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Everything posted by VFTF1

  1. I am likely going to wait a bit for mine. Strapped for cash at the mo' VFTF1
  2. Macross 7 is good in one respect - it really does compel you, like an Jesus in the Exorcist or something - to open your heart. I hated Basara and the whole thing at the beginning - his big red fighter, his tight jeans worn with that wife-beater green shirt thing, and those sun glasses! Ewww! They just don't look right... Mylene was fun, but mostly in the way she related to her mom and to her security guard... I also just couldn't stomach the new Mecha...they were ALL too colorful... and then the music AAAAAAAAAHH!!!!! But as the series dragged on, I found myself suddenly liking Basara more and more, and suddenly opening up to his message of peace and love. And by the show's end - I was a Macross 7 fan; and a BIG Fire Bomber fan. Love it. VFTF1
  3. There was another cute Revoltech chick in a black dress too ... will link when I find her... But I've been thinking - a real challenge for the Kayodo Revoltech crew would be.. Macross 7 Gugaba! I mean - it would be really difficult to pull off, and I think they'd have to work a mechanizm mainly for the eyes - since Gub's "facial expressions" mainly came off through his eyes... could be interchangable like with Toro's faces... In any case - I would be interested in seeing the ideas that they came up with for something like that VFTF1
  4. VFTF1

    Macross Revoltech

    Personally I can't wait for Breetai with crowbar! But then again... I wonder whether they will do DYRL or TV? I much prefer TV... particularly for Minmey - looks better in TV imo. VFTF1
  5. So his antenna do move - I guess I'll give mine a go....delicately though. VFTF1
  6. VFTF1

    Macross Revoltech

    For my own purposes, I can use photoshop to create legions of regults based off of the one that I get. Misa, on the other hand, has sentimental value and I'd probably keep one MISB, one for play, and 8 for display in various corners of me home VFTF1
  7. Dude - you guys are all naive Bassara's a rock star! Just because Mylene is there doesn't mean the triangle is resolved. For all we know the very next day she went to Gamlin's place while Bassara met up with the biker chick:) VFTF1
  8. Shiznickle. Indeed those are crazy Go Kayodo Go! VFTF1
  9. Ok - here is the ugly truth: My grandmother's aunt's uncle's room-mate's cousin's brother, while watching Space Balls, happened to get an urging for pizza; called up a pizza place - and who shows up 20 minutes later? The pizza delivery guy of course. And because my grandmother's aunt's uncle's room-mate's cousin's brother's sister's daughter who lived with him (don't ask) was a Macross fan, the Pizza guy happened to see some Macross stuff while delivering the pizza. Next thing you know the pizza guy is like "you know, my dad was in Japan last week to visit his sister's mother who was God Mother to his ex-wife's daughter, and when he came over, a guy named Gen was visiting her and it turned out that Gen was the brother of the driver for a CEO at some Bank who's daughter was dating the son of a distant relative of Kawamori." So as you see - I am pretty tight with the VIPs. VFTF1
  10. I had that happen to my VF-OS and just super glued the thing back on. The trick is not to apply pressue where the panel meets the seet... As for the shoulders on the VF-OA...mama mia....same thing happened to me - utter bummer - hope it's a factory defect.... The last time a Yammie did something like that was the VF-11B 1/72 scale from way back... Maybe grey fighters are cursed? Not to be a pouter - I congratulate Yamato for a perfect - and I do mean perfect- SV-51 Nora. VFTF1
  11. So far, I have built Wing Zero Custom and Crossbone Full Cloth....although i still haven't built the cloth in Full Cloth... I really like Crossbone's space ship, and Wing Zero - well - the only thing good about him are his wings... I like Turn A, so that will be my next Gundam. Nu looks interesting too. In general, I am quite impressed with the MG kits. VFTF1
  12. Daimos looks really great! By the by - does anyone have the SOC Getter Robo set? Would appreciate pics/impressions. VFTF1
  13. VFTF1

    Macross Revoltech

    Ok - here's the dream Kayodo event: SDF-Macross DYRL BRIDGE SET A super dupper Kayodo box with diaorama that holds the three Bridge Bunnies, Misa and Gloval I would LOVE that. VFTF1 ps - then they can do a "Fire Bomber Concert Diaorama Set" later
  14. VFTF1

