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Everything posted by eggy99

  1. You forget that Bandai deliberately limit the number of units retailers can order, so they can't even stock up anyway, let alone order enough units to satisfy their customer base. It only happened with the Yama 1/48 because they just keep upping the production numbers as retailers request more stock.
  2. I love the Strike, and even without a Striker pack it looks bad ass. It's too bad I don't like how this one is presented. The weird different shades of grey (warm and cool mixed together... bleh), gold instead of yellow, and the over use of chromed diecast. Not to my taste unfortunately. I'd be happy if they released a colour variant like they did for the 00 Gundam that fixes the use of warm and cool greys, but that wouldn't fix the over use of diecast on the decorative accents. It would make sense for a deactive version to be released as a TWE release.
  3. eggy99

    Macross figures

    Yup the face is a bit off. Kitz prototype is better. It remains to be seen if the mass produced is the same quality.
  4. @spannerwill use the DX TV 1A Max for his triumphant return to Macross collecting.
  5. eggy99

    Hi-Metal R

    So who did it better? Yamarcadia or Bandai?
  6. They definitely need to retool and beef up the pilot figure for Kakizaki then. Hahaha!
  7. Dang! We all thought it would be 1S Focker/TV Hikaru to coincide with Super Packs. I'm in for 1 TV Max for sure! Looks like DX Chogokin is concentrating on SDFM first instead of mixing it up with DYRL. Personally I only want SDFM units. LOL! Still no ejection warning symbols! Looks Iike an September release! 1 DX VF-1 every 9 months!!!
  8. Love the input from everyone here. And Congratulations @HardlyNever. I'd love to be able to get a chunky for my son. He's very artistic and creative, and he loves all the hands on stuff. I think he really have a blast learning how to transform a chunky. Now the hard part is finding a cheap bootleg in Australia. Nigh impossible for cheap. I researched the Toynami 100s but they're still pretty pricey after shipping. Local retailers also selling for a good mark up too AUD$90. Eeep! I think I'll definitely have to give him my Revoltechs if he shows continued interest. He does really latch on to the things I'm interested in. He loves to watch me play Monster Hunter World, and also loves Initial D (the Eurobeat really does it for him). I love watching him pretend to be a monster. Haha @Shizuka the Cat my 2 yr old daughter is just like a typical girl. Dolls, soft toys. It's so funny because we didn't push these things on her. She just gravitated to them herself. I do encourage her to play the same toys as her brother, but she doesn't show extended interest. Maybe she's still too young.
  9. Good point about the older siblings. My brother is 7 years my senior so that could be why I was watching Robotech so young, plus being the 3rd child my parents were already over the very hands on parenting from my older brother and sister. I did entertain buying a chunky monkey but it's difficult to find a really cheap one. I think my favourite part of watching the episode with my son is when he exclaimed, "hey that's the one you have!". Amazing he could recognise the VF-1J under the GBP. Holy cow! I gotta get him watching G1 Transformers now. Hahaha! He has some tiny transformers he was gifted from relatives, but since he's never watched it, there's been no connection for him. Slippery slope!
  10. So I really want to get my 5 year old son into Macross (via Robotech), and want to know if anyone else has shared their love for Macross with their young children and what they recommend as suitable relatively cheap toys. It's funny because currently my wife and I allow our son watch very wholesome programming which include teaching and lessons, like PJ Masks, Rusty Rivets etc, but I look back at my childhood and I was watching Robotech when I was 5 years old! We're so scared of allowing my son to watch contentious violent programming least he become violent, but if I didn't become a violent dangerous person, why do I fear the same for my son??? Anyway with that I allowed my son to watch 1 episode of Robotech (original edited aired version - "Miss Macross") over the weekend and he loved it. Later in the day he was playing with his toy cars, and pew pewing the another set of cars and explained to me that the good guys had lasers and the bad guys had cannon balls. Wow, he was reenacting what he had seen in that episode (and it's the episode Rick takes the GBP on patrol - such a great episode!), plus mixing in some pirate themes he had picked up from somewhere else. So now I want to provide a VF-1 for him to play with, knowing that he is pretty rough with his toys. I thought about the Yamato GN-U Dou, or Toynami Super Poseable lines, but those are impossible to find now. 2nd option is the Revoltech VF line, and I actually own the 1J, 1S and a custom 1A Max in storage. I do cherish them, but I'm slowly accepting that they'd be well loved by my son - more so than me as they sit in storage. Of course I have to accept that they may get completely busted up, but that's what kids toys are for, and as my wife says - if his toys are busted up it means he loves those ones the most as you can clearly see they've been played with a lot. Would love to hear from other parents with young kids.
  11. eggy99

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    It's tragic when ever I see a valk suffer a such a break. Hope you can get a replacement or refund.
  12. eggy99

    BANDAI DX YF-19!!

