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Everything posted by Lolicon

  1. The yellow trim VF-4 will be piloted by Roy's son, because of course a man like Roy left behind a string of illegitimate kids. The blue trim wouldn't be Max either, since we know he stayed on Earth till the launch of Macross 7.
  2. That makes 3 for me. Glad I picked up one of each color skull stickers for the stabilizers. Now I can have an entire VF-4 Skull squadron.
  3. It's just the way the light is reflecting off the rainbow tint. Though now that I look at it side by side next to Roy's 1S, it does seem like the tinting is denser on this one.
  4. My HMR VF-1J arrived early! Just kidding of course. Finally got around to detailing my Hikaru 1J , which I've had since 2008. After sitting on my workbench in pieces for the last few months, I finally pushed myself to finish it and make room for this month's VF-31 kit. It's more or less the same kind of detailing I did on my Roy 1S, but I wanted a cleaner look for Hikaru, so I used a lighter touch on the shading. Hikaru's valkyrie wouldn't have seen as much action as Roy's, and he goes through several of them anyway. Decals are a combination of Hasegawa, third party, and decals I printed myself. Used a semi-gloss finish for Hikaru instead of the flat finish I used on Roy. Flat looks more "realistic" but I prefer a slightly glossier look for anime mecha. Also, flat finishes scratch up much more easily. Sorry, I only have a phone camera for taking pics. Anyway, hope you guys like it!
  5. Lolicon

    Hi-Metal R

    Holy crap that sucks! Those stands really are garbage.
  6. I picked up a spare a few months back for about 8000 yen. Just in case something happens to my original, of course. They're fairly rare these days but they do pop up from time to time. Nice! You have as many ships as I do from that line. Yeah discovering that line was opening up quite a Pandora's box! There are some errors though. The Akira-class has "UNITED FEDERAION OF PLANETS" printed on it. :/
  7. I'm with you on that! The original movie Enterprise is still the most beautiful starship ever, IMO. I highly recommend picking up the old Bandai kit if you can find it. It's prepainted and comes with lights; just have to snap it together out of the box!
  8. Lolicon

    Hi-Metal R

    Wouldn't it be awesome if Toynami hijacked the Bandai HMR molds and released them stateside as Hi Metal Robotech?
  9. Lolicon

    Hi-Metal R

    Isn't Ben Dixon the captain of Macross Elysion?
  10. Wow Saburo! Those photos are so good I can actually see the white on white skulls! White skulls on a white background... good job, Bandai!
  11. Lolicon

    Hi-Metal R

    Ugh I hope someone at Bandai lost a pinky for that one.
  12. Lolicon

    Hi-Metal R

    I wanted a real Hikaru 1J, not some "DYRTV" abomination.
  13. Lolicon

    Hi-Metal R

    Got my 1 in at HLJ before order stop. Don't feel compelled to get multiples of the VF-1.
  14. Lolicon

    Hi-Metal R

    Alright, so after just a few minutes playing with it, the Glaug is now my favorite HMR release. It's huge and impressive. You could probably reenact his skirmish with Hikaru with the Yamato 1J and it wouldn't look unusual. (Mine's currently disassembled.) It's super poseable with nice tight joints. The main "knee" joint is ratcheted for more stability. Even the red "toes" are individually jointed. The little claw thingies in front of the ankles are jointed too, but I don't know what purpose they serve. Good surface detail throughout. I'm glad I bought two; I think at some point I'll have to detail & decal this baby up! Love the opening cockpit. Bandai had better give us a Kamujin figure to put in it! The Yamato Q-Rau is kinda crappy compared to this.
  15. Lolicon

    Hi-Metal R

    Yeah I saw the lines when I was there in March. Crazy! Of all the things to bring over from the States. That stuff will clog your arteries! Awesome find on that 8k Glaug. I'd go look for some in Akihabara myself, but the cost of a plane ticket would cancel out any savings.
  16. Lolicon

    Hi-Metal R

    Finally someone is making sense!
  17. Lolicon

    Hi-Metal R

    Whether it's supposed to be the TV or movie version, it's wrong either way. So I'm glad they're giving us a proper TV Hikaru finally, even if he is rather microscopic. Maybe this time I'll even get one with straight feet so it can actually stand on its own. Looking forward to the future "TV" Roy release with no head arrows and movie flight suit.
  18. Lolicon

    Hi-Metal R

    That's just as plausible as it being a "100% DYRL" version.
  19. Lolicon

    Hi-Metal R

    Hey, let's not say things we can't take back.
  20. Lolicon

    Hi-Metal R

    How is that any different than saying it's the TV version and they simply screwed up the pilot? Either way it's WRONG. I've seen the movie so there's no need to point out Hikaru's whereabouts during the battle.
  21. Lolicon

    Hi-Metal R

    I know full well what Bandai "meant" it to be but it's still wrong because I don't give two sh**s what Bandai intended. Calling an arm a leg does not make it a leg. Even if I were to accept that this was the movie version, it's still not accurate to that version. It's wrong twice! If they're going to do that crap, why not just release Max and Miria in slightly different colors and call them the "DYRL" versions? With that said, I'm eager to have a proper Hikaru 1J because who the hell else pilots that particular color? Not some unknown grunt who didn't even get any screen time, that's for sure.
  22. Lolicon

    Hi-Metal R

    No, it'll be TV Roy with no arrows still.
  23. Lolicon

    Hi-Metal R

    Damn federal holiday! Have to wait till tomorrow to get my Glaug.
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