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Everything posted by Lolicon

  1. Preordered all of them so far but I think deep down we all know Bandai will never give us any complete squadron for this line.
  2. Looks awesome! Great job at making the rest of our VF-0s look like garbage! You could post those pics as the 1/60 Arcadia PF version and probably fool people who aren't as familiar with the toys. I've said it before and I'll say it again: HMR is a line of half-finished toys. The fantastic decal and paint work you added is the minimum level of tampo we should have gotten out of the box for the price Bandai is charging (overseas) customers.
  3. Really like the rainbow canopy tint Bandai added. Hope it becomes a regular fixture moving forward. Much better than the glitter tint of the 31 line!
  4. Lolicon

    Hi-Metal R

    Low angle gerwalk shot really gives the feeling you're looking up at a giant robot.
  5. A 1/48 VF-2SS? I'd buy it, even if it's one of my least favorite valks.
  6. Kinda sorta spoilers for the 2nd Delta movie, but not really. You can't spoil something that's already rancid to begin with.
  7. Lolicon

    Hi-Metal R

    The VF-2SS looks good in battroid but to me looks like a fat turkey in fighter. Fighter only looks good when looking down from above.
  8. Now that's the VF-0 we should have gotten out of the box! Especially if Bandai insists on overcharging overseas customers.
  9. Looks so much better now! I've never liked how inconsistent Bandai's paint work on their HMR valks have been. They cut so many corners that they end up looking like half-finished models with lots of obvious details missing. I had to put in a lot of work to make the VF-4 look decent as I thought it looked kinda anemic out of the box. "Arcadia doesn't put enough tampo on their non-PF valks." Bandai: Hold my beer.
  10. Thanks! Looking forward to taking her apart then detailing and reassembling her. Just need a Cavaliers and I'll have all the Yamato valks I've been looking for...
  11. Par for the course for Bandai. Walked by the Bandai offices in Tokyo and wanted to drop in and give some complaints, but they were closed.
  12. Thanks. I'll let you guys know if I come across anything interesting. Been visiting some friends and drinking.... a lot.... so I haven't spent much time searching yet. Already have two VF-0S's on order so I didn't pick one up here. 14k at the Tamashii Nations shop in Akihabara.
  13. Sweet pic!
  14. Plenty of 0S's to be found here in Japan.
  15. Not having things that could have been easily implemented like an opening cockpit is just Bandai cutting corners.
  16. Lolicon

    Hi-Metal R

    All I required from the beginning was for the HMR version to be bigger than the VF-1, which it is. Scale perfection would be nice but since it's non-scale anyway, it's not a dealbreaker.
  17. Got notice for mine. $119 shipped. A far cry from the $160 before tax and shipping Bandai wants for purchasing domestically.
  18. It's on my WWM 25 and Max YF-29 which were purchased from Japanese stores. Addendum: Looked through a few boxes and that sticker goes all the way back to at least the reissue Alto 29 and 31AX releases, which didn't get the international treatment.
  19. Lolicon

    Hi-Metal R

    No math there. Just HMR fanboyism.
  20. Will be out of town for a few weeks so mine's staying in PW for a bit. Will have to live vicariously through everyone else's pics.
  21. Lolicon

    Hi-Metal R

    Bottom pic definitely more accurate depiction of the height difference between the two.
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