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Everything posted by Hikuro

  1. Man I remember how SIGNS almost made me piss myself at the very end.....GOD that creeped me out ><
  2. Every Halloween here in Oregon you get to hear the old radio tapes of Orsen Wells doing War of the Worlds and I remember reading in the history books it caused a good size panic in some areas to think Martians were invading...but that was because not alot of people heard the disclaimer given, and shouldah got a clue that News Casters back than couldn't travel so fast to an accident site after alien ships land from far far away...ya know what I'm saying?
  3. I went to gamestop last week just preordering the video game and I started to get into Transformers with the Manager cause she likes them, and she brought up the 20th AV prime, I asked if they carry 'em in stock. She looked at her computer and said no but she can get it ordered but it'd cost 90 bucks. I asked if it's the Takara or Hasbro, she wasn't sure but from the sounds of it, it was the Takara. Just to clarify, Hasbro didn't come out with the Energon Axe, or Megatron Gun or anything like that right? Cause if it did......90 bucks is STILL to much!
  4. Go Fokker, it's your birthday get your game on
  5. I tried to give the show a shot...but the audio was ruining the experince...and it just wasn't drawing my attention with the designs of the mechanical features......so heh.....
  6. In my opinion, that's like giving a hand gun to a 5 year old....you just don't do it...
  7. So wait, they wont be persueing a season 3 and 4 etc of uncut remastered Sailor Moon like they've been doing for almost a year now? So we only get seasons 1 and 2 pure and heavenly? THAT SUCKS!
  8. lol probably a 36 year old robotech fanny
  9. Second picture looks so fake...yet the first one doesn't look to fake...but sorta does you know? To much shadow...uhhh, not to mention the second one looks fake cause wasn't it ani's left arm he lost first? So shouldn't his left arm be mechanical while his right arm is burnt to nothing? I don't know....
  10. I just saw this at HLJ, it seems alot of Casshan has been kept for the movie it just looks different right now. I compared it to a previous scuplt of the animem version and I so like this one better.
  11. Hikaru never once in the tv series flew a VF-1A. According to flight tests, simulations etc, the more skilled the pilot is, the more "privlages" one shall have. Since Hikaru has won many flight competitions not to mention maybe just MAYBE Roy putting in a good word for him got him to be a top knotch pilot. There is a scene where he has an unpainted VF-1J during his training shooting at stuff, never do you see him piloting a VF-1A unless it's animation error when an episode's animation turned, "Crappy" cause if so, than you can say even Roy piloted a VF-1A in the series... The J variant was also discussed as being a Jr Officers fighter, those with high skills and great potential. Now before you say, "But what about max?" I believe max even states he was very inexperinced and later when he got use to the flow of battle he became some what of a genius. You never hear how he actually did during all those tests he took, nor if he had any prior experince before signing up with the UN Spacy forces...unlike Hikaru.
  12. Okay I think I've pretty much changed my mind on the Jack Archor VF-1A, I'm actually getting very use to Decals now too, after doing a few car kits it just starts to get really easy... Anyways, so what would I need to do to make a nice looking VF-1A, either max, hikaru or kahazaki I don't care which. For sure I'd have to have black spray paint (I can get Tamiya easily but it's like 3 bucks a can) for the primer coat...than an airbrush and use flat white to cover up the primer but giving the weathered down effect, it should also highlite the panel lines shouldn't it? Also...when putting on the decals, how do I keep the panel lines showing instead of being covered up by the decals...is there some special lil trick to do? And when do I use it? moments after applying the decal, or wait a few hours for the decal to dry and THAN use what ever the trick of the craft is?
  13. wish I could start working on my VF-1A, I'm just gonna do the Hikaru VF-1A, wanted to do Jack Archor but it'd be to much to do and would take to long...anyways it's looking great I can't wait to see the finished project...I must check here like every hour to see what's up cause something is always going on. But I do have my doubts about the VF-0 kit...
  14. I got Basara.....no surprise..............................BOMBER!
  15. I thought that trailer was sweet...I can't compare it to GiTS because I never got to see the trailer....quicktime problem.
  16. Well wouldn't that be interesting to see another sailor scout entering the scene, I would think by April they would finish with this story arc, I just can't see them really going much further than that...but heh I sorta feel this Princess storyline is just going on way to far, I wanna see damn Mamaru turn to the darkside and fight against the sailor senshi's like in the series first season!!!
  17. I haven't looked here in Oregon yet, chances are maybe the Walmart in Holgate will have him, I'll check it out on Friday after work, if it doesn't, I'll go the Woodburn VERY doubtful they'll have it though....VERY...
  18. I've tried 5 times to download a subbed version, but either I can't find one, not the right subs, or it wont download or is the same file under a different name...but in any format really, word, notepad, wordpad, pdf, I should be able to open the file regardless of it's format.
  19. I just got the movie but it's raw so I can't really understand that much espically when they get into the racing jargan which I barely understand...any help will do for a script so I can probably sub it on my computer or something...THANKS!
  20. You know I haven't played the game since November so I'm so out of touch but obviously you guys are still playing it
  21. Hikuro


    One of the things I use to do to show copyright was sealing what I did into an envelope and send it to myself and NEVER open it. If something should come up with someone claiming something you did was really theres, take them to court with fees and prove to them by handing them the letter, and if they open it I think it'll than be documented that it is infact YOURS and everytime that happens, it'll be documented that a court HAS seen it and said it's original or what not...I got alot of songs and such sealed.
  22. <img src="http://images.quizilla.com/M/moremeril16/1075010058_tures00249.gif" border="0" alt="Saturn"><br>You are Sailorsaturn, the power of complete<br>destruction is at your command. <br><br><a href="http://quizilla.com/users/moremeril16/quizzes/What%20SailorMoon%20character%20are%20you%3F/"> <font size="-1">What SailorMoon character are you?</font></a><BR> <font size="-3">brought to you by <a href="http://quizilla.com">Quizilla</a></font> Fear that......I'm Saturn, DIE DIE DIE!
  23. Hmmm only type of Gloss I got is in the spray can form, hope that's what you meant. I'm sleepy as hell so I'm just scanning things. i went shopping after work just before doing my inventory stuff tonight, I picked up a neat Nissan Skyline GT-R and bought some paint. I got the Tamiya Black spray paint, and some other stuff for my Skyline, but the Black is the big kicker, most expensive paint I've ever bought. I wont be working on the kit till sometime the week after next, so people have got plenty of time to fill me in on this stuff...
  24. yep yep, if it was in english it would of been interesting, mostly cause she was sounding like she was doing Jibberish at moments....anyone wanna hear me do Basara?!
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