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Everything posted by Lolicon

  1. Lolicon

    Macross figures

    No, For the height he's looking for, he's probably better off looking into the Banpresto trading figures. Middle figure is one of the Banpresto trading figures. (This is the only pic I had available, but there are various figures that have come out over the years.)
  2. That's an excellent match. I wouldn't have known you had painted it if I didn't already know to look for it. Looking at it now, it's a bit surprising Arcadia left an obvious unpainted hinge like that. That's such a Bandai thing to do *coughDXVF-1cough*
  3. Bandai painting the landing gear now would be a tacit admission that they screwed up on all their previous releases. In 2082, for the 100th anniversary of Macross, Bandai will release a fully auto transforming & flight-capable VF-1 with working ejection seats... and the landing gear will still be plain unpainted metal.
  4. Lolicon

    Macross figures

    Having purchased nearly every Sheryl & Ranka figure to come out over the years, the best ones are still the first figures from Megahouse back from Frontier's original TV run, particularly the Super Dimension Cinderella Ranka.
  5. Thanks! Don't usually do anime T-shirts but that one looks pretty good.
  6. I know, right? All Bandai had to do was print a few more (major imo) details and it would have really made the HMR 0S stand out.
  7. Okay that is definitely one of the most WTF things I have seen regarding Macross.
  8. Bandai certainly does better with non-transforming machines, it seems.
  9. Yeah buying third party grey market decals isn't cheap, and the quality varies wildly.
  10. Lolicon

    Hi-Metal R

    Those gifs never get old.
  11. Oh man that is the one thing I've wanted most of all from Arcadia's releases: either make them all "premium finish" and just print the markings on, or include a sheet of decals for those of us that do want all the aircraft markings. Not this sticker crap. This isn't the freaking 1980s! These are supposed to be expensive high end toys. Stickers and styrofoam trays... ugh! Get with the 21st century, Japan! I wonder if there's some legal/contractual obligation that prevents Arcadia from including waterslides. A sheet of decals would cost practically nothing in relation to the overall cost of the toy, and when we're already paying 30k+ another 500 yen ain't gonna make any difference.
  12. Hey, the joints on the 0S are made of metal! That totally makes it super awesome and worth the asking price! 0S should be $49.99. I remember paying around $170 for the DX VF-1S Hikaru a couple years back... before the yen collapsed to its current low. Bandai really putting the screws to international customers for substandard toys. Damn that looks great! I'm glad to see the old Tomahawk is still in service well into the NUNS era.
  13. Why are the stabilizers in the middle of the plane?
  14. Bandai always cuts corners somewhere, even on their more premium lines.
  15. So there's a missile launch tube inside the missile launch tube? Happy Turkey Day! 🦃
  16. Each fast pack side only contains 4 missiles?
  17. I said the same thing after fixing up the VF-4. Never again with the ordeal! "That's just how they are" is not a good excuse for mediocrity and cheapness. At the $160 overseas price, this thing is nearly as expensive as a DX VF-1. To say that it's nowhere near the same level of quality as the DX is an understatement. So yeah, overpriced indeed.
  18. I always preferred the F which was always the more expensive to get on the secondary market, and you needed 2 for Emerald Force. As for the Bandai 21,ill get one because I'm a completioniat but it won't be replacing my Yamato. That's a pretty common refrain because no wonder what Bandai does, they always halfass something which makes their toy slightly inferior to the old Yamato imo, like the DX VF-1 vs 1/60 Yamato.
  19. Still way overpriced at $160+. I'd be more forgiving if the toy was actually, you know, finished.
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