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Everything posted by Lolicon

  1. That's exactly the same as Yamato.
  2. All my comparisons are with the 1/60 VF-1 as I sold my 1/48s years ago. I've already said the DX VF-1 is the best VF-1 toy to date, despite some flaws and steps back made by Bandai. Would I sell all my 1/60s and replace them with the DX? Absolutely not. They're not THAT much of an improvement, they're the wrong scale next to all my other valkyries, and have too many annoying flaws. Also, complaining about yellowing on a 10+ year old toy versus one that just came out is ridiculous. Toys and human lives don't last forever. On the subject of floppy joints, the hips on my DXs are already getting loose. Because that's what happens when a toy is really heavy: the joints have to endure more. Fortunately, I don't use weight to determine the quality of a toy (which is why you never hear me praising the "heft").
  3. I was writing primarily about the SSPs. Please read more carefully before getting set off.
  4. MB GP01 and GP02 please. Hell, since $1000 Gundams are a thing now, might as well do a GP03 as well. (Although Bandai will probably make the weapon containers a separate p-Bandai release for 30k yen.)
  5. Just a clarification: When I said "The fighter mode leg and arm attachments are just worse on the DX" I was simply referring to how the legs and arms stow away and hold together in fighter mode. I wasn't talking about forearm mounted armors, which are pretty much identical to Yamato. ...nah, too easy.
  6. For the most part, the SSPs from Yamato and Bandai are on par with each other. They look good and are easy enough to attach, and are nearly identical in that manner. The back boosters attach to the backpack and both Yamato and Bandai use an extra part that slides under the backplate to secure everything together. Also, the boosters definitely do not have four pegs. He may have been referring to the four pegs on the leg armors, which I guess is maybe more secure? It's not like the Yamato leg armors had any problems staying on securely. And the cost of the two extra pegs of questionable utility is having a couple of large, visible holes cut into the leg of the valkyrie itself. Talk about a crude and inelegant solution to a non-problem. The only area that the Bandai has a leg up over the Yamato is the tampo printing of all the markings, though it is borderline excessive with the gigantic fonts Bandai used. As many have mentioned before, Bandai lacks any internal details. The SSPs are most just big, hollow pieces of plastic with no removable covers to show off any mechanical detail. Whether or not this is important is up to individual taste, but I see it as a step backwards from what Yamato was giving us over 15 years ago. This part is very minor, but I prefer the sculpt Yamato used for the front ends of the back boosters (where the micro missiles are stored) over Bandai. Again, very minor details that most people will never notice, but I notice these things. Strike cannon is comically oversized. It's neither an improvement nor a regression to me, but Bandai please stop letting the Gundam guys decide on barrel sizes. The gunpod is already oversized. In fighter mode the legs don't peg as easily or securely as Yamato's, though I think this is a problem with the peg design itself, rather than a problem with the SSPs. Again, very minor thing, but this is supposed to be the latest and greatest VF-1 toy to date, yet Bandai keeps messing up stuff Yamato already perfected years ago. The fighter mode leg and arm attachments are just worse on the DX. So Bandai went with the bigger scale so they could deliver SSPs that are slightly more crude and way less detailed? And missiles are sold separately? Thanks Bandai!
  7. Having fiddled with the Bandai parts for a couple of days now, I can say they are a step down from Yamato.
  8. You can easily fit a Yeti and two valks on a Detolf shelf, though maybe not the SV-51 because it's just so freaking massive. More than that and it just becomes unwieldy to put anywhere.
  9. Lolicon

    Bandai DX VF-31

    I'll sell you guys my 31A for the discounted price of $649 and 100 cents!
  10. I would have kept my Metal Structure Nu preorder if it was a complete item with fin funnels. Finding out that I would have to shell out another $300+ just for that accessory on top of an already super expensive item was just too much. F U Bandai and your nickel & dime shenanigans.
  11. And we're say his approval means squat when it comes to how good or accurate a toy is.
  12. The stealth VF-1J and separate stealth super parts were posted on Mandarake two or three days ago. The stealth parts sold within a day and the valkyrie sold a day later. They were available for quite a long time though; it wasn't a VF-1S "blink and you'll miss it" type of thing. I was tempted to pick them up, but no, I decided not to load up on 1/48s again... If I recall, it was 20000 for the valk and only 8000 for the super parts. I thing @sqidd got the valk but just missed the super parts.
  13. I'm disappointed in you, noel. I figured you would be the first to notice.
  14. I simply didn't put them on before taking that pic. Bandai and Yamato both look good, but the less obnoxious markings and rainbow canopy put the Yamato ahead for me, along with the less blocky fighter shape. Also, that's the Mark IV suit pictured in an earlier post.
  15. I'm not sure what you mean. I just stuck i on there, and the upper part kinda goes around the hip bars. It won't go any further than what's pictured above. Couple more side by side pics (phone pics this time).
  16. Bandai vs Yamato
  17. Thanks guys. Perfect eh? TV Max with movie super parts.
  18. Wanted to see how the movie super parts looked on TV Max. Not too shabby.
  19. Thanks! Tampo is still a bit obnoxious though.
  20. From one of the favorite games on the original Playstation.
  21. Hikaru before the final battle, after b****-slapping Minmay.
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