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Everything posted by dizman

  1. Just go classic and make a few Seafires, I'm sure they can mount some AIM-9 pylons on the wings somewhere.
  2. If you don't mind the PS1 graphics you can play the JP version of AC3 with an English fan patch that covers all the different story paths and some of the side content. https://projectnemo.net/about.shtml I'd still like to see an AC3 remake, so many cool designs I'd love to see updated. They can keep the original intro though.
  3. Welcome back!
  4. I haven't used buyee and after a bit of messing around with the website I couldn't get the hazel to pop up either. You could try asking through their customer service http://buyee.jp/help/yahoo/guide/inquiries?lang=en
  5. Pre-Order is up for the hazel, get it while its hot http://p-bandai.jp/item/item-1000115790 Here's the cutoff image, RG MK-II in RX-78 colors.
  6. Be prepared to shell out the big bucks for that hazel, I've heard it's a P-Bandai release (as will be the many variations I'd guess).
  7. I'll buy any version of the Sv-262 Bandai produces but it's not looking too good for any releases past Keith. I'd be more interested in getting a green 262ba but a white and gold hs would be fine too.
  8. Apparently there was a second Byarlant custom at torrington according to a Unicorn MSV manga. http://gundam.wikia.com/wiki/RX-160S-2_Byarlant_Custom_02 The real answer of course is there are as many Byaralants out there as Bandai deems fit to sell models. Now that we have the proper arm, head and leg parts I'm sure a Jerid P-Bandai release isn't far off.
  9. Bandai loves to use that Byarlant mold, might as well make it pink this time around cause lady pilot.
  10. It's likely to be an upgrade like Enemy Within so time for an all new playthrough. I do remember hearing that the Avatar project timer was going to be slowed down some so they could fit all the new stuff in so at least there's that.
  11. Somehow I missed it up till now but new XCOM 2 expansion!
  12. I've had good experience with From Japan as well, was even thinking about using them to get the MG 3.0 Char Gundam that's been hanging around the P-Bandai site for a bit. There are other options out there if you don't mind the wait, Gundam Store USA and Gundam Planet usually stock a small amount of P-Bandai kits.
  13. It's almost like all the fan remakes they keep trying to destroy gave them the hint that people want a remake. I'm hopeful as well, there was no talking in the trailer just Samus kicking ass.
  14. Hah yeah I'd have to buy the Hikaru and Roy F-14 schemes..... and the Su-37 Yellow 13 scheme........ and the Zipang F-14 scheme. Yeah maybe Namco would be smart to steal all my money
  15. I play DCS and Ace Combat, love em both for different reasons. DCS for the in depth flight model and systems simulation (the new Viggen add on is great) and Ace Combat for the crazy stories, fun combat and usually great music (AC2 is still my favorite game soundtrack). I'm pretty hyped for 7, here's hoping it isn't ruined by Namco throwing in micro transactions for plane skins and weapons.......
  16. Cool stuff, I love the Blue Angels shot with 1 and 3 looking like one plane.
  17. Funny enough I didn't even notice all the exposed frame areas until you mentioned them, those are a bit strange. I'll have to see some better pictures to see if they will be a deal breaker but I doubt it. The (probably) P-Bandai Full Armor set should fix any armor gaps anyways
  18. Maybe some more one off adventures with the crew will be fun... ehh who am I kidding this is terrible news. Lets hope the idea goes down in flames before it leaves the script stage.
  19. Ooh that MG ZZ is lookin good in color, the only thing I don't like is the chest spikes. I know the last few Ver Ka MGs have them and they look good on those kits but it just seems out of place on the ZZ, guess I'll skip putting them on.
  20. Metal Build Zeta with a well thought out transformation and lotsa locking tabs is what I'd like to see eventually. Maybe try and get it back to the angular 80's look and stay away from the rounded corners look Zeta releases usually have these days. I'd even be down for a Wave Shooter variant if they don't want to do the complex transformation.
  21. This movie is going to be great, it has elderly Tom Cruise, Val Kilmer and CG aircraft doing silly stunts(probably). What could possibly go wrong? The bad guy will be AI piloted aircraft, it's the easy out so you don't have to cut out any global markets.
  22. Wow that's an interesting idea though the KOs will probably just have fake serial numbers to screw people over so......
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