sanity is important because he provides major insights into Haruhi's mental state. If he actually has no connection with Haruhi whatsoever, then he's just a rambling madman.

But the fact that he actually HAS supernatural powers lends support to the rest of his story, since the HARDEST part to believe is demonstrably true. Unless Kyon is nuts, in which case the entire story is nothing more than a product of his imagination, and it's no diffrent than any other fictional universe except this one has a fictional author created by the real author.

And this falls back on existential theory again. XD What actually exists? I don't wanna think. I'm in the office.  :lol:

It's okay if you don't think about work. :D

It's best to assume the narrator of a story is sane and giving a more or less accurate account of events unless the story gives evidence to the contrary.

So far, Kyon's narration meshes with what the rest of the characters say and do. So I assume he's sane.

Tangental side note: Would Kyon or Haruhi have left the old world when they created a new one? Could they, even if they wanted to?

Anything before 3 years ago is an unknown. No one knows if the old world still exists or if it was annihilated. No one even knows if multiple complete worlds CAN exist.

That's part of why Koizumi's group(or at least, the part he's aligned with) wants to keep Haruhi happy. They don't know for sure that they will continue existence if Haruhi snaps again, so it's better for them if she remains unannoyed, if not exactly happy(which she was until Kyon inspired the SOS Brigade. Is it just me, or does Koizumi sound annoyed when he mentions this?).

And arguably, if she destroys and remakes the world, they won't continue existence even if they're recreated in the new world. It gets into a bit of a philosophical debate. Are you still you if you're destroyed and recreated, or did the old you die and the new you is a distinctly seperate person?

This one's pretty interesting. Even if the world ended and restarted, would it have mattered to Koizumi?

Given Koizumi's life got a LOT more complicated 3 years ago, it probably matters more to him than most.

Most of the people in the world just went about like nothing had happened(indeed, they were totally unaware anything happened), but Koizumi and a handful of other people wound up with psychic powers and a host of other issues.

Random book excerpt...

"I don't know what really happened three years ago. All I do know is, I suddenly realized I possessed paranormal powers one day three years ago. I was really scared, I didn't know what to do. Luckily for me, it wasn't long before the 'Organization' took me in, or I would've killed myself thinking something is wrong with my brain."

They had more time to examine things like this, since they weren't limited by the half-hour weekly format.

It could've happened 2 seconds ago and he wouldn't even realise it. And is their existence even real? Could they all be just created out of Haruhi's whim and fancy? I think Koizumi will be reaching this kinda dillema later in the series.

They touch on it in Koizumi's introduction in the book and just barely at the very end of Melancholy.

Koizumi is his usual good-natured self about it. He's apparently of the opinion that if he can't tell, it doesn't matter.

It's an interesting angle to explore, but not feasable with the tone they're going for.

The only way they know it's happened before is by the effects it had. Mikuru's group can't go back to before the Haruhi Bang, and Koizumi & company developed magic powers. Yuki's group just "saw it happen."

But going back to my theory,  imagine if this current world they're in is just a BIG closed space which appeared 3 years ago, when Suzumiya is "destroyed" or something happens that she loses her power and the barrier falls, what will happen? Will the world return to normal? Will the world outside cease to exist but instead being overlapped by Haruhi's world?

Taking the assumptions at face value(though it conflicts with Koizumi's statements that a large closed space would become the "real" world)...

What happens if Haruhi is killed is unknown, and likely to remain that way.

It's even possible she CAN'T be killed. Since she affects reality on a subconcious level, it affects her luck greatly. It could prove very difficult to successfully harm her to any signifigant degree.


That could actually factor into why Ryoko went after Kyon instead of Haruhi(Koizumi's group is the only one that views her as anything akin to a god, so there's no nagging issues about what happens when you kill the creator of your world for Ryoko).

Ryoko's goal was to get Haruhi to do something. Haruhi should react far stronger to a threat on her own life than the death of a friend.

But it could turn out that Ryoko "accidentally brought" the rubber knife instead of the real one. Haruhi laughs, Ryoko laughs while trying to figure out WTF just happened, and everyone goes on with business as usual.

And she didn't rush the SOS Brigade/Literary Club room. She intentionally brought Kyon to her through a roundabout method to ensure no outside involvement. Partially to avoid Yuki trouble I'm sure, but it's also possible she wanted to keep Haruhi uninvolved until after the deed was done.

And should Koizumi even care? Why was he given the knowledge that the <Celestials> are not to be let loose onto the world? Why does he and the ESPERs feel obligated to destroy these things? Why let Haruhi be happy? The simple answer is to "preserve" the current world that they perceive as reality. But they also know that the current world isn't reality and might be the 10th incarnation of the world.

But who knows what Haruhi's next "good idea" would be? The next world could suck for those mere mortals unlucky enough to be caught in Haruhi's path.

Imagine if the closed space golems were running around rampaging in real space.

Relatively speaking, the current world isn't all that bad(if you live in the right nation, which Koizumi does and the various members of his shadowy "agency" all seem to).

And the current world IS reality. Just because one person can alter reality doesn't mean it isn't still real.

I agree with what you say that he plays the part of narrator as well as a connector to the viewers/readers and portrayed as a boring person like any rational thinking human like u and me. But i do believe that he will eventually play one of the more pivotal roles in the series.

Arguably he's the most pivotal character after Haruhi by the end of Melancholy. :D

To say more would spoil it, so...

And I don't think he's boring like any normal person.

