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Everything posted by m0n5t3r

  1. i can't forget that one guy who mutilated his v.1 VF-25F's legs just so it can have a decent GERWALK mode stance.
  2. here's a small .mp4 for phone/psp - http://www.nyaa.eu/?page=torrentinfo&tid=256843
  3. check the joints for the arms (the ones that connect to the shoulder and to the arm cannons)... a couple on mine has cracks where the hollow pin is inserted. it doesn't really affect the toy atm, but seeing as how people here b!tched about the cracked shoulder hinges on the Yamato v.2, i thought it worth mentioning. at least Yamato remedied the problem and provided replacements. i might just go with you on this one and wait 'til Bandai's hold on the Frontier license expires... i have to avoid this thread and other Bandai DX valk threads though, lol.
  4. it's more the overall fit of the different parts of the 0A Shin that's bad... esp when you compare it to how solid the v.2 VF-1s feel. As for the shoulders, i've been really careful with mine when i transform it, so no issues so far. I also loosened the screws for the shoulders for good measure. aside from the shoulders here are some of the other problems with the VF-0 series: 1. droopy front fuselage in fighter mode - chronocidal documented how to disassemble the nose/cockpit part and then bend the die-cast slide bar upward slightly in the "What's wrong with my Yamato, Bandai etc" thread. 2. the connection between the upper thigh tabs to the chest lerx part is very loose in fighter mode. you can use super glue or nail polish to tighten the tab connection. 3. the lower leg tabs that connect to the backpack in fighter mode also doesn't lock in very well. - this i've given up on. EDIT - 4. almost forgot... it's a pain in the @ss to keep the missiles on the wing hard points. on a side note, i recently just discovered that the neck of the VF-0 toys are actually extendable. good luck with your 0A Shin. i love mine, but it's really just a display piece and not really a toy you can play around with.
  5. 720p is up - *double checks to make sure* - http://www.nyaa.eu/?page=torrentinfo&tid=256066
  6. that sucks... and here i was hoping that the design of the toy isn't the only thing they picked up from how Yamato does things.
  7. nah... i still hate that huge gap between the intakes and the chest more than the collar (which has been corrected on the newer v.2s, whether intentionally or not...) ...if i could only have one... definitely the VF-1D (w/ the neck piece + seats add-on) for a nostalgia junkie like me.
  8. great pics alchemo! i noticed that the hip-to-lerx tabs are disconnected in your 3rd GERWALK pic... is that as far as the nose can dip in GERWALK? i remember people kept complaining about the v.1 landing gears and now that the v.2 has nice ones, there are no shots of it from MW members? still crossing my fingers for a non-tamashii web exclusive bundled pack for all the main VF-25s. and yeah, nice new banner, flashback Minmei and VF-4 ftw!
  9. maybe it's because this is Macross World and everybody's happy with their Yamato VF-1s... but i'm just wondering why nobody is suggesting a Masterpiece Skyfire/Jetfire... i would surely want a MP version that looks exactly like in the original cartoon (just like MP Rodimus looks almost exactly like he did in the movie). Make it as big (or bigger) as the MP-01!
  10. nice pics ff95gj! how the heck were you able to keep the v.1 SPs on long enough to take that shot!?!?! now time to change your avatar from v.1 to v.2!
  11. awesome!... no screw holes (esp. for the legs) FTW!
  12. coz it's the only YF-29 transforming toy that's available atm. i'm sure there are a lot of people willing to overlook certain flaws just to have at least one of every kind of VF that's available in toy form (1/60 in particular)... sad but true. the DVD/Bluray release of the 2nd MacF Movie is drawing near... re-issue of this might be possible...
  13. yep. that's exactly what i do with my newer v.2s... i only slide up the forward fuselage up until its horizontally lined up with the grey neck piece. with the older ones, even if you don't slide the fuselage all the way up, a good portion of it still shows but definitely not up to the canopy hinge. as for this, i don't think Yamato will do an all new 1/60 VF-1 line ever again... i'm perfectly happy with all my v.2 that i wouldn't re-buy any even if it is an improved version. they should just make all the non-canon schemes that i know everyone here is wishing for (stealth, flanker etc. etc.). ...but they could be making an improved 1/48 version and continue the line where they left off...
  14. for me the collar only shows for the 1/60 v.2s with the old crotch. all the "new crotch" v.2s that i have barely show any "collar", even if i lock the chestplate all the way down.
  15. that's gotta be the shortest reply i've ever seen from Lurker here...
  16. that's why i prefer ratchet joints... just let the buyers know the max number of detents a certain ratchet joint has... esp. when every other recent valk Yamato has made has 4-5 detents for the thigh joint and then limit the VF-19's to only 3 detents.
  17. i don't mind the ball joint ankles if only they put some meat on those skinny ankles... as it is now, it looks like the chunky lower leg of the VF-19 is connected to its foot by just bone. if they can include those fillers for the back of the thighs maybe they can include something for those ankles.
  18. nah... i say keep em coming. complaining, overly scrutinizing and panicking is the Macross World way.
  19. i thought i had seen the last of that picture! yeah, ff95gj is right... get em both... get one now and get the other one later... and another one later... and another one later... and another one later... so you can display 'em like this: and do this:
  20. that kit's proportions reminded me of this pic: i wish someone would make a bigger scale toy with at least half of the details and panel lines that wave kit has.
  21. after seeing that, people might start complaining that Yamato valks don't have curved up wings.
  22. more MP-10 http://higekumatoytoy.blog60.fc2.com/blog-entry-1262.html http://higekumatoytoy.blog60.fc2.com/blog-entry-1266.html http://higekumatoytoy.blog60.fc2.com/blog-entry-1263.html i didn't know roller was the one responsible for the trailer when Prime transforms. i'm not digging MP-10's eyes.
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