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Everything posted by PsYcHoDyNaMiX

  1. Damn!!! 400$! I thought my $100+ was bad. To stay on topic... I applied a 2.3k disc i had left over to the order and selected EMS for 6.1k with the VF31AX it wouldve been 26.8k before additional cc fees through NY.
  2. Oh okay... you meant it from that angle, lol. With pp's 180 day window NY definitely found the workaround that, after a 5.5 month preorder release date NY further stalls with saying they're 'preparing shipment' and then not sending the order (after 3 more weeks breaking the 180 days), preventing the buyer from filing dispute. XD
  3. The bs is once you start the checkout process and select a voucher you wont get it back... i've tried sending comms to their cust service and no luck. I lost a $40 voucher once and this last time i checked for the 31AX and selected the 2.3k yen voucher i had... lol. Fn NY.
  4. Seems like HotToys reveal a Marvel's What If figures... Spider Strange: https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fscontent-lga3-2.xx.fbcdn.net%2Fv%2Ft1.6435-9%2F222720366_3044483579106316_8141942391869134374_n.jpg%3F_nc_cat%3D104%26ccb%3D1-3%26_nc_sid%3D825194%26_nc_ohc%3DIxEj1c4q5cgAX_-uN5v%26_nc_ht%3Dscontent-lga3-2.xx%26oh%3D6d4eba88dcd2d89d4d81c3a735ab0762%26oe%3D612D0F62&h=AT2lKwULfCWMCnafwD_OVTOGxBGsr8EwOjK4Y0lHM-V3kRZcpwnZNVLaNWc-9G20u_gIvF-m1crL-fhw4WohkGSqLO_SVsW47fjGQti-Mw_Dd0Z-5STdGGJtTfubKv9x-cH4j0T-XRBR7gombs4 Zombie Cap: https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fscontent-lga3-2.xx.fbcdn.net%2Fv%2Ft1.6435-9%2F228252608_3044478902440117_3998298850453327754_n.jpg%3F_nc_cat%3D106%26ccb%3D1-3%26_nc_sid%3D825194%26_nc_ohc%3D7oXvHo8WjhQAX9DVZ7b%26_nc_ht%3Dscontent-lga3-2.xx%26oh%3D41ece7c5b5461853b6a35f58fcf253d4%26oe%3D612E08F0&h=AT2lKwULfCWMCnafwD_OVTOGxBGsr8EwOjK4Y0lHM-V3kRZcpwnZNVLaNWc-9G20u_gIvF-m1crL-fhw4WohkGSqLO_SVsW47fjGQti-Mw_Dd0Z-5STdGGJtTfubKv9x-cH4j0T-XRBR7gombs4 Steve Rogers & Captain Carter:
  5. A bit of a different note, but saw posted on fb just before and told my friend to put his MB justice on one as a better Jabber/backpack... lol: https://www.facebook.com/groups/gundamcollective/posts/1156965384831019/?__cft__[0]=AZWy7a83m4l4au-gSQzPE3yMH_SMVqUus7IFNbTcQXPE-s7oOEXP8zVt0xynhAhZooFbq8JpAw64GiqBDQdBNFUAWkE04pFl0Xq1lg4ypZXSeTYfZUGsIaD1kynZuyg6jFFcdXiupfYdC1MSCulJgBNhT5tdGxcys-SJ_lRmrKDIwAARwa0CroHUNLgYik2vSaU&__tn__=%2CO%2CP-R
  6. Oh geezzz i was so appalled by the wide broad design that i completely missed the fin folding design. XD Edit: Im just a little surprised bandai didnt go the extra mile like they usually do with their MBs and make it MB nice. Or maybe just this time they thought making it extra wide and extra detailed made it MB better, lol. I thought they would've considered making some of the broad flat panels in the middle collaspe, fold or telescope just a bit to make it look a little more ideal. Looking at it currently makes me feel like i was back in middle school with backpack full of textbooks, lol.
  7. Saw these other pics on fb of the Justice... damn that backpack looks ooogly when mounted, lol: https://www.facebook.com/groups/297728130266186/?multi_permalinks=4304796186226007&hoisted_section_header_type=recently_seen&__cft__[0]=AZVf4V5xrnnyv2xf0mqGjO2ZqZYZEuDKav60ruWbf3hioqQOS_20ESBJ9s6_jSNPguLn5Rh4TCTpGSd8uMmolZBT5nitNg01z8s2a4pxPFq2jmq0e75fx81cic8qzC4iT9m84PDHYBTs8rkUx2fSSeCPJYU4VWFyPbLGI_NEVjaApShyXFifIXaH_2wFBpBLG4CIIJpEI3AV5qSz21ZPYD7P8BZgp6DlmFtiXGL1F03RPQ&__tn__=%2CO%2CP-R
  8. It's ridiculous. I just checked ebay the average going price is about $150 with shipping included, some higher some lower. One japan seller has a price match ($115 with ship) pretty much with BBTS' price before state tax and the $6 ship. The kicker is... it's still available through p-bandai japan at msrp for a fourth batch release date of march 2022. I'm guessing proxies ran out of allotment or people can't find friends/sources to help proxy through p-bandai.jp. EDIT* I just remembered ebay charges tax now too, lol.
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