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That is the Power Puff Girls. Those are the Roudy Ruff Boys just so you know. That is nothing, on Megas XLR last Saturday, the front part of the SDF came out of The Megas and blasted some robot. I don't have a pic of it, but someone might. Sorry if that was a rerun and people have already seen it.

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Nope, that was a new episode on Saturday.

I had to brighten up some of these to make them easier to see...




:lol::lol::lol: I missed that one :lol::lol:

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that jet actually looks alot like one of the cobra jets from gijoe.

i dunno what it was called but it looked alot like that.

those macross cannons are pretty unmistakeable though!

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ROFL! go the sdf!

they jus cant help themselves hehe, face it, macross fans everywhere :D

like, just watch any dragonball Z episode and listen to them fly off. :rolleyes:

yeh i was lucky to hav a digi cam around for these pics : P sumthin about the

princess hires or asks the PP Girls to man her mecha/vehicles to take on the RR Boys.

not only did she rip off the YF-19 but also a Tron Tank, and some speed boat :p:ph34r:

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What the heck is it with all these Macross knockoffs? :lol:

Who cares, it's cool!

Basically this is the culmination of guys from my generation who watched the first Robotech airings fanatically, and got hooked on it, or found Macross as a result.

Now those guys are 30 something, and are producing new animated TV shows and putting homages in to their old favorites.

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uhhhrk, drop it ffs.

for the ppl too tight arsed and un-knowledgeable in the art of expression, <_<

... the extra (11one) after a few "!!'s" is to express a higher form of "WOOO! LOOKIE!"

is it that hard to see? :lol:

hmm nevermind.. :ph34r:

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uhhhrk, drop it ffs.

for the ppl too tight arsed and un-knowledgeable in the art of expression, <_<

... the extra (11one) after a few "!!'s" is to express a higher form of "WOOO! LOOKIE!"

is it that hard to see? :lol:

hmm nevermind.. :ph34r:

So why not just use exclamation marks, like we have in the English right up until the 21st century?

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uhhhrk, drop it ffs.

for the ppl too tight arsed and un-knowledgeable in the art of expression, <_<

... the extra (11one) after a few "!!'s" is to express a higher form of "WOOO! LOOKIE!"

is it that hard to see? :lol:

hmm nevermind.. :ph34r:

*bangs head*

I'm sorry, but in most places I talk to people online, the whole "!!11111oneone" thing is to make fun of people that put extra exclamations, and especially the ones that let go of shift while they do it. It is an almost universal sarcasm flag.

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it's all a bit of fun thats all :D nothing more nothing less.

i'll type the way i want to, no matter how far up people r of themselves. ;)


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lol :D

Trainee you seriously need to learn proper grammar and how type real words if you ever want to be taken seriously in the real world.

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lol  :D

Trainee you seriously need to learn proper grammar and how type real words if you ever want to be taken seriously in the real world.

Also, around here we have a little rule to where you listen to Arnold. Now's your turn:



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mate... who cares?

first of all this thread is not a "serious" thread.

i provided a couple of cool pics of a ripped YF-19 from a pp/girls episode.

it was meant to provide a couple of laughs. :lol: < -- u know "haha" :blink:

:rolleyes: an then all i get is a couple of spelling drones having a go at something so trivial, it makes them look like f'n tards. seriously get a life :)

i ani't the one startin this shi.. whos the more mature?

you are all alike, little whingers with nuthin else better to do than shoot sumone down for not abiding by the grammar bible. and for the record your opinions are trvial to me, jus as your post count is. noob i may be but a macross fan i AM.

dunt shoot yer fellow peeps down. it ani't cricket ;)

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uh, minny.... using words like that only speaks of your level of intelligence, or lack thereof. l33+ sp33k isn't very well thought of here, except for in rare instances (and when used sparingly at that!). Most of us consider it very immature.

As an educator in today's world, it really irks me to see the younger generation relying on this stupid abbreviation stuff on the net

(for example)

U= you

RU= Are you

2= to, too

and the list goes on. Regardless of where you are or what you are doing, there are people that are offended by that. Take the time to spell out complete thoughts. People today think they can get away with piss-poor spelling habits online and expect to get away with it everywhere else. Seriously... in some of the younger members here (and on other boards as well) there are spelling habits I would FLUNK. One word every now and then is understandable, we all make mistakes, but we ALL get/got basic schooling, we all KNOW how to spell. As the generations that will soon be running the world, I think it incumbent upon us to play the part of people who actually have a clue. REGARDLESS of where you are from.

Speak well and your opinions will be respected. Trash your posts up with assinine abbreviations and well, you'll get people like "Arnold" saying you're "teh suck" (spelled like that on purpose). Not to mention, noob status really already places you on a lower holding when you try to debate a long-standing member's philosophy on something.

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Despite a few spelling dramas am i really worth being treated like crap?

this forum iz teh sux.

u as a f'n teacher... hah, i would expect an up'ur'self kinda post like that anyways.

i don't need to post an watch my back from all you tools. me dunt care one bit. im free from your trivial views

ppl here take their post count too seriously, mistaking it as a justifiable reason

to trash somebody, an maybe compensating for something small or "lack there of" in their panties. :lol:

wake up an smell the protoculture. u ani't worth Zentran poo poo.

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:rolleyes: an then all i get is a couple of spelling drones having a go at something so trivial, it makes them look like f'n tards.  seriously get a life  :)

Fact: We can't see your face, hear your voice, smell your odor, or anything else. All we have to go on is A. what you type, anbd B. how you type it.

Type something that appears to be related to english, and you look smart.

Type something that more closely resembles the hammerings of a drunken baboon on a typewriter, and you look... well, not smart.

You can't spell.

You can't capitalize.

You can't punctuate.

You can't even pick up on sarcasm based on your use of the old "!11oneone" joke in a manner other than making fun of yourself.

How WE look like "f'n tards" for asking you to communicate in a manner resembling that of a human being is beyond me.

dunt shoot yer fellow peeps down. it ani't cricket wink.gif

Fortunately, I am not your "peep."

I would be a very sad person indeed if I could count you among my peers.

Edit: Why do you keep prattling on about post count? So far you're the only person to make even indirect reference to it. Your post count is not your penis length. It is not your intellect. It is not your worth as a human being. It's just how often you shoot your mouth off.

I've seen people with thousands of posts that I wouldn't pay attention to for 2 seconds because they were raving morons. And people with less than a dozen posts that I respected immensely because they actually had something intelligent to say.

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ohh but i did pick the sarcasm up, why cant u see mine? ohh thats right. coz your post count is larger than mine... ohh dear! whats the matter? feeling a little bored? ohh i know! lets hav a crack at the poor lil noobie! ohhh we are BIG burly menz aren't we? ohh yes i feel very powerful today! : D ohh NOES! my dear and beloved dictionary is not picking up these undescribed nooby words.. OHH NOES! what is a little f'r like uz to dooz?

1. don't care

2. your a dick

3. a macross fan is a macross fan, don't trash em.

lol, man thx for the entertainment :lol:

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