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Everything posted by Lolicon

  1. Left out the VF-X from earlier. So what's everyone's favorite low vis VF-1 from the Yamato days? Including the 1/48 line.
  2. I'm glad Eaglemoss was able to unload some of their remaining stock.
  3. For 85 bucks I'm willing to roll the dice and see how good it is. Is it a KO of the Arcadia PF with markings printed on?
  4. HLJ took forever to ship but recently got mine. Like that TV white over the darker DYRL tone. (The skull seems to be migrating higher up the heat shield with each release...) She looks good out of the box but needs a little work. Just gotta decal her up now. So not only are the skulls on the stabilizers not straight, but they're crooked at noticeably different angles. Good job, Bandai.
  5. Would explain why the promo pics with Alto in the cockpit all have the canopy removed. Kinda lame. Also lame that you have to buy the figure if you want actual decals for the fighter nose kit.
  6. Only one of the wheels is actually touching the ground. Warped and lopsided parts? Nothing new for Bandai.
  7. Damn I thought getting two left or right parts was just an Arcadia thing. You can probably trade with someone who got two left covers. It's the Hikaru VF-1A debacle all over again...
  8. Pass. The WWM 25 and HMR 0S are two purchases I regret. Maybe if I see this one in the discount bin...
  9. Picked up a couple more stands. Up to 15 Arcadia stands now. Combined with the Yeti stands I have (Yeti please come back!) I should be covered for all my Yamato/Arcadia valks for a long time.
  10. Wait till you see the price tag on the omnigear box sets.
  11. Lolicon

    Arcadia VF-5000G

    It's looking good. Hope Arcadia's QC hasn't taken a nosedive like Bandai's. Getting two left feet is one thing, but let's at least hope the tabs actually fit!
  12. Xenogears is my favorite 3/4 of a game! But man those prices are out of whack. The price of Vol. 1 is alright since it's 4 kits, but the price of Vol. 2 is kinda steep. And these aren't gunpla kits that can be assembled by beginners and still look good. You need real modeling skills to actually make them look right (skills which I lack). Seibzehn should be a freaking completed toy at that price, not a model kit that will need to be glued and painted. Maria is also pretty steep, and I'm surprised they went with her, knowing she has a fairly small part in the story. Why not Bart? Or Citan? Or Id?
  13. Wow! That custom job is amazing! Blow the pants off the DX 1J!
  14. Lolicon

    Macross figures

    Only took 40 years to get a high quality Minmay figure.
  15. Lolicon

    Macross figures

    That Sheryl figure is a really great one too. You might want to put some clear tape or something between her hair and the gold ornament on the back of her head. The gold paint Bandai used on these Ichiban figures is super cheap and will leach out over time.
  16. Lolicon

    Macross figures

    Just don't get too hooked. Those things can cost as much if not more than valks.
  17. Of course! Just a matter of when. You know I luv da rainbow canopy.
  18. Lolicon

    Macross figures

    Oh wow that's a nice haul. Those three are among the very best Sheryl & Ranka figures to come out over the years. The left figure is easily my favorite of every Frontier figure ever released.
  19. Thanks for the tip! Yeah I looked over the runners and it's going to take extensive painting to make it look anything like the pictures on the box. The kit is essentially one step above molding everything in one color and expecting people to paint everything. In short, it ain't no gunpla kit. The base color of the plastic is wrong, and all that fancy gold trim will need to be either hand-painted or masked and airbrushed by a masking pro. Doesn't even use clear pieces for the green orbs; they're just painted green. So it's on hold till I can round up the materials to build it properly.
  20. My first Moderoid kit. I hope the final product looks half as good as the promotional pics, as I'm not sure the plastic colors capture the pale gold color of Valimar. Looks like I have something to do for my next few free nights. Saw from @no3Ljm's earlier post that Ordine is coming too, so looking forward to that release as well.
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