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Most Anime endings


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Having since been picking up on anime, I am noticing more and more, the closer to the end, the worst it gets? Are the story writers idiotic? I mean, you have a good series and then there isnt a bang but a whisper in the end. Perfect example is Evangelion. My friend was clamoring that how it was the greatest anime. I have to admit the the 1-24 wasnt bad but the last couple of episodes, I had to scratch my head with the WTF in my mind. My friend told me to ignore the last episodes. But I see more and more of the endings such as Najica, FMP, Witch Hunter Robin, etc... the endings are eh, alright but not spectacular. Maybe it is my opinion but some of you seem to agree that the endings are disappointing.

Well I am watching GitS: SAC. Finished the 2nd dvd bt wondering if the ending is like most... blah.

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I totally agree.

Anime endings for me anyway, lump into one of two categories...

1) Floating in goo pondering existence....




Macross Zero

2) They must've run out of money at the last second...

Witch Hunter Robin

OR,they never end :lol:

Inu Yasha

Dragonball Ad Nauseum

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Isn't that three catagories?

Seriously, I think it's the Western mindset that things have to end with the hero riding off into the sunset with the girl, the bad guys conquered, evil destroyed, etc., that warps our perception of Anime endings. Culturally speaking, we Westerners like nice, neat, all loose ends tied up endings that leave no question as to what happened. "And they all lived happily ever after" ends many a fairy tale. When the story deviates from that, I know that I at least feel cheated somehow of a proper ending.

Just my $.02 worth of psychobabble BS at the end of a work day.

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Isn't that three catagories?

Yes, but the third was a joke intended to poke fun at those incredibly popular, and yet totally crap anime series.

And I think what Godzilla is trying to point out is that these days, all too many anime series seem to run great until all of the sudden, they end on a sudden, and totally inconsistent note.

It's like the producers are just running them for as long as they bear monetary fruit, and then ending them with a roll of the dice, and a cookie cutter ending.

Edited by Mechamaniac
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Most series had bad to average endings. Especially tv-series.

But a few stands out with great endings.

Maison Ikkoku -- the benchmark of all endings. Just Perfect. And it's old-school, too.

Kimagure Orange Road movie -- None of that Shin-KOR poo.

Kimi Ga Nozomu Eien -- excellent ending.

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A7's Best Anime Endings

1. Gunbuster

2. RahXephon

3. Figure 17

4. Grave of the Fireflies

5. Azumanga Daioh

6. Macross Plus

7. Macross: Do You Remember Love?

8. Mobile Suit Gundam 0080: War in the Pocket

9. Oh My Goddess!

10. The Wings of Honneamise

A7's Worst Anime Endings (or Non-Endings)

1. Ninja Resurrection

2. Sword for Truth

3. Candidate for Goddess

4. Macross Dynamite 7

5. Nadia: The Motion Picture

6. Neon Genesis Evangelion

7. The End of Evangelion

8. Sin: The Movie

9. Black Lion

10. Hades Project Zeorymer

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But a few stands out with great endings.

Kimagure Orange Road movie -- None of that Shin-KOR poo.

Kimagure Orange Road movie - now theres how to end a romantic anime series, by ripping one of the central characters - and the viewers - heart into little bits and throwing those bits into a wood-chipper... B))

Its an interesting question. In some cases, production difficulties are to blame (Evangelion, His & Her Circumstances). In others, its because no-one wants to slay the golden goose (almost anything with the name "Takahashi" attached [1] with the very hounourable exception of Maison Ikkoku).

Theres also a theory that the beginning of a series should set up the ending, but not the ending that anyone expects - Macross is a good example; we're never in much doubt as to whether or not the good guys will win, but the cost - Roy, most of the Earths population, the love of Minmei - is the thing. Someone I know got very annoyed about the Escaflowne ending, which seemed to be heading towards a really big conflict at the end. Someone else pointed out that the fact that the ending went somewhere else instead was the whole point...

And then sometimes people just write themselves into a hole (the Matrix sequels... :p )

Some of my favourite endings:

Haibane Renmei


Revolutionary Utena TV (not that it made much sense getting there, but I liked the way it ended... )

Nadia of the Mysterious Seas

Future Boy Conan

[1] Please note that I am not having a go here, I love much of Takahashis work.

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Isn't that three catagories?

Seriously, I think it's the Western mindset that things have to end with the hero riding off into the sunset with the girl, the bad guys conquered, evil destroyed, etc., that warps our perception of Anime endings. Culturally speaking, we Westerners like nice, neat, all loose ends tied up endings that leave no question as to what happened. "And they all lived happily ever after" ends many a fairy tale. When the story deviates from that, I know that I at least feel cheated somehow of a proper ending.

Just my $.02 worth of psychobabble BS at the end of a work day.

I don't know, I have watched Asian cinema, and the endings there are, while not always typical hollywood, generally satisfying one way or the other.

