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Everything posted by vlenhoff

  1. I think the Godzilla on the left is surprised you are bigger than them. If one were to weather that Gundam ship/base, it would pop. You know some panel lining, etc.
  2. Oh absolutely, and don't get me wrong, I am all eyes towards that Civic type R myself. I am not necessarily talking about the "best" performing car when i refer to my AWD/RWD preference. i am mostly talking about the feel of the thing. I know modern hatches and other FWD performance cars exhibit lift-off-oversteer these days. Nice trick differentials cancel out torque steers. They are generally light, fun cars too, and the clever option from a many points of view. I am all in with you. The thing is, one does not buy a miata, for its power, or its traction. It is about the feel of the thing when you drive it. Even if you go with a powerful car like a Holdem Commodore, or a Pontiac G8 GXP, Mustang GT, Camaro SS or Vette. The feel is very different. The turn in is so clean and crisp. I am after that feel, even if it is not an intelligent decision. I personally, always buy Japanese cars, and to be honest, I've had 12 years or speedy grippy AWD machines. I think the most logical[in the fun department] thing for me is to get a miata. A nice used one. I believe miatas only work as a second car. I used to drive a motorcycle, but i am not doing that ever again. So open top cars seems like the next best thing to that "freedom" feel. Whichever car you choose, I am glad you are getting what you want. At the end of the day, it is what we want, not what others think we want. So what are your current candidates? GTi VW and the Type R honda? I know you may think the honda is fugly at the front, but man, but I think the car as a whole is attractive. A bit busy with aero, and fake plastic vents, but it is an amazing, well built, bulletproof fun machine. I'd personally go Japanese. I know Golf are good looking, but, for me, Japan wins, every time.
  3. vlenhoff

    Macross figures

    True, and the Battloid looks far better. Those extra panel lines in Gerwalk are not flatering, and the cockpit shape looks bloated. I wonder if you can change the wing position.
  4. vlenhoff

    Macross figures

    Is it just me, or the nose cone on that sculpture is all kinds of wrong. It looks like my blind dog made it. [no, I don't have a blind dog]
  5. I can't express into words how much i love these fighter formation shots. I don't have a single Macross Frontier or Delta valks, but man, they look so awesome in fighter mode! Are these as fun to transform as the VF-1 are?
  6. I really wish you could get these things on pre-order night. Not even luck will get you one. It is more like divine intervention at this point. I am in for the vermilion 1/48 squadron. Maybe, just maybe, I'll get Roy's 1S at a mark up... Just because it is my fav, and it is my own avatar...
  7. I wish i would have grabbed an HMR spartan when they were like 70 bucks shipped. Now they are climbing in price again. Priorities got in the way I guess, what can you do. Great buys everyone!
  8. vlenhoff

    Hi-Metal R

    Oh, I just remembered. Is anyone bothered that the brownies, Max & Miria, and the VT-1 don't have a proper adapter for the tamashii stands? You can only display them in armor, or you have to sort of wiggle it to make it work with no armor. The VT-1 adapter wont let me display it in fighter mode with armor. i was thinking of trimming some of the material down for the VT-1, so it can grab the arms, while fitting between the legs when it has the armor on. Does anyone know if bandai or tamashii sell the adapters for fighter mode without armor separately? Bandai makes a special adapter for the VE-1 but they don't for the VT-1. So disappointing.
  9. vlenhoff

    Hi-Metal R

    This. @onnasake , @seti88 & @sh9000 Yes, I adore these things, and i don't see me ever letting them go. Initially, I hated parts swapping, but then i realized this is the most complete collection ever, and these things are just a lot of fun to pose in tamashii stands, as they work for great group pictures, and displays. @sumyumgoy Thanks for the compliment! It has taken me a looooong time to have things they way they are now. No 1S though , but that VF-4 makes up for it [thanks again @sh9000]. Yeah the boxes in the pic are, but like @Chronocidal said, not all of them are the same size, sadly. That's why i left out the VF-2SS out of the pic... and the Monster's box..., and the missile Regults... the later I never opened ever since I got them when they were released. I need a proper place to display the baddies, and that I'll leave for another time. @beatsing Yeah, me too. @Slave IV Yup, that's exactly why i sorted them out. It makes my "play time" more efficient, lol. I do like to mix and match parts among them, but i do like to keep a general baseline of what belongs were. I may be somewhat OCD in this aspect. I got the labeling machine like 8 months ago, and it is now, that i decided to do it. I have so many blasters and light sabers from star wars, and i labeled some bins for those as well. I was so excited that i finally did this, that i was nearly unable to sleep, lol. I have a tower of bins for my 1/48 and 1/60 parts as well. Also labeled. Also.... i have bigger bins to store the bots i am not displaying, so they keep out of dust. I just lined them with air bubble packing material, to avoid scratching stuff unnecessarily. [overkill maybe] I guess at the end of the day, I don't want to leave things to memory. The least brain power i can put into my play time, the better.
  10. Yeah i imagine it is difficult to stay away from rust in snowy places. I also use only synthetic, and i keep an eye on all fluids. I don't mind the look of the new ones, as i am Subaruphile, and i like them all. Yes, I like all Subarus for some reason. Yeah there are several offerings outthere. I personally prefer RWD or AWD, since all i had in the past was mostly AWD. It is getting difficult to find anything i want to drive, since i only drive manual cars. i have never bought an automatic [not that there is anything wrong with that] but as long as I have working knees, I'll keep getting cars with manual trannies. I guess when all manual trannies are gone, i'd just have to buy older manual used cars. I am not a fan of all the lane departure, auto breaking, etc tech they put in cars these days anyway. I like to row my own gears, and I'll do it as long as i can. Good luck with your car hunting! It can be fun.
  11. vlenhoff

