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Everything posted by Hikuro

  1. I just found a copy online for both part 1 and part 2. To be honest, the old streamline dub for part 1 is MUCH better than this piece of crap. I mean really, they didn't do much of anything better. While that's about finished I got 4 hours to go and I'll be done with Part 2 and hope that's better or I'm gonna be seriously pissed off. It's got options for the English subs but Core Media sure doesn't want me to play them....it really pisses me off, I think I need something that's better than Core Media, any suggestions?
  2. Here's a thought, I can't remember which of the 13 episodes it was, maybe like 6 or something, but you should try to copy the hanger where it's in Anihiem and all those cords are hanging off the GP02 FV and it just sorta hangs down all limb.
  3. Don't see why Nissan wouldn't allow hasbro or Takara to do a 350Z or anything. I work for nissan and I see 350Z daily, very very daily hell I love driving those things around for kicks! It'd be almost the same type of transformation I think as all the others, if I could I'd try to work on something for a transformation if I had some sort of a cool program like lightwave or something...or like something to cut and slice pieces and than use CGI to make the robotics of the autobot parts.
  4. How about the fact that it doesn't have the stupid rubber nipples like Forever and B&R....I HATED THOSE!
  5. DESTINY COMMERCIAL a 15 second commercial was aired not too long ago stating an October 2004 release. Not only that but it appears TM Revolution is once again doing the first opening theme.
  6. Don't know, but you do know that GCM was released domestically and "remastered" right?
  7. Personally, not doggin ya or anything, but those background stands just don't work without having a complete background like it was the interior of a ship....otherwise I sorta feel it's a waste to build the stand. It's a nice bonus to know it comes with the stand, making it a very nice PG kit, but without a full diarama to match with it...it just doesn't do it for me in saying "Well worth the 200 bucks"
  8. that's why he shouldah lived in Texas, nothing can stop ya than once ya say, "HE'S COMING RIGHT FOR US!"
  9. 2 years ago, on my senior year in HS, we have a festivle at school called "may day" and it's basically a talent contest in some ways. And incase alot of you forgot, I play the guitar and vocals, and generally perform alot of Fire Bomber in school hell use to get a small audience during lunch or after choir practice. Anyways, I lost a bet and had to audition. A week before auditions, my guitar, amp cord, tuner, pick, the works got ripped off from my car, I had completely forgotten I left my door unlocked the night before and the next morning my mom wakes me up and tells me all my stuff was jacked, everything in my car right down to CD burnt music! LAMERZ! So I lost over 500 dollars worth of stuff, no way of getting it back and no way of doing auditions unless I did it acapella since my acoustic was being borrowed by a friend of mine who was outta state (using it to pass the time with some music I gave him) As it turned out, the whole neighbor hood got raided with anyone who had easy to get into cars. Little did anyone know, but the neighbor behind my house has a security system, camera's, alarms, the works. The motion lights came on, they thought it was just some dumb animal. They saw a odd looking shadow and called the cops right away. The husband came outside and saw the person jump out of the car dropping stuff, getting on their bike and running off. Cops quickly came and somehow in my small town of 700 people, LOST the suspect! But they recovered the bike, which funny enough, belonged to a young 11 year old girl who lived near the cafe! But cops said without positive ID from someone they can't make an arrest....the bike wasn't enough. The next day, the neighbor who kept the bike brought it over to the house where the little girl was staying, saw the girl, stopped her car, pulled out the bike and sat it there going, "You were in such a rush you forgot about this." The girl freaked out and ran into her home. I'm not sure what happened after that, but the people who lived in that house moved out, and I remember that my neighbor had cameras in the back, right hand side and front end of their house, which aimed right at their car. So I'm pretty sure that was enough to convict the little girl. But what sickened me was the fact a little 11 year old girl is going into cars, stealing things that are clearly not hers and gets caught. I'm sure she was crying and wailing for forgiveness but sittin in t he JV detention just 10 miles away. I never got my stuff back seeing as that I couldn't remember or find the VIN number to my guitar and equipment. But later in the weekend I bought a brand new kickin guitar, fire red with a really nice lookin strap which I call "Fire One" So as it turns out, from what info I gathered trying to find this girl, she takes stuff from cars, not houses, just cars, gets what ever she can get, meets up with a group of hispanic males in a small chevy blue van and gives them the stuff and goes off to the next histe....
  10. I still think there needs to be either a 2004-5 Nissan Titan or 350Z.
  11. lol I'm gonna start complaining pretty soon! I didn't get my GBA till last year, than back in March I was able to finally get a USED SP, now the NDS is coming out, dah hell knock it off developers I'd like to SAVE MONEY so I can get my own place and not live with my folks anymore
  12. Hikuro