I've never seen a Kirosawa movie that had a weak ending. They don't end with a hero on his horse, but they do end "well."

Most anime that I have seen don't. A few do, but most don't (at least not in my experiance).

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Isn't that three catagories?

Yes, but the third was a joke intended to poke fun at those incredibly popular, and yet totally crap anime series.

And I think what Godzilla is trying to point out is that these days, all too many anime series seem to run great until all of the sudden, they end on a sudden, and totally inconsistent note.

It's like the producers are just running them for as long as they bear monetary fruit, and then ending them with a roll of the dice, and a cookie cutter ending.

That is exactly what I am talking about. I am not looking for nicely packaged ending like a fairy tale and they live happily ever after. I am looking for more like the same great things I see during the begining to mid-season. Look at FMP, towards the end where Garon was duping Sosuke and the Mithril team so he can the sub, the story was getting a little bad. It made it even worse how they portray Americans because they obvious think we are the police man of the world which I think we are not. But that is another debate. The only thing I have a problem is the mystical Lambda drivers that the AS on both sides have. Regardless I enjoy these animes but I feel like I want more in the ending.

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I totally agree.

Anime endings for me anyway, lump into one of two categories...

1) Floating in goo pondering existence....




Macross Zero

I second this list but you can also add Boogiepop Phantom to that (concerning Toka anyways) and Dangaioh!!!!

2) They must've run out of money at the last second...

Witch Hunter Robin

Does endings like Trigun count?

Edited by Jemstone
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2) They must've run out of money at the last second...

Witch Hunter Robin

Does endings like Trigun count?

I don't feel qualified to comment on Trigun since I have never actually seen ALL of it from beginning to end.

But, from what I have seen, it seems like it ends pretty well. They at least seem to build up to it pretty well. ?

I also think it's important to point out that this only seems to happen with the newer series. Like alot of the stuff from the mid 90's leading up to present day.

The worst letdown for me was Witch Hunter Robin. That series was great right up until the ending, which you never saw coming, and in the end was treated just like any other episode, but leaving you with a completely ambiguous, crapass ending.

"I guess Robin and Amon are just out there......somewhere........" WTF?!?!?!

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I totally agree.

Anime endings for me anyway, lump into one of two categories...

1) Floating in goo pondering existence....




Macross Zero

2) They must've run out of money at the last second...

Witch Hunter Robin

OR,they never end :lol:

Inu Yasha

Dragonball Ad Nauseum

I haven't read one post from Mechamaniac that hasn't made himself look like a complete idiot.

Just my opinion. :rolleyes:

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I guess it's better for you to see Trigun's ending before you discuss it.

I've seen the ending, but only on CN, not the original, and never enough of the series continuously to really get a feeling for how good or bad the ending was.

I like Trigun, and would like to get it on DVD, but they want too damn much for that box set, and I'd rather not support the bootleggers since the R1 is available.

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I guess it's better for you to see Trigun's ending before you discuss it.

I've seen the ending, but only on CN, not the original, and never enough of the series continuously to really get a feeling for how good or bad the ending was.

But it doesn't sound like you've really seen the parts that really deal with Knives' psyche and the means he will go to in order to achive his goal which make the ending is just inadequate. Especially considering Vash's final decision.

I like Trigun, and would like to get it on DVD, but they want too damn much for that box set, and I'd rather not support the bootleggers since the R1 is available.

Well, Geneon is reissuing the series for cheaper under the "Siganature Series" label. Try for that when they are all out and get it as a cheap set.

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On the contrary, I've felt that the anime I've watched has had many good endings, and one of the things I really like about the japanese mentality(at least in terms of animation) is that things are set out for a set period of time, and they end. Far too often in American media they go on without a set period in sight, and either get cancelled too early, resulting in no ending, or go on so long that the story is tainted and any ending is a pale remainder of how good the show was in its golden years. The X-Files is a perfect example of a show that went on far longer than it was supposed to and resulted in a very poor ending that did little more than rehash clips from the classic years of the show. (although I must say that there is one that stands out to me that breaks the mold - Seinfeld, which ended when Jerry Seinfeld could have easily sold out and gone on for a few more years, and had a great ending which brought a main theme of the series to fruition in an ironic manner) I can't speak about live action japanese shows as I haven't seen them, but that is one thing I really like about the majority of anime, that they have an actual ending that usually comes at a good point and wraps things up appropriately. It doesn't always result in a very well written ending, but is better than what seems to be the norm in America, no ending to speak of most of the time.

As for my favorite endings...

Cowboy Bebop

End of Evangelion

Space Runaway Ideon

Galaxy Express 999(the movie, haven't finished tv series)


Serial Experiments Lain

Char's Counterattack

Mobile Suit Gundam

Fooly Cooly

And ones I don't like...

Evangelion TV

Candidate for Goddess

Outlaw Star

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Bebop's ending is awesome! Best i've seen i think.