    Perhaps you were sold the that was returned to Amazon by @onnasake. That was returned as damaged so it shouldn't have been returned as New. @onnasakecan provide more about it.
  13. Fortunately for me I only purchased the VF-31F, and then sold it shortly after as I didn't like it, so no Delta valks in my collection.
  14. Char Zaku is great, but not ¥21,800 great. I'll wait for my work to get it in and make decision based on my finances and other commitments. If we don't order it then the decision is out of my hands. I'd probably prefer to put aside funds for the eventual DX VF-1S or FAST packs.
  15. eggy99

    Macross figures

    The sales speak for themselves on their popularity. Ranka and Sheryl figures historically sell very well. Walkure so far have not sold as well as Sheryl or Ranka, which is why Bandai just abandoned the Sh Figuarts of the other 3 Walkure members and Mirage. If they were actually popular we'd be seeing lots of SQ prize figures and Ichiban Kuji being pumped out like Sheryl and Ranka still are. Why aren't they popular? For me I don't feel any the female protagonists in Delta are highly likeable. Sure they're visually well designed, but just don't have that strong characters. None of them are as likeable as Sheryl or Ranka. Plus you've got 6 girls for people to label as their "best girl" and clearly Mikumo and Freyja aren't on par with Sheryl and Ranka. Macross tried to catch some of that idol madness that sprouted from Love Live, and it didn't work for them.
  16. They need to improve the paint detail on their female faces if they're going to do Morrigan justice.
  17. I wonder if that is the one I returned although my box was perfect when I returned it. Some else’s return?
  18. We can already know how it will compare to MB line since it’s already been released twice before . This is a 3rd release of this toy, but with new markings. I suspect there will not be any changes to the mold. Its a solid toy with excellent articulation, detailing, and gimmicks. I wouldn’t say it’s better than the MB line, but it’s definitely at the same level. It’s leagues better than everything else that came before it in the GFFMC line.
  19. Stupid expensive. Gotta sell some organs for that 0D PF. Bandai has all my business now. Also would be annoying if hips still not fixed. Assume they would have the 0S hip fix. You never know though.
  20. My prediction: 1S Roy, no missiles A few months later TWE Super Packs I’m interested to see how they tuck the 1S head under the body for a super flushed look like the 1J.
  21. Strangely I felt the same on my other ones. It didn’t feel natural to push it back down as there was some resistance. On this one I just thought I’d try a little bit harder, because logically it’s all designed flush when it’s closed so I can’t understand why it wouldn’t recess again when open. Here might be some build differences between units where the joint isn’t perfectly straight so it catches when open and won’t recess. I’ll need to try on my other 2. I put them back into the boxes again so I’ll look at them over the weekend.
  22. You may remember I had 1 with a defective wing flap. I have fantastic news. I contacted Amiami about it and went through the procedure to report defective items. Amiami replaced the item free of charge. They covered the return shipping and shipping of the replacement. Today I received my replacement and it’s the best one of my 3 units. I put it through a complete transformation to check for any faults and it looks great! All tampo complete. Joints all working correctly. Wing flaps not defective and no weird scratch markings next to the ordinance slots. also perfectly straight wings! My other 2 have misaligned wings when folded. I also wanted to show that the tow bar can in fact be angled more than 90 degrees. Once the front door is open you need to push it back in. There will now be enough clearance. To close, you need to pull the door out again, fold and push it back down. I’d also like to mention that Amiami were very helpful throughout and very apologetic about the defective item. From the general negative view of Ami’s CS by MWF I was skeptical that they were going to replace my faulty unit once I shipped it back. I honestly thought once they received it, I’d suddenly be told there was no more stock so I would simply be given a refund of store credit. They assured me that a new unit had been reserved for me and would be shipped out upon safe receipt of my defective unit. It is important to note that during the process I did not request or demand a replacement. Once they confirmed the defect per their T&C they offered me the replacement. It was very strange they did have a new unit for me even though it was Order Stop. I wonder, Do they have spare units for this kind of thing or does Bandai have spare units to send to retailers should they have warranty claims? I also wonder what has happened to my defective unit. Will it be sold by Ami as a preowned unit, but still cost more than the SRP (based on current market value)?
  23. I recall it was confirmed many pages back that the DX YF-19 ordinance are indeed compatible, but just slightly under sized.
  24. One thing that really sticks out for me on the Kitz are the feet in fighter mode. They just don’t close like they should. They’re suppose to get slimmer towards the end when fully closed for fighter, but on the Kitz they’re molded to be a little bit broader toward the ends, so they look larger at the ends when closed. Definitely Battloid mode was prioritised over Fighter and Guardian. That is probably why it’s displayed in Battloid in the box and the box art. You’re buying a robot that can transform into a hybrid machine and a fighter jet.
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