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Everything posted by eriku

  1. Great video Gakken, thanks. This thing is looking really solid. I wish it had a little more movement at the hips but that's a minor thing and more personal preference than complaint. Really looking forward to getting mine!
  2. Star Saber is looking perfect. The photo of Saber surfing on the V-Star is exactly what I've been waiting to see. Hopefully tomorrow we'll see more Yuki (the brainmaster). You can see a glimpse of a painted version through the canopy.
  3. Bought. I may need two so I can paint one pink.
  4. That's my guess as well, SDF-1 on one side and the rest of the bits on the other. Looks massive, but whatever. I'm a veteran of the old days of Yamato toys so enormous boxes are nothing new. Thanks for the photo!
  5. Finally got a chance to spend some time with my 30 and I love it. It's more versatile than I had thought. Along with being able to remove the missile pod I like the option to remove the tail fins and fold the wings flat in battroid mode. Locks together better than I thought it would in battroid too. Really dig the transformation.
  6. Yeah, SF. For whatever reason everything I've ever had pass through there has gotten seriously delayed. I'm sure it's all random luck.
  7. US Customs is so weird. If anything I'm expecting goes through New York there is a 50% chance it'll get hung up for at least a few days. If something goes through San Francisco there is a 100% chance it gets hung up for at least a week. If something goes through Chicago it passes through in like two hours. I don't know if they're ever actually checking anything at Chicago Customs.
  8. The more the merrier. And why stop at Macross? How about a really kick ass Legioss? Pretty please?
  9. It was back up on HLJ last night for a nanosecond. Could happen again. I'm also a late-comer for this so fingers crossed.
  10. NYCC happens just a couple days after my birthday so a Makuros would be a lovely birthday gift!
  11. Already shared your link on three other sites.
  12. Thanks evilcat, preorder placed! Awesome.
  13. That Rodimus is weird. Whether its a KO or a sample of a new run from Takara, why the hell would they use those Hasbro elbows? In any case, what I really want is a smaller, simplified Hot Rod with no forced Rodimus mode.
  14. I like my dinobots dumb. Part of the reason I loved them in G1 was they were just the biggest group of total idiots and it was hilarious. If they tried to combine they'd probably end up with a leg sticking out of the neck, two arms on one hip, the head on the other hip and the last member trying to fight the rest of his combined team because he doesn't recognize them.
  15. You're in luck. http://www.bigbadtoystore.com/bbts/product.aspx?product=TAK11952&mode=retail You can also get it a month early for $20 more if you're feeling frisky. http://www.bigbadtoystore.com/bbts/product.aspx?product=TAK11953&mode=retail
  16. That Snarl looks great. That combiner & foot looks like one of those line-filled designs that I just can't get into. I know its supposed to be "detail", but...blech.
  17. Agreed, him and Astrotrain are probably the two 'cons I'd like to see the most in the MP line. Them and, I am almost ashamed to say, Dark of the Moon Megatron. I loathe the movies but I'm a sucker for that Megatron design.
  18. Hasui was assigned the AoE toys? Was he given a lobotomy first?
  19. It's pretty much all about robot mode. If I didn't have a soft spot for chunky, dorky and ridiculously designed aircraft I would very much hate the alt mode. It's the anti-valkyrie. It's big, blocky, nothing is streamlined, nothing makes sense, nothing fits flush together so there are gaps everywhere and aside from being ugly as sin you can take one look at it and know with utmost certainty that it could never fly. A VF from Macross will make me weak in the knees from its beauty & realism and that's the reason I love those. This thing makes me chuckle and reminds me of being a kid when I could nail a few pieces of 2x4 to a slab of partical board, draw a control panel with a Sharpie and use it as a spaceship. The ignorance/innocence of childhood imagination I suppose.
  20. I know everyone here hates this thing, at least those of you who aren't stupid people like me, but I got Kronos today and thought I'd share a couple of photos. Please excuse the poor quality, I used my ancient phone.
  21. Cool, how do you like him? I'm not really into the whole Bruticus project they have going, but I like Brawl and Swindle enough that I'm considering getting those two.
  22. What did HG do with all of the Robotech money they've made over the years? Seems like they should have had plenty by now to fund their own project. I'm guessing Mrs. Macek has some expensive habits. Regardless, while I would love to see HG lose their rights to Macross, I can't deny the potential for comedy that will come from a new Robotech series.
  23. If you're willing to do a little work, the gold chrome on YOTH Optimus isn't actually gold chrome at all, it's silver chrome with yellow paint over it. http://www.tfw2005.com/boards/radicons-customs/978557-yoth-optimus-changes.html
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