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Everything posted by VFTF1

  1. I have already informed my lawyers to file sexual harrassment lawsuits against your lawyers for trying to touch me! VFTF1
  2. That actually is a very very cool idea. VFTF1
  3. Well - I imagine the benefit of the chunkies is that they'll fit in really well with my G1 Transformers... hmmm....might be tempted just for the heck of it...diet coke!...wait...er...you know what I mean ... Would love to see the packaging - hope it's not the generic one I remember from previous chunkydom... oh - and will they have super strike parts? VFTF1
  4. The context in M-7 was to find a group of singers that the military could use in the manner of Basara, but without the trouble of having someone as insubordinate as Basara around... The result was the Jamming Birds .... And the contest was lots of fun... there was also a contest for pilots.... But I don't think either of them were labeled as Miss Macross contests --- since they weren't beauty pageants but just singing contests... VFTF1
  5. So YOU were the one who ruined my promising career as a Macross consultant with the studios!? I had suggested that Macross F feature a love pentagon, and not a triangle, because I like pentagons better! The show producers, for their part, wanted a love circle, and Kawamori kept arguing that it ought to be a variable hexagon - able to take on the shape of a square or a octogon at will. For months I sacrificed convincing them that my love pentagon idea was the best one - and they were on the brink of accepting when suddenly what do I hear one November night? "Hey, I heard from a friend about someone coming up with the idea for a love triangle".... and there went MY career! Thanks Gubaba! VFTF1
  6. Don't even get me started on Macross Frontiers. I post to a forum on Chinese/Japanese food and I once posted about this GRRREEEEAAAAT restaraunt in my city; best Japanese food I've ever had - and the Chinese isn't bad either; it's a joint Chinese/Japanese venture; although the boss is Chinese, the Japanese food is presided over by a Japanese guy... Anyways - I ended my review with something like "you know - if they ever make another Macross series, they really ought to put in a great Chinese restaurant." And what happens? Lo and behold - and who gets the credit- some Kawamori guy ...sheesh. No justice. I posted on this outrage on other sights - and get this guys - people write responses like "but don't you think that since Minmey worked in a Chinese restaurant in the original SDF M, then it is only natural that there would be such a restaurant and a waitress in the new series, and that this is where the idea came from and not from stealing your insights?" Can you BELIEVE this stuff?? No justice and certainly no sympathy in this cruel, cruel world. VFTF1
  7. Not interested. Only thing that would potentially interest me would be a VF-1S Hikaru...for obvious Jetfire related reasons VFTF1
  8. Godmars is indeed kickbutt - and I would put him right up there with Gunbuster, Dancouga, and Daimos as an "I want!" item. The one thing that bothers me about Godmars - although this isn't his fault - is that the component robots don't turn into anything... I guess I've just been conditioned by transformers that that is what is SUPPOSED to happen... But it's a great accomplishment - that Godmars - no doubt. VFTF1
  9. That is actually very nice. Very very nice... VFTF1
  10. To all those considering selling off some of their collection in order to buy other cool stuff... my advise: DON'T! A little about my own experience in this regard: I have gone through the pain of losing a really good collection twice; and let me tell you - what really sucks is that eventually, after you've sold of X in order to buy Y, then Z will come along and then you will not afford Z because guess what you'll be doing? Trying to buy back X (under the impression that well, gee, now that you got Y, you kind of miss X and would like to get another)... but Z looks so tempting... what to do? The obvious sacrifice becomes...Y! Why? Well because you satisfied your craving for Y, and the marginal craving for X is rising due to nostalgia, all the while the craving for Z persists because it is the "new Y" - the new kid on the block. Under this scenario - you will be constantly unhappy - you will either regret selling X, or be forced to sell Y (for which you gave up X) in order to get Z, and find yourself in a cycle of pain and self-resentment when Z(1) comes along... As hard as it might be - exercise patience. Your cash flow will eventually rebound. Do not start selling off your collections in a paniced attempt to secure funds for the latest "cool thing" - and by this term I do not mean "worthless fad" - obviously