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Everything posted by vlenhoff

  1. Badass Tshirt, I want one. You guys are a fountain of information. i found that kenner batwing on ebay , but, does yours have like a escape pod or something? I wonder if it is the same one. In any case, i am still in conservation mode, so i am not buying anything in the near future. Awesome info though, thanks!
  2. @tekering You are Bat-Sick crazy! That 1989 batmobile looks almost identical to the one i own. Not sure if the wheels on mine are more like a gunmetal rather than bronze/goldish in your picture. I Imagine these are all 1:18? Hotwheels Elite? Is Jada any good?. Sunstar? Welly? I've always trouble identifying scale, when there is not a typically scaled object next to it. You got figures in scale too, wow!
  3. WOW, Ahsoka! Yeah, that would be really cool. I have a little Azhoka and Annie in 3.75" but the level of detail is very poor. @Lolicon I would really love a fat Thor, but honestly i have zero Marvel figures. Well, i do have a tiny wolverine somewhere on this planet, but it has been hiding from me, for a while now.
  4. I'm assuming these are all 1:18? You know what, you might have this incredible collection, but i see no 1989 Keaton's Batmobile here. I win. With that said, Bond's Lotus next to Ecto-1 and the Dleorean is mouth watering. Do all doors open on the ecto-1? You've got the Duke's GeneralLee, the Ateam's van, what i think is Bluesbrother's copcar, and Kitt. Very cool collection! Bladerunner's policecar thing is super nice, i had no idea it existed in this scale. I am begining to think these are 1:24, hmm maybe not. MadMAx's interceptor too, wow. Hilariously looking Velociraptor riding the Jussaric park jeep, lol. Is that a Fezza 306 gtb? 308 gtb? I love the 306 GTb if thats what it is. oh wow, i just noticed the Fezza GTO there too. One of the most expensive classic cars today. Let me guess, is this 30 plus years in the making? I still maintain my perfect car movie collection would include THe ecto-1 and the Delorean next to my Batmobile, but oh man oh man that Lotus Espirit in submarine mode is epic! Ha bond's Aston DB5 would be cool too!
  5. Agreed, Actors did their job very well, and deserve no blame at all. To end this in a good note, The last Jedi has fantastically beautiful visuals. It is a very pretty thing. Back on topic... i think I need that new S.H. Figuarts Old man Han. I think it has near perfect likeness. Is it me, or Harrison Ford looked thicker in action figure form? He always looks slightly skinnier on film, IMHO. but then I'd need a new Chewbacca... Nah, He can use the same Figuarts Chewei.
  6. @Lolicon I never for an instant thought they produced these movies for pure passion. if that was the case, quite a few movies would be closer to a masterpiece. The money making has to be balanced with passion, and only then, you get the best of both worlds. If they produced a well written, compelling movie, more people would watch it several times, and bigger fans would buy all of the related collectibles. We all know Merch and super loyal fans is what kept Star wars alive for so long. [Among other franchises] I agree, Game of Thrones bit the dust spectacularly. Yet a close fiend of mine and a super fan of the franchise argues that it was done the correct way. This is the problem with "superfans" blinded by a license. They will bypass and excuse any mistake as long as the "game of thrones" logo is slapped on to it. [in some ways it is like our current political climate] @Mommar, are you referring to Captain Marvel? I personally liked the Spidey movies.
  7. I'd refer you to the Avenger series. It is a love letter to both the characters and the audience. My post is not one about hate, but disappointment. They did an incredible job with Marvel, why drop the ball with star wars? If you can explain that to me, I will be delighted. I know, I know, i can read the sarcasm in your post, and yes, it is > > > Still, I struggle to think why can Disney excel in a very complicated license like marvel, yet they fail in a more straight forward license like Star wars. Ever since Civil war, i kept thinking, there is no way they will be able to balance the stories of so many characters in one movie, but ever since avengers, they did it time and again, beautifully. [IMHO] Then infinity wars and End game came along and I am still blown away by them. I watched those movies at least 3 times in the theater, with different groups of friends.
  8. Battastic! I only have a 1:18 1989 batman movie Batmobile. I wish i had the batwing from that movie too. I love the animated series batmobile and batwing too, but i don't think they were ever released in 1:18 scale. I was thinking maybe an ecto-1 and Delorean in 1:18 could "finish" my movie car collection. Great collection you got there! I think thats basically every batmobile ever, and at 1:50 scale they could easily be posed along 1:48 Yammies.
  9. vlenhoff

