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Kotobukiya Kits Quality


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Hi all, on another forum I visit, someone got a Sandtroper "Corporal" and the paint job is HORRIBLE!!! Does anyone else have this kit or at least the standard "Officer" version of the Sandtrooper. I was curious if he just got a bad paint job or if the weathering on the Sandtroopers is just not that good.

Here is a link to the froum and the pictures of his kit.


He says that he has other Kotobukiya kits and they are fantastic, and I've been planning on getting a few of these kits, including a Sandtrooper, but I just want to make sure that these kits really are as good as they normally appear and that this guy just got a bumb kit.

Also for those interested Kotobukiya will be releasing the long awaited Snowtrooper in the spring!!!


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Hi all, on another forum I visit, someone got a Sandtroper "Corporal" and the paint job is HORRIBLE!!! Does anyone else have this kit or at least the standard "Officer" version of the Sandtrooper. I was curious if he just got a bad paint job or if the weathering on the Sandtroopers is just not that good.

Here is a link to the froum and the pictures of his kit.


He says that he has other Kotobukiya kits and they are fantastic, and I've been planning on getting a few of these kits, including a Sandtrooper, but I just want to make sure that these kits really are as good as they normally appear and that this guy just got a bumb kit.

Also for those interested Kotobukiya will be releasing the long awaited Snowtrooper in the spring!!!



I have all 3 of the Sandtrooper-esque Stormies. The ones with the white, orange, and black shoulder pauldrons. The weathering is awful, IMO. It looks like someone dabbed some cotton into some paint and splotched the armor here and there.

The other last negative is that all 3 of these use the same sets of legs, so having all 3 standing together doesn't bring as much variety in poses.

The positives? The build, detailing, and the subject is what's great. The one with the white pauldron has an E11 Blaster, the orange one has a WWII German MG34 (which was used in ANH also), and the black one has the big 'ol T21 (modified British Lewis Gun).

I couldn't stand the awful attempt at weathering, so I painted over it with white and proceeded to do my own weathering with my moderate modelling skills.

I also have the Scout Trooper. The weathering on it is done very nice compared to the Sandtroopers.

I also preordered the upcoming Snowtroopers. You can't possibly mess up that weathering. Besides, Snowtroopers are cool, despite only being seeing for maybe a minute or two of action in the movies, tops. Plus, the pose of the Snowtrooper looks great.

Edited by Warmaker
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Thanks Warmaker, I posted the same questions in a few other forums and that seems to be the concensus, that the Sandies seem to have HORRIBLE weathering and that removale of or painting over the weathering is the way to go.

Totally Agree about the Snowtrooper. I've always loved them the most out of all the Stormies. Did you ever notice the Snowtrooper commander (the one that Gen. Veers tells "to prepare to debark" his troops) seems to have a solid face mask instead of the cloth one that the others have. Can't wait for the SNOWTROOPER!!!


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Thanks Warmaker, I posted the same questions in a few other forums and that seems to be the concensus, that the Sandies seem to have HORRIBLE weathering and that removale of or painting over the weathering is the way to go.

Totally Agree about the Snowtrooper. I've always loved them the most out of all the Stormies. Did you ever notice the Snowtrooper commander (the one that Gen. Veers tells "to prepare to debark" his troops) seems to have a solid face mask instead of the cloth one that the others have.  Can't wait for the SNOWTROOPER!!!



Didn't notice that one before about the Snowtrooper Lieutenant on the AT-AT.

At the further risk of showing my Star Wars geekiness, that same Lieutenant is the only armor clad Trooper with the officer markings on his chestplate. Even when comparing all the Stormtroopers and Scout Troopers.

Not sure if that was intended or not, but oh well.

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That's cool never noticed that either. The mask thing could be an illusion but it really looks solid. If it isn't I guess it could be cloth but just perfectly smooth. Either way, I've never seen anyone replicate it before. Snowtroopers ROCK!


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  • 11 years later...

Just in case anyone's interested, the latest in Kotobukiya's Frame Arms kit series, the Byakko, is up for preorder

on HLJ: https://hlj.com/product/KBYFA-049

on Hobby Search: http://www.1999.co.jp/eng/10465646

(5800 JPY retail, 4640 JPY on either site)


It's designed by Yoji Shinkawa of Metal Gear Solid and Zone of the Enders fame. You can see the clear similarities to his other designs, especially the head design. And overall, I think it looks a lot like a copyright-safe MG Sahelanthropus from MGSV. Just needs a fuel pod/radome on that left shoulder.

It seems to deviate quite a bit from the standard Frame Arms inner skeleton, as well. I'd be interested to see how much of the original Frame Architect is in there.

Edited by kajnrig
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  • 3 years later...

I've been collecting many of the 52Toys' Beast/MegaBox figures, and when they came out with their Aliens Powerloader, I wanted a properly scaled fig to drive it. Since they used a Hexa Gear fig themselves in various promo pics, I figured I'd do the same. I settled on the Early Governor Vol 3.  I expected to get a complete and painted action figure , but was surprised that she's a kit that needs to be assembled and painted. The promos make her look awesome. I'm not sure my meager skills will render such a nice result, but I'll give it  an honest attempt.

Image result for hexa gear early governor vol 3

Along with EGV3, I got the Steelrain kit as well, as it's a transformable combat helicopter, and just looks equal parts beautiful, futuristic, and menacing. I kinda wish I'd bought a second, different Governor kit, but the little suckers are expensive.  Steelrain is such a lovely design. Looking forward to the build.

Image result for hexa gear steelrainImage result for hexa gear steelrain

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