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Everything posted by robokochan

  1. Hey there are more Appleseed fans here than you think...it's one of my favorites! Excellent Toys...you should do some more! And if you do make sure you postthem here so we all can see them. great Job!
  2. robokochan

    Your Valks

    man I am seriously considering getting more of these! great pics Sithlord!
  3. No need to get political or anything. <_< There are MW members from all of the world here. Keep it about Macross. Edited for wrong choice of words.
  4. Yeah the prices are getting alittle crazy. I was really shocked at that auction as well. But now everything is dead. I pray that things get better on ebay or the Monkey-man will be outta business.
  5. Wowoooo More Valk Girls..Keep em coming! But seriously that is really excellent work.
  6. Pretty Good Rico...nice headlights...
  7. robokochan

    Your Valks

    I'm making great use of mine. Thanks Sithlord..my VE-1 has a new home!
  8. A privacy Box in Japan is basically... um... how to put this nicely where to get a 30 min quicky. They are usually situated in business areas (and are un-offically sanctioned by the Japanese Goverment) as an area to get rid of un-wanted stress. Less stress..less suicide..higher production. Alot of companies even paid for the services provided there for thier employees. They are less common nopw and have been replaced with High-Class Hostess bars. They also had interesting names such as Fairy Box, Heaven, Utopia, Xanadue ect. This is just from knowlege..not actual experience...NO GAIJINS ALLOWED. Rob Edit: for spelling
  9. Why do it myself when I can use a tool to do it for me. You use a lawn mower to cut your grass or you do it with a pair of scissors? I did use a calculator, there's one at the end of that link, dick nose. Man you called him "Richard-Nose" Too Much!
  10. I can help you out. I have at least the top view. I tried making pieces for a conversion of this kit but alas it has been put on hold. Actually it was alittle more difficult than anticipated. Give me a day or to to drag out the book and I will e-Mail you the pics. Rob MN
  11. Excellent work WDC. Man I love valk-Girls! Always have....Oh No! I'm a Valk-Girl Junkie! Well they say that admitting you have a problem is the first step right? And from someone who smokes like a chimney..the cig was a nice touch! Hey if the shirts are made count me in! Rob
  12. I'm not getting tired of them...MORE...MORE..!!!!! Some of you guys that can color these should snag them (with blake_art's permission first ) and color them! There should be a 'Pinned' Valkgirl-Art, for all the Valk-Girls to have a home! So who is going to do the SDF-1 as a Girls? Anyone anyone? Again excellent work...keep 'em comin'!
  13. Thanks for all your in-depth and very techincal answers. I never really expected so many responses. I was just hoping everyone would say: Because it's friggin' Cool! Anyway I can understand the psychological factor that Battroid mode would have on ground forces. Especially walking units. And I also like Macross because the Mecha in it are the most believable. (Don't get me started on Gundam). Thanks again for all the replies. They more than answered the questions that I had been pondering. Here's a new question: (And the answer may be floating areound here somewhere.) They built the Destroids for ground missions and defense. The Valkyries are in the air. Did they ever build variable craft for the ocean? Something fast that could traget and engage in air craft or ships. Something smaller than a Sub. Any comments?
  14. Hello all, First off I want to say that I love Macross, it is just about the BEST Animation out there! But something has always bothered me about the series. When the SDF fell and they aquired the Over-Technology, why did they build the Valkyrie the way they did. It is obvious that there were not any Valkyries already one the SDF. If anything there were Fighter Pods, and powered Armor of some kind. So my question is why make a Valkyrie that can change into Battroid Mode. One reason could be that when they boarded the SDF and saw the sheer size of everything. For example whwn Hikaru and Minmay are trapped inside the engine room and they go out to get the Tuna Hikaru makes a comment about the size of the Air-lock. It could have been the same case when the Higher-Ups first got an assesment of the SDF. Or when they boarded the SDF there were still bodies inside. To me after seeing this I would feel that the Destroids would have been a better choice for mass production than investing in the Valkyrie. It is obvious that they spent more time and development on the Valkyrie instead of the Destroids. Okay so they needed an air defense. Hence the Valkyrie comes in. But why make it transform into a humanoid shape. I can understand the need for Gerwalk Mode. But Battroid Mode seemed un-necessary at this point because thay had not encountered the Giant Zentradi yet. And they really didn't know that they were coming. Anyway I am sure I am leaving something else out that I wanted to ask..... So your opinions please. (I wonder how many post will say: "Because it's friggin' cool man....) Rob
  15. Stop the insanity! That move it page was so stupid it was funny. But I think I am warped now...or going blind
  16. I will process what can be ordered but it will be the last one. Mods please un-pin this topic. With every request they seem to change what can and cannot be ordered. It looks as though Yamato doesn't want to issue parts to fix thier mistakes, even at a price. I am sorry guys. I really tried. Rob
  17. Hello, I sent in the list and got a reply. Yamato basically is not going to release parts. I have updated the first post to indicate what can and cannot be ordered. Rob
  18. "Cumbayaaaaa.....cumbayaaaaaa......." *song contiues aimlessly ** Shin: "I love you man!" Nora: " No man, I LOVE You...." Shin: "No wayyy man I LOVE YOU!" After seeing this heartwarming displayof affection, both the UN Spacy and the Anti UN call a truce and halt all aggressions towards one another. Yoshinol is distrubuted to all and a grand celebration begins.....
  19. It could be called Gerwalk F-A (Formation "A") GFA for short. And with the Arms out Gerwalk F-B (Formation "B" ) GFB for short. What do you guys think? I actually tried to think on this one
  20. Yep pretty rare and alot of people don't know about it. I had another one and I sold it for about $100.00. I haven't been able to find any more but it is an excellent book, not to mention very entertaining! Just about the only thing about Gundam that I like Rob
  21. They have gundam girls? They do! They look pretty cool too. I'm not sure in what art book they were featured in. Mahq.net used to have some of them.... but I can't seem to find the galery page anymore. Heres the Nu Gundam girl: They were released in an art book called the MS Girls. There are about 67 different Gundam Girls. Very Cool Book and extremely rare!
  22. Excellent Art work man! Yep they have Gundam Girls. Click on the link in my signature and youcan see a sample of Gundam Girls at my website. Rob
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