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Everything posted by m0n5t3r

  1. i wouldn't ever want to wish anything bad on anyone BUT... if Graham didn't get cracked shoulder hinges on his GBP VF-1J, we would never have gotten those replacement parts that Yamato gave him. I wish there would be someone on this board that is connected with Bandai since i also have a couple of their products that have cracked plastic parts that are very similar to the cracked shoulder hinges of the early v.2 VF-1s... but i think they really just don't care anymore coz they even discontinued their one-time replacement part request policy sometime ago (w/c i was able to utilize of a SHCMPro that i have). my YF-19 is fine since its an "old box" reissue with fixed gunpod and rear landing gears.
  2. i have a 1/48 1J and 1/60 v.2 Focker that i transform constantly. all my other 1/60 v.2s i transformed once or twice and just display them in the mode that i like, i.e. Max TV 1A in battroid since its bad-ass in that mode and fighter-mode looks bland. My VF-1D i transform occasionally since I love all three modes (very nostalgic valk for me... I would buy another one if it is ever reissued). VF-X and VE-1 - never transformed since i only like em in fighter mode... VT-1 - up to half-GERWALK transformation only, just like in the movie. as for the Mac+ valks, i hate transforming the YF-21 and i absolutely love the easy transformation of the VF-11B.
  3. ditto... i hope this doesn't mean that the armor will become an exclusive. will wait for 25S bundled with armor... that's what you say now...
  4. Renato should have something to say about this topic...
  5. i guess the main reason why I (and probably others too) keep my YF-21 in fighter mode is that I just can't stand how skinny the legs and small the feet are when displayed next to another 1/60 VF, like the YF-19. Displayed on its own or beside another 21 or VF-22S, its tolerable... and in GERWALK it looks okay. Plus i loath transforming the the damn thing and getting those legs to line up properly in fighter mode... which is why I have the GN-U YF-21. if there ever will be a v.3 YF-19, i would definitely buy one... the v.2's gullet does bother me a little. I'll be keeping the v.3 in fighter mode beside the YF-21, since it will most probably look best in that mode sans the gaps that the v.2 has. I'll keep the old one in battroid mode since I actually like how tall it is.
  6. there are eight of us!?! @ OP - hope you get to settle you problem with AE... get your money back at least.
  7. hope... the G-man can convince Yamato to make this and that there is enough demand to justify a mass produced toy version.
  8. nobody's wondering why this is in the models section? crap, if Yamato makes this and goes the HDP route...
  9. bet the VF-1J will be sold out the fastest and the VF-1S will have a lot of stocks left over. man, i wish i had even just a smidge of painting talent. if they were able to mould the optional parts in grey, why not the whole valk... wasn't there a non-painted built one sold a year ago?
  10. people don't just think it, it actually does suck... it's not a figment of anybody's imagination. heck, even the speculators and hoarders will admit and say - "heh, it sucks for you, but you have no choice but to get it from me now at the price that i dictate..."
  11. i hate speculators.... and hoarders... and when toy companies enable these speculators and hoarders.
  12. slow day... was browsing my pics folder... here's a couple i haven't posted here and some old favorites.
  13. ahh... i've been eyeing the one at Festi for quite awhile... hehe. mind PMing me the price Malvs gave it to you for? you might change your mind about the sound boosters once you successfully sell off your other "stuff"...
  14. congrats on the purchase bro... did you get the one at GT Festi? i'm still playing the waiting game myself... ...wating for the 19P.
  15. after realizing what "that" is made this ep even more of a classic imo
  16. now that was a great episode! loved it from start to finish. Panthro's size and demeanor really put Lion-O's youth and immaturity in perspective (for me). He looks so small and inexperienced next to Panthro esp. when
  17. i also couldn't lock it in at first, but i tried again and it does lock in securely... just push it back in firmly and there's a click to know that its locked in. hope that helps.
  18. awesome pics as always... first time i've seen the 2nd and 3rd pic... great angles. ran out of flightpose stands is why i was forced to use the stock stand... but i might free one up to go for that 2nd pic pose. awesome.
  19. i managed to do a wheelie pose using whatever's included with the base stand. i'll be displaying it like this for a while.
  20. i'm wondering where the "more" is for the YF-29... the 27's restocks came out like a month after its initial release... i'm worried that Bandai might become more conservative with the production numbers for the v.2 (thinking that v.1 owners might not want to double dip) which will drive prices up even more... the current JPY exchange rate alone is making me think twice before purchasing anything new.
  21. whew! thanks for that info... sorry for jumping the gun with the rant... blame >EXO< for that!
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