collectables are now made with such quality that even many items which were released years ago are still high-quality top notch merchandise. But the point here is that once you sell of a piece of your collection for another piece - you are starting to use your collection as a credit card line. Now - it might just be that there are things in your collection which you deem SUCK. Sell those. But vow to yourself that you won't be trying to buy them back later - and be honest with yourself about it. For me - these elements in my collection that SUCKED were all my Armada-Energon-Cybertron toys. I didn't care about the characters, and they weren't as pretty as say... the 1/48 VF-1S. So while I kept my G1, my BW II and Neo - I ditched the Armada-Energon-Cybertron and am presently extremely hesitant about getting Amimated, and don't really care even for Classics. Furthermore - I KNOW that I will NOT be scouring ebay for a MISB Energon Rodimus or Snowflake (or whatever that dude's name was). There are many other items I would love to get my hands on. Don't sell your 1/48s. They are truly stupendous pieces of engineering; great models - and no matter how great the 1/60s end up being - I GUARANTEE YOU THAT IN SOME WAY THEY WILL BE LESS DESIRABLE THAN THE 1/48s. There will be something you MISS about the 1/48 that the 1/60 won't have. I myself will most likely pick up 1/60 Max, Miria and two-seeters. The former because I don't have the 1/48 versions and they seem very hard to acquire, the latter because they are not made in 1/48 scale. But I am not going to sell off the jems of my collection to do it. If this means I have to wait a bit - hell - even if it means the price on some item goes a bit up - FINE. waiting is better tan regretting. Better to suffer now and be happy later. Don't be happy now and suffer later. VFTF1
  11. VFTF1

    Thunder Hammer

    Ok - don't pummel me with your thundering hammers MacrossWorld friends but... While I truly do appreciate how amazingly difficult this kind of custom was to produce... I am underwelmed - I just don't find the thunderhammer armor to be appealing on a design level. So props for a great job - but I'm not drooling... VFTF1
  12. Won't somebody think of the children! VFTF1
  13. Ewww... I prefer pre-dietmaster Tesujin.... This guy is just too chiselled. VFTF1
  14. Wow! Ok - I have decided that I will purchase the 1/72 ES-11D as soon as possible and make my first ever glue/paint modeling effort! That is really impressive - and I love teh Cat's Eye because of "Blind Game" and my love for Misa. VFTF1
  15. As to the first point - this would be the logical inference; but I would hastent therefore to point out that for purposes of maintaining psychological balance on the Megaroad, such a "transparent material" would be a hideous choice. After all - wouldn't it be more prudent to isolate the colonists from space? Wouldn't it be better to create an artificial sky, as was done on the SDF Macross? I would imagine people would be equally frightened of the view as they would be fascinated by it... And even if we can assume that on their side of the transparent material, there is in fact artificial sky, then why have the material be transparent at all? Doesn't this simply advertise to potential alien adversaries that the craft is a huge colony vessel? A housing unit full of juicy unarmed targets? As to the second point regarding the armored shells that never seem to deploy in time to defend the city - well - this is precisely why the original SDF Macross was so effective. It didn't need an "armored shell" - the vessel itself was just such a shell. I don't understand the departure from this way of doing things - granted; the SDF Macross was not built specifically to house a city; granted there was much innovation to the process - but just because UN Spacey is suddenly building colony fleets doesn't mean that they must all be so...well...unguarded. Naturally I understand the aesthetic reasoning - the Megaroad 1 is aesthetically far more impressive than the clunky SDF Macross. But from the point of view of the citizens - who cares? All they see is their city and their artificial sky. In fact, in times of relative peace, it is likely very easy to forget one is even ON a space ship... for those who are somehow exited by this; well - there are ways of remembering available to them. I guess I just can't fathom the reasoning behind the new colony models. They seem to be more elaborate and therefore expensive; yet they don't work as well in fulfilling their various functions as the old Macross did. VFTF1
