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Everything posted by dizman

  1. Yeah I'm with ya on that, a touch and try is fun but I love a well thought out transformation video with closeups and proper lighting. The official video should release in the next few days if the VF-31 release is anything to go by.
  2. Hah I knew that I saw it somewhere recently. Is it just a fan design? Guess we are gonna have to pester Kurisama to make some .
  3. In pictures they look a bit too wide but in person I think the shoulder launchers help fill out the overall bulky look. I wish there were missile pods on the legs to help bulk them up even more, I think there was even concept art for that at some point.
  4. New Alpine 110, I hope they find a way to sell it in the US! Hmm I wonder if we will see a rally variant, probably not .
  5. The Ace Combat esque Sky Rogue just entered into its beta phase (was in alpha for maybe 2 years). It's a fun pick up and play for 10 minutes at a time kinda game, even has mod support with a few Macross VFs on steam.
  6. Some good info in this video about the materials and durability of the switch.
  7. Lolicon's way is a bit more in depth and looks better when all is done but a mechanical pencil alone would work fine for a beginner, not a lot you can mess up that way and you have a bit more control.
  8. Bah who needs to land, it's the open landing gear doors that are important.
  9. Wait hold on.... we have a front page? A quick google search even brought up the forum before the front page. Count me in for the people that just go straight to the forums for the news and hubbub. Sure the front page could be updated more often but the main goal is to get people on the forum to talk about goings on. That's how I've always seen it anyways.
  10. Pretty neat, I guess the dumb question would be if it can be fired while hovering?
  11. You should give Mazinkaiser a watch then, sure some knowledge of the previous series would help but I think it works fine on its own.
  12. Hah yeah, ignorance and greed always go well with copyright and ownership laws .
  13. The tyrant being a web exclusive makes sense, I'm still a bit annoyed they made ingram unit 2 an exclusive though.
  14. Oooh Blaster Master is lookin good, no in game footage of a giant frog boss but I'll hold out hope.
  15. I just finished rewatching Evangelion. It's probably been more than 10 years since I last watched, all I can say is congratulations! Now I guess I'll head down the road to End of Evangelion.
  16. I had the front armor on mine pop off while I was messing with the arms, turns out I only had one side latched on the chest. When you push down on the missile panels go back and forth a few times to make sure both latches catch, when everything is in place you should be able to pick up the VF-0 by the chest armor without anything popping off.
  17. AFAIK there is no SRC Kurogane Mazinkaiser in the works, the closest thing out there is the superalloy Z color version which has a chromed look to it. As for other SRC recommendations, Shin Getter 1 is probably my favorite of the bunch. I've also heard Gunbuster is good, though I don't have one.
  18. People have been saying that for 20 years now (maybe more). Maybe it will actually happen one of these days, but everyone likes new expensive toys......
  19. Very cool, heres hoping that the wing joints are ratcheted so it can hold the attack mode pose without sagging like the old Yamato releases. Other than that I had no big complaints with the old Yamato, not even sure I'll buy the reissue Ivanov yet. I'll probably get the Nora as I never picked that version up.
  20. Hah yeah someone has to forward Mr.K the images of Dobber's Sv-51 if Arcadia decide to go the V2 route, I'd probably go for 2 as well.
  21. I'd wager it will look a lot like this (from page 46 of this thread). Really is a great design, dunno if anyone would take the time to make a toy/model of it but lets hope.
  22. Future polish is always the answer.
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