    Macross Revoltech

    I will probably buy only one regult... But when Misa Hayes comes out I'll buy 10 VFTF1
  15. No, he's clearly opening the can - if he was pooping, it wouldn't go into the hole, but rather out into space - unless he's holding on to the can in order not to fall over backwards while pooping? But then again - Valkyrie don't poop, so the point is mute. I was wondering - can we move the antenna on the Revoltechs? I didn't want to try on mine because I was afraid of breaking something - but in general; the 1S seems like it allows poseable antenna while my Hikaru 1J just doesn't like it when I touch him there.... VFTF1
  16. I can see myself getting Fire Bomber or Minmey stuff - T-Shirts and the whole nine yards. But not Roy Fokker. VFTF1
  17. I say it should be called: VF-25 Skinny Manily And in armored mode: Bitch Slapper VFTF1
  18. I have Obaet Ai Matsuka as my ring tone... happy with it; don't want to change it. But the nyan nyan song is really endearing VFTF1
  19. Remake Macross 7? I think not. It's a good series as is - it took me a while to fall in love with, but Basara's music does ultimately win you over in the end - and after the somewhat monotonous first few eps; a really interesting story line explodes and I do care about the cast. Sure; I have pet peeves - and sure, I have NO pet peeves with SDF M TV...so in that respect M7 is a "step down"... But I also have pet peeves with Macross Plus and none with Zero... So maybe I just have trouble with the "Macross as Star Trek" vibe and prefer things to be a bit more grounded; earth, near earth; our solar system... But all in all - I am a big Basara fan; the music is great; the story is great, the villains are great... Can't wait to watch the entire series again. VFTF1
  20. VFTF1

    Macross Revoltech

    Wow. That prototype YF-19 just totally rocks. Amazing. I have always been a huge fan of Revoltech and they just seem to keep bringing out better and better stuff. Just amazing. I generally don't really like the Mac Plus designs - although the 19 1/60 by Yamato is really great and I'm sure the 21 will eb too... but they are truly amazing. VFTF1
  21. Ok - here's my take... First - the VF-25 could have been MUCH worse. In the end, it seems logical that the machine has to have a lot of the YF-19 in it, since the VF-19 was such an iconic and powerful fighter in the end. The SV-51 element is not so much IN the VF-25 as it is in the YF-19. I've always considered the YF-19 to be UNspacey's nod of recognition towards Anti-UN for producing something as good as the SV-51; and the YF-19 seems to be an attempt to adapt alot of what makes the SV-51 work so well. Let's face it - the worse thing about the classic VF-1 is the stupid swivel legs - stupid because it was so hard to actually build the darned thing - I mean; it must have been extremely difficult to build a real life VF-1 given how extremely hard the perfect TF version was to come up with - and even then those swivel legs are really really kind of lame - because I just can't imagine that thing really transforming in mid air without going into multiple barrel rolls... The VF-25 does, however, keep what is best about the VF-1 --- the fighter mode. In fighter mode, the 25 seems to really be just another VF-1 with a longer nose and sleeker design - but it harkens back really well. Final thought: the head looks like Gaemlin's VF-17S ... and I never really liked that much. As for it being so slender..well...that is just the trend recently; look at the Transformers from the movie. I too favor bulky bots; but ho hum such are the times. I don't like the swiveling guns on the Armored mode - yucky - and the ELINT radar... it's just over done. But maybe when I see the toy version I'll like it just fine. Over all - could have been much worse - this is a conservative upgrade; and it should be. good work. VFTF1
  22. Gosh Durndit! Is it really that difficult to create a decent Minmey figure? This one ...the face and the head are all wrong, the legs are too long -- I never liked that dress from DYRL either, although it looked better in the animation than in these terrible figures.. Here face looks like that of an elve from Lord of the Rings, her hair seems to be greesed rather than full, and her legs are jut way too super-model long! Minmey was the cute, well proportioned girl from the neighborhood - not some long legged elve-model half breed. Judging by Revoltech Fraulein Asuka and Rei - I think Kayodo is the only hope for decent Macross girls. VFTF1
  23. I'm interested, but I just hope that it's more poseable and fun than the 1/60 Quid Rau - that looks ok and is good for what it is, but it's kind of limited in what you can do with it, and the static Miria is just annoying. VFTF1
  24. Ok - let me put it this way: Remember when Hasbro had the "great" idea to come out with Supreme Cheetor? 1/6 Minmey is Yamato's Supreme Cheetor. I would LOVE a nice Minmey figure; but the scale, the joints, the hair - any idea people on how utterly hard it will be to keep her hair from frazzling? - it's just not good. I don't even mind the price - I've gotten so used to this stuff costing more than a car that whatever - it doesn't faze me - but it's just not good looking. That and I never really could stand the DYRL Minmey - she had much nicer outfits in SDF M TV. VFTF1
  25. Don't say things like that! You must clearly be part of a conspiracy to get me to buy the WAVE SDF-1... I soooo want an SDF-1.... can't....resist....must....buy...it....is...so...so lovely.... can't....fight....this....feeling....need...alternative... Thank God I'm broke But seriously - as soon as I get some moolaa I'm gonna make this sucker mine....no! no! can't! too small! Too small for the price... Hm - ok - can anyone else who has one- particularly the new movie version - post some clear picks of the ship and battroid modes? VFTF1 (didn't take his medication today:) )
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