    Hi-Metal R

    Deja vu, I saw the same cat twice... No, I mean, I feel i have asked you this before, in some capacity.. Ha.
  10. Except for the arm mechanism and the heat shield, yeah, they are basically a scale model of a V2. @Saburo Wow that's a perfectly lit and framed picture. My hat off to you sir.
  11. HA! I've never noticed that before! It also looks like they painted it in places where a crane with a basket would reach, from the ground. As if it was in real life.
  12. I am sorry, but sadly this is my very humble and personal opinion. I wish i was as happy as i am with Avengers Infinity wars & Endgame. Disney owns Marvel, and nothing but love to the characters and to the audience is what i feel. Sadly i don't collect Marvel, but those movies make want to start a collection. I loved the 3 Spiderman movies they produced, including The Spiderverse. There is proper love and attention to those movies. There is proper understanding of the characters, and what their intentions are. Is it so bad to wish for the same love and attention for a Star wars movie? @tekering That is an awesome shot!
  13. I sincerely think Disney brought back our beloved characters purely as bait. They payed them as little as possible for a little exposure, to introduce new characters and sell more toys. Then they hired Ruin Johnson, and let him do whatever he wanted with the story, which made it worse. This was all about money and not passion. They never cared about our beloved characters, or Us. Sorry, but this is the bad taste Disney left in my mouth, and it is hard to wash off.
  14. vlenhoff

    Hi-Metal R

    I wish I was around from the launch of the HMR. Here is hoping we at least get the Tomahaw, Phallanx and that now elusive bottom row. Ha, that would be the entire board, wouldn't it. @sh9000 I noticed your Max and Miria have correct boosters. Did you paint those? If so, what color did you use? Also, what blue are you using for the VR?
  15. vlenhoff

    Hi-Metal R

    It will be a shame if they don’t produce a tomahawk for this line. I believe the tomahawk shares its legs with other destroyers, right? I may not get the leader valks in the HMR, but I hope they do the Tomahawk. Other than that I’m only missing the spartan. Please Bandai, you have made the most complete macross line in history, possibly. Just finish it !
  16. @Ignacio Ocamica Ha for a moment there I thought those were 1/60, lol. I t was't until i came back to this page, that i realized that. The HMR are so nice. This picture is pure DYRL gold to me! It may not the best picture, or the best current iterations of a valk, but they hold the title well for me.[yes i know the backpack was mistransformed on the Ostrich, sorry] I just took the ostrich out of retirement, so I didn't notice it until after i took the picture.
  17. Thank man, Maybe one day i will look into a lightsaber. I am sorry to hear yours died That sucks. Thanks for the compliment. It has only taken me a lifetime to get to this point, lol. Some of the ships i weathered myself, and it is still a work-in-progress today. As of now, some of it is in boxes, and some of it is displayed. I'm planning to get a few display cases in the future, so i can properly display some of my favorite ships that rest in boxes right now. My star wars collection focuses most around the ships, and the pilots. Then the 6in black series was released, and i had to get some of those and the SH Figuarts/Mafex ones. I don't collect it all. I only collect those things that I like.
  18. Personally, I have not researched any of the lightsabers out there, sorry. My Star wars collection is pretty much complete. I may get a few space walls, and one single 1/6 Luke figure. I may even get some of the main characters in 3.75 with faceprinting tech, but so far i got all the 1/12 [6inch] i basically wanted. I got all the ships with all their pilots and a Legacy millennium falcon totally populated. I got very lucky with many of the ships, so i am very grateful for my collection. https://www.victorlenhoff.com/star-wars-1
  19. These are not the lightsabers you are looking for... OMG that Hoth diorama is built with 3.75" figures and vehicles, INCREDIBLE! They have everything i've got, 12 times over , WOW!
  20. I did the same with me detolf all around. Very well done @ridgebacks!
  21. Thanks @ridgebacks Did you dust proof it yourself? I don't see anything about that in the brochure.
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