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Everything posted by sharky

  1. You are really unsure of his fate? He's a mecha driver and I'm positive he'll end up piloting a valk. I'd be surprised if they don't have him in a Valk in the 1st 3 episodes. Or, maybe they'll throw us all off and give us a plot twist by not putting him in a valk.I think they spent about half the episode developing the 2 main characters and then gave us a mecha battle for some action. I'd say it was a fair balance between character development and action. I personally wouldn't say they sacrificed one for the other. I feel they gave a fair amount of both for one episode.
  2. The other thing that bugged me about that review is when he mentiones that he feels Fronter was an homage to SDFM while Delta is an homage in a similar way to M7. But, with selective memory, he forgets all the tons of M7 and M-Zero references (and a little Plus as well) that Fronter had. Not to mention that Frontier was literally more similar to M7 with it being set on a colony fleet. If I was to call Fontier an homage to a Macross series, SDFM would be towards the bottom of my list. I mean they all have their similarities that make them Macross, but I think they are all actually different enough to stand on their own, Delta included. It would seem to me that is what Kawamori is going for. Kind of makes me think about The Force Awakens and how many people are saying while it was a decent Star Wars movie it let them down a little becuase it seemed so simliar to A New Hope. I think there is an inherent danger in trying giving the fans more of what they want in that it could be viewed as the same old thing and not fresh. Personally, I just wanted the music to be as good as Frontier and I could use less of the Walkure shenanigans, but I was fine with the rest of the content and what I saw in the preview episode. I think all the questions and speculation about what this show is going to be is exactly the intent of this episode. Show us a bunch of stuff and leave us to wonder how it's all going to fit together. Why were the enemy valks attacking and why did they want to put an end to Walkure? What exactly is Var syndrome? How do you get it? Is it genetic? Why did it seem like someone was causing it on purpose? Will we get an explanation of how Walkure seems to perform so fantasticaly compared with rest of the technology? etc...etc...
  3. What he failed to mention is that it's not even a complete episode. Wasn't it stated in an interview that there are still more storyboarded parts of this first episode that we didn't see? Also, it seems like he expects the entire series to be explained in the first episode. Nobody has any patience anymore it seems. That's the fun of watching a series. I think if they held back people would complain the pace is too slow. You can't win these days.
  4. It grows on you on the 3rd or 4th viewing. Just keep watching it over and over again until you have no choice but to like it.
  5. sharky

    Hi-Metal R

    Just pre-ordered Glaug with AmiAmi as of right now. Edit: and 1 from AE
  6. sharky

    Hi-Metal R

    See it in that photo with the VF-1S in the back ground gives me more of a sense of scale. They are going to be decent sized. Hope I can snag one.
  7. After watching a 3rd time it's clear that Walkure have some kind technology (probably built into their costumes) that emit some kind of force field that causes them to illuminate. I noticed that when they stopped illuminating they were able to be hurt, knocked down, etc. Not 100% clear if song energy activates it only. They're able to leap and such, but often they were either riding a Valkyrie or were using the boomerangs to "fly". All the fast paced action scenes only started to click on the 3rd viewing when I could focus on the Valkyries and "Walkure-ies". Edit: It's gotta by those belt thing-ies they wear around their waist. They all have some kind of device around their waist. Looks like they can be used to emit bursts of energy to leap or flly a little.
  8. sharky

    Hi-Metal R

    It is you and your money that Bandai wants. That is why the fans are made to suffer.
  9. On the one hand I'm glad, but on the other hand I have to buy yet another copy of DYRL.
  10. After watching it a second time I think the music is growing on me a little more. Still not as impressed with the music as I was in Fronter, but it's not terrible. The rest of the stuff I am more or less fine with. I'm not going to get bent out of shape over some over the top idol group antics. I can watch it and also enjoy all the other aspects of the show I thought were interesting. Overall I think I will enjoy Delta and look forward to what's in store for us.
  11. Yeah, I was leaning more toward an overall positive vote, but I'm somewhere between neutral and positive, so I just gave a positive vote. As I feared from the beginning the music seemed very uninspired and phoned in IMHO. Not the same reaction as when I watched Frontier. And for the record I went in wanting to like it and I tried very hard to get into the music, but it just didn't do it for me. It sounded very ordinary. Kind of like in M7 when the military tried to create the Jamming Birds. It just didn't have any heart. Edit: and also for the record, I'm a long time Macross fan since the early 80's, and I have even warmed up to M7 in recent years and enjoy M7 very much. Still, I was enjoying the overall story and mecha action. I do like the direction of the story with Var Syndrome, valkyrie vs. valkyrie dogfight action, and battles on a planet vs. outer space. The fighting seems more of an even match compared to Vajra vs. humans in Frontier. I think if the music was better and the Walkure antics were toned down it would have made the episode much better.
  12. Don't discount the fact that the writers will pick names for their own sake regardless if the fans understand any meaning behind it or not. They need to come up with some kind of name, so why not pick a theme or some other naming convention and go with it.
  13. Looks like it's a doll with a flight suit. I think it may be articulated.
  14. I just want to mention they do spend a drecent amount of time on how Roy and Claudia got together. They show them back before Space War 1 during the Unification Wars. And with regard to Minmay, we get introduced to her and her life early on in that she lives with her Aunt and Uncle and they run a restaurant on the island. We are also taken to her parents place when the Macross returns to Earth and get introduced to Kaifun. I mean we learn what is important and relevant about her life all through out the series. She's rather young so what else could they have gotten into about her prior to the events in the series?
  15. It's our own version of The Crying Game. In your defense they have him posing more like a woman IMO what with the way he has his hand in his hair. Also, the ruffley thing near the chest area covers up potential boobage had it been a female character.
  16. I guess I'm just and old fashioned fuddy duddy, but all the characters male and female seem highly effeminate IMO. I think they're going I little overboard if you ask me. But, I guess that's a reflection of what's going on nowadays.
  17. sharky

    Hi-Metal R

    Yours came with a stand? My HMR VF-1J didn't come with a stand.
  18. He bought them in Malaysia and he doesn't want anyone else to have them.
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