  16. Well, if you take the fact that I call my Mom "mom" - then that's an "M" Then there's the "A" from my "dAd" (I call him Dad) Then you have to factor in that I have a cat - so you have a "C" I also have a collection of robots - so there's the "R" I have a dog named "Oz" - so there's the "O" And then just multiply the S in my initials twice for "SS" Unbeatable. I am surprised that Kamawori has not payed me a house visit, or at least acknowledged my vast importance in the development of Macross up to this day.... VFTF1
  17. You will all see! The 1/48s will eventually be worth nothing! Nothing! This entire Macross craze will end on August 29th, 2010! It has been so prophesized! All of our Valkyries will be worth pennies as interest in Macross suddenly dies simultaneously at midnight on August 29th 2010! Repent o Macross Fans for the day of reckoning is upon us! Will there not be one Macross fan left to fan the flames of consumer demand? No! We shall all be consumed! By what you ask? Disease? The Swarm? Armegeddon!? No! We will be consumed by Jaycross! Jaycross is a new series set to debute on August 30th 2010 about a cross-dressing alien named jay and how he tries to cross the street but can't because he's an alien and doesn't know what a street is, let alone - how to cross one! Jaycross merchandise will be in demand! Macross fans will look upon their collections and grieve - grieve that they cannot afford a Jaycross toy! People will jump from windows! The Jaycross Crisis is upon us! Listen to my words! Quickly give up all of your Valkyrie to me - just PM me for shipping address - before it is too late! VFTF1
  18. Anniversary 19 looks pretty good in those picks... And the general comparison really gives you a good view as to the Transformers vs. Real Robots... Some observations: 1. The Decepticon seeker is full of kibble. He would have trouble doing things like sitting down. YF19 on the other hand does not have this problem. 2. The Decepticon seeker seems ill protected. His cockpit does not have a heat shield. Of course, one could argue that he can do without it since he has no pilot, but it always generally bothered me - the thought that the Seeker's chest is just so much glass.... But of course, the MP is a great seeker mould- a dream come true - fantastic... I have both Star and Skywarp and can't wait for Thundercracker to finally roll around... VFTF1
  19. I have on-and-off feelings for GI Joe... Generally, I really like Cobra because all of them are just so exentric. But overall - I am not a big enthusiast of this line. VFTF1
  20. That black Jetfire is really great - although more great in the sense of it being a great Transformer... For some reason, I just can't fall in love with chunky Macross... it's wierd because I have the exact opposite views insofar as Transformers go... I love chunky G1 goodness and can't stand the newer stuff... VFTF1
  21. I would also add that one of my initials is "S" - as in "S"DF Macross. Beat that y'all !! VFTF1
  22. I'm going to ask the obvious question - which likely has an even more obvious answer that I can't think of but... Isn't encasing the city in what amounts to glass a really bad idea? I mean - what about alien attacks? Is that glass made of some Over-Technology super alloy? Is pin-point barrier technology really so reliable? Or is it that they always meant this to be a "city ship?" VFTF1
  23. I voted SDC M... But the real truth is that I got into Macross via the Palladium Robotech Role Playing games. I never in my life watched any Robotech, because it simply wasn't broadcast in my area of the US, but there was a fellow in my elementary school who got us together and we would role play Robotech. I really liked the seriousness of the paladium games, the mech designs and remember spending many fun recesses role playing Robotech. If there is ANYTHING that encouraged me to seek out the source material - it is the exitement of those role playing games... I remember that the first Japanese Macross I saw was later, as a college student - I watched Macross Plus on video... Then - what FINAAALLY got me full time into Macross was...Yamato. When I saw the care and attention to detail they put into their 1/48s I just thought to myself - geez - there must be something reaaaaallllyyy special about this anime that people want to cherish it so much that there is demand for something like this... And so I watched all of SDF M and was hooked immediately! VFTF1
  24. Wasn't Macross the Japanese dub of the American Robotech series? We can win! If we try! Let's fly! And the enemy shall die! We can win! VFTF1
  25. Duuuuude!!! That's nothing! Check THIS out: www.macrossworld.com Seems that Kawamori guy created this epic anime series about transforming robot airplanes flying in a big ship and these alien dudes who want to kill them or something! Anyways - I encourage everyone to check out the website - lots of cool stuff there! VFTF1
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