Other good ones would be

Crest Of The Stars series (though i heard a 4th installment in the works)

Azumanga Daioh

Excel Saga

Uchu no Stellvia

Vandread (whatever happened to supposed sequel?)

Macross DYRL/SDF


Saishuu Heiki Kanojo

and sorry but i think Kimi Ga Nozumo Eien is typical J/K/HK-drama fare. I can't see why this hentai game converted into anime is so hyped up about. Akane Maniax, now this rocks! Nyahaha! :D

Edit: I shall update the list as I remember stuff

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Personally, I didn't care for Nadia's ending (I was forewarned about the Movie so I skipped it entirely). To me, the story just sort of ran off the road into a ditch, then they conjured up a lot of FX to distract you from the mess.

I realize some might feel that way about M0, but not me. I really have no major complaints about the pacing or ending, although I'd rather they'd been a little more subtle with Nora and Ivanov's characterizations.

M7 Dynamite doesn't really count since it's not so much an ending as an extension/side story/little bit of silliness. (Besides, I kind of like it, if for nothing else than the girl who sings one of Basara's songs in the local language.)

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Ten Good Endings

1) Full Metal Alchemist

2) Gundam Wing: Endless Watlz

3) End of Evangelion

4) SDF: Macross TV

5) Mobile Suit Gundam 0080 War in the Pocket

6) Magic Knight Rayearth

7) Sailor Stars

8) Sailor Moon Live Action

9) Fushigi Yuugi (Second OVA series)

10) Aim for the Top

Ten BAD Endings

1) Rayearth OVA

2) Fushigi Yuugi 1st OVA

3) Fushigi Yuugi 3rd OVA

4) Battle Athletes Victory

5) Evangelion TV series

6) Sakura Taisen TV

7) Hellsing

8) Dangiaoh

9) X the movie

10) Rose of Versailles (havn't got to the end yet, but I assume Marie dies? that's sad! ;p) EDIT: just so we know it's a joke J/K

Edited by lord_breetai
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yeah... kimangure orange road had cool moody endings, nice songs too. pure 80's

especialy the one with sweet memories pith puzzle animation. I remember I watched that in the morning in summer holidays. Morning light shining into the room..

Then I also love the endings from sonic soldier borgman, with some heavy rock music and a nice view of the city

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I think ALOT of animes bad, ugly, nasty, or just plain LAME endings come from the dual fact that it was taken from a still unended manga.....



Love Hina

MSA Abenobashi

Mahou Sensei Negima (oh come on you know this one will be bad)

Bleach (oh come on you know this one will be bad)


...were just poorly tranlated into anime to begin with....



Love Hina

Exceptions to these are not many and most seem to be OVA's.....


the Aliennine OVA

the Haibane-Renmei OVA

the Crest of the Stars/BannerOTS&BOTSII OVAs

Of course it doesn't help that many english speaking people have been brought up with the 'good guy must win' style of writing.

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I think ALOT of animes bad, ugly, nasty, or just plain LAME endings come from the dual fact that it was taken from a still unended manga.....



Love Hina

MSA Abenobashi

Mahou Sensei Negima (oh come on you know this one will be bad)

Bleach (oh come on you know this one will be bad)

... I like Trigun's ending... and Sailor Stars ended befor the manga and had a good ending... and so did FMA. oooh...

I know. X the movie (that manga's still going on so it probably applies to the TV series to.

must edit original post to put in X the movie.

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What about the last episode to Berserk: Some people were like, "What the hell..."

But then again theres the Manga that you can contiue off from...

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What about the last episode to Berserk: Some people were like, "What the hell..."

But then again theres the Manga that you can contiue off from...

Well, Berserk was, admittedly, cut short due to finances.

It's a pity, too. The Manga was impressive.

EDIT: Wasn't Hellsing in that boat, too? From what I recall, the (OVA?) was quite enjoyable. IIRC, the person behind the manga decided he did not like the animated treatment given to his work, so he cancelled all the further releases.

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What about the last episode to Berserk: Some people were like, "What the hell..."

But then again theres the Manga that you can contiue off from...

Well, Berserk was, admittedly, cut short due to finances.

It's a pity, too. The Manga was impressive.

EDIT: Wasn't Hellsing in that boat, too? From what I recall, the (OVA?) was quite enjoyable. IIRC, the person behind the manga decided he did not like the animated treatment given to his work, so he cancelled all the further releases.

oh I got... it... the perfect non-ending-you-need-to-read-the-manga-which-was-not-then-in-english


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Bad endings:

Blue Gender

Witch Hunter Robin


wolf's rain

I don't get how some didn't like the ending for Evangelion the TV series but liked the movies ending. They both reach the same conclusion.

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I haven't read one post from Mechamaniac that hasn't made himself look like a complete idiot.

Just my opinion. :rolleyes:

please keep your hands inside the tour bus at all times, and don't feed the trolls. :rolleyes:

seriously tho.. the guy/thing has poo poo for brains..

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