    VF-0A kit

    UH, Is that a rabbit on it's tail wing?
  13. In Zeta Gundam Amuro didn't make many apperances either, he was really just apart of the earth storyline and than when Camille and Char went back into space that was pretty much it for Amuro till I guess CCA...havne't seen much of ZZ. So Kira could head in a very similar direction.
  14. Hmmmm maybe I'll go look for this later today at FRY's or something.
  15. I was just thinking to myself as I was painting my low viz Zeta Plus C1, "Why the hell does a Hi-Zak have both a heathawk and beam sabers?....is it afraid of not being Gundam like?" Hmmmm, oh well. but atleast my Zeta custom is finally coming out beautifully. I just got the damn thing early in the week and been painting the last few days, hopefully I'll show pictures of it when I get a new camera.
  16. I'm not gonna get my hopes up, but I'm not gonna bash my childhood down the drain either, I grew up on this show like milk to a baby. My first toy was a Transformer and I still got it, good ol' optimus PRIME BABY! Now if it follows in a line of what they did with X-men, than maybe it actually wont be so bad....like maybe the transformers are already there on Earth just you know, in secret, and when they're finally revealed the humans hate them and hold anti autobot protests and junk. And Megatron could be trying to take advantage of the situtations of the humans against Autobots. If Dreamworks was smart, they'd ask Dreamwave, the comic writers and artists to help them out in ideas.
  17. Don't forget Graham, Gundam X was very much the same. Though Garoad was guided by Tifa to the GX, he still bumped into it. Turn A Gundam was very similar, the kid just happened to be in the right place at the right time.... Even 0083, Uraki just climbs into the Gundam and off he goes, though he was already a MS pilot, he "Bumped" into it. 8th MS Team is the only one I can think of where there was no bumping into or capturing. They were all assigned to a low cost version of the Gundam for ground unit support.......the end.
  18. To me it just seems like a revamp of Zeta Gundam in some twisted sense of life. To many of these "young kids bumping into the Gundam" or, "Capturing of a top secret mobile suit" story lines....personally I found Gundam X to have something a bit different with a "What if" story and than work it's way into a revamp lol. The MS's yeah, they look like crap I'll agree. But while the mecha designs and character designs may be rehashed and boring, hopefully the storyline will keep on it's toes and deliever something possibly shocking to us in the long run. I didn't expect SEED to end the way that it did and after people bitched that it was just a remake of 0079 THAN somewhere down the line it takes a different course sheding away from 0079 like story. But I do think maybe, just maybe we need to either hire some new designers, or we send big complaints on how they need to make changes. I mean there's not much you can really do with a machine like Gundam...it's got to many legendary markings. I mean if you guys wanna see a pretty unique looking Gundam, someone gimme a PM and I'll show you some things I've got cooking up.
  19. I don't know why, but she kinda now reminds me of Cameron Diaz
  20. "PORK CHOP SANDWHICHES!!!!!!" That was my favorite, funny as hell all time best one I think.
  21. lol wow I never would have thought the "bugs" looked something like tall thin green men......that's distrubing lol.
  22. You know honestly, how far back can you really take Star Trek? Hmmmm, sounds like a remix of First Contact to me. If I see one more "Prequal" I'm gonna snap. I'm entirely against "Enterprise" from the get go and have refused to watch the series. If Shatner was to appear in Enterprise I would HOPE TO GOD he'd loose 70 pounds and get botox cause that's the only way I'd ever accept it as a fan of the classic and TNG. He's old, he's fat, and he's also a piss poor actor to boot lol. I know damn...the more I think of cameos of the original characters from the first Star Trek I think of how sad things are getting, I mean most of them should be dropping dead like Defrost Kelly. My prediction is probably Lenord going next, he's pretty old himself. I remember first time I ever saw him was in an episode of the Outer Limits where he played a Jury member in the case of some Robot killing his creator, only decades later be doing the remixed version of that same story but as the Defense Lawyer for the robot. .........yeah got off topic......uh, no more Movies, no more shows.....you killed it after Voyager UPN......thanks.
  23. STILL nothing........god........damn..........fin.......slow oregon retail stores!
  24. I managed to watch F91 last month off a fansub, it wasn't too bad but yeah, it did get boring. Must have taken me a whole day to actually watch this movie. Thankfully the version they'll release to those at the con will be japanese with subs so no riot. They use to do anime in some selected theaters downtown till Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust was released, after that ya just didn't see anything anymore. Never even knew Escaflowne and CCA were in theaters in some areas. However, I do got the movies so no point I'm more looking forward to watching Zeta Gundam than I am of F91...so wish they'd hurry off their asses.
  25. I remember 5 years ago I sent a package of video tapes to some guy in exchange for Anime, about a month and a half later I go tthe package back that send, "return to sender"....
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