    Hi-Metal R

    I beg to differ. I used to love Lego, but I think it is quite expensive these days. These are the boxes I sorted. I do have a few enemy mecha, and most of the destroyers, but i think the "WOW" factor belongs to @sh9000 and others. Their collections are unbelievable, breathtaking, astonishing, and for lack of a better word current and complete! This is my HMR section. I need to find my Regults, and the Glaug. I need another detolf. I will change those display stands for clear ones. Maybe I'll even change the blue and red ones for clear ones. I found some for cheap, and i think it will be a nicer illusion.
  12. vlenhoff

    Hi-Metal R

    I had to take some time to sort things out...
  13. Yeah i had a similar experience when i tried to buy an MP Soundwave knock off. Too good to be true, and it was. I did get my money back though... withing a month or so, maybe longer. Same MO: low price, account was not stellar, and then as i kept checking his Ebay feedback, as I was suspicious, and it kept gaining negative marks.
  14. It took me two tries to get it right. I had to use a combination of rubber and weatherstrip. So it would close properly, and still have contact between the rubber and the weather strip. I am sure it is not perfect, but i did put my cellphone inside of it while playing music, and it reduced the sound considerably. Compared to the detolf next to it that wasn't dust proof at the time. Apparently if dust proofing is done well, it should block sound quite a bit. [or so i read]. I just checked the displays with a lamp, and it has only a few dust particles here and there. It has been months since i did this, and it is really helping. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00NL4AATS/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o09_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B076F7T33Q/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
  15. It is not a requirement at all. I personally got sick of dusting my entire displayed collection. I can no longer see the film of dust every two weeks in my display. It’s been a few months now, and it’s still clean. It does take some time to do it properly, but it pays off in the long run, imho.
  16. Nice diplay @Grimgerde , I personally had to use two types of material to make "ends" meet, and still have smooth operation. Maybe your process is better? Do you have any difficulty opening and closing the doors? Does it seal well? Have you done the sound test? It should significantly lower the sound to the exterior if it is well done. In any case, great collection, and great work! Wow @tekering came out swinging, after @Saburo posted some nice pictures too. Totally kidding, you guys are amazing, and i can not say enough how much i like your photography work. My hat off to you all, and please keep them coming. I will have my mini studio running again in the future, and i will share some of mine too. Not awesome like yours, but i am learning and trying to take better pics.
  17. Sorry to hear that Shadow. I have heard good things about the type R too. Even Mr conservative, James May likes it a lot. I, much like @rotorhead bought my WRX new back in 2010, and over the years I've had to replace parts that wore off, but i dont live in a very snowy place, so i dont have any rust on mine. I have been looking at Miatas for a while, and it is only a mater of time until i get a good one, used. I plan to keep my WRX until the doors falls off, or the engine explodes. I am looking into doors, and engine replacements though. I wanna drive this thing until I die, and i think there might be enough parts around to fulfill my fantasy. WRX are not perfect, but mine is tuned to me, and i feel a very personal connection to it. That new RF miata with 181 BHP is very nice, but i think it is too expensive if you buy it new. I really would like to get any miata, and maybe get into a racing series, but at this point it is all dreams and smoke. I hear Used FRS scions are getting really cheap since scion went under, but it is really the same car as a gt86 or a Subaru BRZ. I've also been looking into Manual GT Mustangs, but i am not sure i want to trust Ford that much. I just want something fun and RWD as a second car. BTW, i have never ever bought an automatic car in my life. As long as i have functioning knees, Manual is all i want.
  18. Yup, I've heard the same comment from quite a few people, and it is true. I check my oil level religiously, even between fill ups. I even carry a quart with me just in case. I do my own changes now, so I know exactly what's going on at all times. I got tired of the dealership losing my clips and hurting my stock sideskirts on the lift. Like they say. If you want something done perfectly, better do it yourself!
  19. Ha, I've done the same in the past. take parts off which look terrible or paint them or customize them. I will stay idle in on my pursuit for a batwing for now. Priorities are a thing currently, so i'll just browse around. I love that little racing Skyline and transporting truck, so classic! I like the little diorama at the back. [printed on the card] I have been thinking of building very small 1/100 diorama, with only a few references and buildings, but it is all plans so far.
  20. Very nice! Looks like you got a Bug-eye there, very cool!I love that fascia too! Mine is ay 158k, and i hope it lasts as long as it can. It has been a good car, and I've had so much fun with it. @ErikElvis I do liek the new Vette, and i think it looks sort of New NSX/ Ferrarish, but it is really nice. I thought GM would stick to their gun and keep it FR layout, but i was wrong. It seems Corvette always wanted to do a MR layout from way back then. I guess i am selfish and i like a huge engine bay you can comfortably work on. I still personally prefer to engine at the front, if i am going to own it, IMHO.
  21. Nice to hear about your new place, and the Holden. It looks fantastic! I had to perform some maintenance on the Subaru, as the miles pile up. i still love it, and I hope it lasts a log time. Thanks for the compliments about my illustration, I appreciate it!
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