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Everything posted by vlenhoff

  1. vlenhoff

    Hi-Metal R

    I wasn't in the game back when the HM were available. Now those HM fast packs are basically 100 shipped, which is nearly the cost of an entire valk. Also, brownies are so delicious it is hard to go for another fast pack vs another brownie.
  2. This is very nice. What is this display cabinet called? (i see you prefer fighter mode too)
  3. The cheap stands or Marcross Arcadia Yamato Dx Base Support Holder Stand Transparent 60 Series VF-1 (yes, they misspelled macross) finally arrived. They are very thin and my V1 1/60 Ostrich slightly bends it open a bit. With that said i love it, as it gives the fighter mode a very dinamic pose... but just that pose. With the V1 Elint the stand may need some trimming for best fitting. It hits the antenna coming from the arm undercarriage and it puts pressure on it. I had to put the Elint V1 back in my older flightpose stands. In any case, 1/48 without the gun fit pretty well, and it sort of saves space if you fold the wings back.
  4. Your collection is very nice too @Ignacio Ocamica I can't get enough of this. Shoji Kawamori is truly a genius. All these planes look amazing, and then you can armor them or fast pack them, and they still transform. I remember as a kid it blew my mind, and it continues to do so until this day.
  5. vlenhoff

    Hi-Metal R

    Oh yeah! Thats more like it! That juicy kite and the greener color does work. I do like the way it looks with the bluish hue and skull too, but this is the ticket. The 1D is such a beautiful bird.
  6. @spanner Welcome back! Awesome car collection! @tekering Gorgeous pictures as always! @sh9000 4 x VF-1D, you are a very sick puppy. So cool!
  7. OH geez, i didn't notice the second row, ha!!!! Time to build a display Daedalus prop!
  8. vlenhoff

    Hi-Metal R

    Ha, so the HM FP is greener? That may look even better! I was very close to getting the HM FP but a few months ago i found this set from the Hikkie 1A on ebay for 45 bucks shipped. Well, It was really 55 bucks, but incredibly, the seller mailed it using slower mail service than the described fast delivery, and he gave me back 10 bucks. Honestly, I didn't even remember it was "fastshipping" or anything. I did think it was taking a long time, but I never complained, or said anything. The seller himself said he made a mistake and gave 10 bucks back. Super honest seller, super honest. He even confirmed the set didn't have the commonly left leg right leg duplicate, via communication before i bought it. It has been a lucky year for me, but not the easiest year, lol. There is always something to pay for or surprise car expenses, but somehow, things have worked out. Sometimes i wish the FP had the macross kite instead of the skull markings, but the skull is sexy enough to keep it that way. I never thought I'd enjoy this line so much. Such cool little things. Thanks for the comment @kkx & @sh9000, you guys rock!
  9. Congratulations on your new place! Where is Chuck? Who is Chuck? I'll do you one better, WHY IS CHUCK? or Gamorra... whatever...
  10. Sorry, triple post... Gratuitous pics of the Fast-packed VF-1D here too!
  11. vlenhoff

    Hi-Metal R

    Gratuitous pics of the Fast-packed VF-1D
  12. Sorry for the double post, but I keep thinking of the Daedalus maneuver! Whats funny is you have twice the Monsters, and other mecha as the maneuver did.
  13. @sh9000 OH @Sanity is Optional MY @505thAirborne G @Saburo O @treatment D You all have incredible collections! I quit. I am selling everything I own. This is just not for me anymore.
  14. vlenhoff

    Hi-Metal R

    Now that's fire power!
  15. @JetJockey Yep it was a Godawful movie. I do think i can limit myself to only one... hundred hottoys... no just kidding. @borgified That is a nice collection. I am trying to keep myself focused on my main 3 collections, and star wars is one of them. Yes, it is very difficult as hottoys look incredible... but pricey.. for me. @sh9000 For now i will continue to drool over John Wick, but there are some current priorities i must resolve. Cool looking figure, enjoy! Oh and nice Osprey BTW!
  16. I am surprised NY didn't increase the price on the 1A Max, as they did with the 1S Hikkie. NY made me pay a while back for Max's, and it was the same price as it is today. I am hopping the do Kaki, and Roy soonish. Unless they release the 1D, I think I'll be done with the line. I have been looking at Madrake's and Jungle's Yammie 1/48 TV Max and Kaki, but the prices are out of my reach for now. I should prob sell my never opened DYRL Max. I have never been a huge fan of DYRL colors, just me. Did Yamato ever do a 1/48 DYRL Max 1S? It went under my radar if the did.
  17. Ahh that stealth type is one of my favorites in my collection. You are going to love it! I got the old Yamato? Arcadia? 1/60 Fan Racer, and i have yet to build it. Is this the Valkyrie Factory one? 2 John Wicks? One to pose neat and fresh, and the other one battle damaged? @sh9000 I know you have brutal Macross collection, but you collect the Xmen and others as well. You must have one of the most extensive collections among MW collectors, wow! John Wick comes with the dog! Drool...
  18. This is why i hate the Last Jedi. We all just wanted to see a full blown veteran Jedi, but noooooo. We got that POS movie. So sorry, i had to say it. I really want one of those Hot toys Luke. They look amazing! I want to get one Hot toys figure, only one! Great buys @Grimgerde Those are all amazing.
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