I think he's actually another supernatural character, his defining trait is just his awe-inspiring powers of boredom capable of bringing even the strongest of warriors to their knees. Koizumi's crippled esper powers suck by comparison.

Though Yuki still rocks.

I feel that the writer purposely left out alot about him like his name, for reasons that will appear grandoise by the end of the series, not solely as a RPG protagonist. Besides, RPG protagonists (like Chrono who doesn't speak) somehow end up as the centerpiece of a grand scheme. XD


It wasn't originally intended to go beyond the Melancholy arc, so you can guess the writer's intent from that one book.

Kyon's being "nameless" is just because it wasn't really important. The important thing is that everyone calls him Kyon.

And since everyone calls him Kyon, his real name isn't likely to come up. He has no need to refer to himself by name.

Also, Crono DOES speak. The lack of text and lack of voice are diffrent issues entirely.

He's "mute" because the player is meant to edit in his dialogue, thereby making him their avatar in the game world. Though this is hampered by the fact that the player is forced to do what Crono would do instead of Crono being forced to do what the player would do.

The mute protagonist is a lost art, sadly. Alex in Lunar: The Silver Star and Crono in Chrono Trigger were the last high-profile mute RPG protagonists(Zelda is action-adventure, kthx), and they were VERY out of place for the era.

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Awesome episode. ;)

Only bad thing about it was no Yuki action. :(

And pony tail wasn't there for the rest of the conclusion.

PS: Hmmm i wonder if the "Snow White" and "Sleeping Beauty" references point that Haruhi needed to be awakened and all this while she was dormant?

Or maybe is it just a simple clue from Asahina and Yuki for Kyon to give her a kiss so they would wake up from that Closed Space? Hmmm.

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I REALLY didn't want this one to end. Sign of a good show, I suppose.

*crosses fingers for a season 2*

Awesome episode. ;)

Only bad thing about it was no Yuki action. :(

And pony tail wasn't there for the rest of the conclusion.

PS: Hmmm i wonder if the "Snow White" and "Sleeping Beauty" references point that Haruhi needed to be awakened and all this while she was dormant?

Or maybe is it just a simple clue from Asahina and Yuki for Kyon to give her a kiss so they would wake up from that Closed Space? Hmmm.


I think it was the latter. They might not have meant it QUITE so literally, though.

But Mikuru was working off historical records from the future, so she might've meant it directly. She was just being vague to avoid breaking any rules.

And Haruhi gives up on the ponytail totally later(as you can see in the post-Melancholy episodes). Apparently she decided short hair is just plain better.

And we definitely need more Yuki.

*petitions for a Melancholy of Yuki Nagato series*

*kicks Kyon over the glasses thing*

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And all over youtube is Aya Hirano (haruhi's seiyuu)'s videos from her TVCM of "God Knows..." and "Lost My Music".(the songs sung by haruhi during the cultural festival)

Her switch from "moe" normal voice to "mature" singing voice is pretty cool.


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And all over youtube is Aya Hirano (haruhi's seiyuu)'s videos from her TVCM of "God Knows..."  and "Lost My Music".(the songs sung by haruhi during the cultural festival)

Her switch from "moe" normal voice to "mature" singing voice is pretty cool.



oh my god, that voice switch is amazing... her singing voice is damn sexy.

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I'm beginning to think that you guys are only watching it for the dance moves.  :p  :lol:


You said that as if its a bad thing. :rolleyes::p

"Aru Hareta i no kotoo.....mahou ijou no yukai ga..."

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But my mom is nothing like Haruhi....and not exactly MILF material...uhhh...ok let's not go there. XD


Freud doesn't care. He thinks EVERYTHING is about screwing your mother.

But you aren't exactly helping your case with the MILF comment....

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Fantastic ending to a Fantastic show.

And Haruhi gives up on the ponytail totally later(as you can see in the post-Melancholy episodes). Apparently she decided short hair is just plain better.

According to my fiancee, in the novels it was explained that her hair was just too short at the time to wear a pony tail comfortably, so she went back to the other look at least until it had grown out more.

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Fantastic ending to a Fantastic show.
And Haruhi gives up on the ponytail totally later(as you can see in the post-Melancholy episodes). Apparently she decided short hair is just plain better.

According to my fiancee, in the novels it was explained that her hair was just too short at the time to wear a pony tail comfortably, so she went back to the other look at least until it had grown out more.


That's at the end of the first novel, I think.

But she doesn't seem to ever get it out. Day of Sagitarius and Someday in the Rain are 4 months later(I found a timeline yay!). Her hair should have grown out some.

Edited by JB0
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And all over youtube is Aya Hirano (haruhi's seiyuu)'s videos from her TVCM of "God Knows..."  and "Lost My Music".(the songs sung by haruhi during the cultural festival)

Her switch from "moe" normal voice to "mature" singing voice is pretty cool.



Whoa... is that what she naturally sounds like? Sounds almost unreal...

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Hey....is that game they played, "Day Of Sagitarius" a parody of another anime or something? I saw another anime, Keroro Gunsou, that had a parody with the same gnarly looking captain involved in a space battle.

Is it a battleship yamato reference or something?

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Hey....is that game they played, "Day Of Sagitarius" a parody of another anime or something? I saw another anime, Keroro Gunsou, that had a parody with the same gnarly looking captain involved in a space battle.

Is it a battleship yamato reference or something?


There were references to multiple anime, including Gundam, Yamato and Legend of the Galactic Heroes (and probably others).

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