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Everything posted by robokochan

  1. robokochan

    1:60 GBP-1 !?

    I'm pretty sure my partner went to this....didn't tell me though because I would have told him to take a ton of pics of the Macross stuff. Anyway If he took alot of pics.. and i know he got good ones of the GPB Armor I will post them. Rob
  2. I would use watered-down thinner, or weak thinner. Also don't let it set on the Valk too long or you may melt the plastic. Wash it off after the paint is removed and wipe it down thouroghly. Rob MN
  3. That was hilarious! It is the frist time I have seen those. Loved them all!
  4. Other Anime and Science Fiction = Terminator/Preditor/others = Arnold the action star = Arnold the Body Builder = Celebration of a phenomonal career.
  5. This is just about the funniest Thread I have seen in a long time. Can anyone remember the movie he did when he just started making films...a comedy western. They dubbed his voice ect. The character he played wasn't the most intelligent characters... but I will say that it was better than that christmas movie he did (Jingle All the Way?) Rob MN
  6. Wow Sam, That is really good! So are you going to paint the SD VF-1J Armored? If you do definatly post the pics! Really EXCELLENT WORK! Rob MN
  7. Very nice! Thanks for the tip. Now do you seal it with a clear coat? Rob MN
  8. I've always liked it. Great work! Rob MN
  9. Nice Work! Love the paint scheme.
  10. Very Nice Custom. Are you going to do a Camo Motif?
  11. Sorry I'm late for the party Hey Jesse That is an excellent job! You really out-did yourself with this one! Excellent work. Now if you will just start up a modelling school so those of us who can't make models worth a (you know what)... Please... Pretty please.... Rob MN
  12. I guess that is right. But I ordered parts from Bandai about a year back....they sent them to me no charge. Now that is Customer Service. I called again today (well not me, my partner). They told me to fax the list (of what could be ordered again). They seemed alittle more more friendly this time around.... I swear if I have to get on the train and go to their office with the list in hand.......this has become a personal battle for me that I am determined to win!
  13. Wow the common denomonator is....MONEY Also... 1. Wife controls all the Money 2. My Son is second in command of the money 3. I live in Japan where renting a shoebox costs $1000.00's 4. I'm a big guy so I need somethng bigger than a shoe box so it's more 5. Kindergarten Money...yes it costs money to send your kid to Kindergarten in Japan 6. Tired of the VF-1 <_< 7. Tried of the current Valk distributors <_< 8. Need to save money for the upcoming WHF That's about it....same as everyone else
  14. Is THAT how I come off!? I like a ton of people around here... Especially myself (I ME!). Though there are a few around here that should be put to sleep. Now that's the Agent we all love and know
  15. elint armour ??uhm im not redoing that one for now ill have to get cracking on the SDP project after this one so no time for that. "sniff" I'm never going to get my 1/55 Elint.....The quest will never end.... But I am happy to get the Armor! Just LMK when you need the payment! Rob MN
  16. robokochan

    Little Guy

    Nice work. Good Job.
  17. Sorry, I won't be. I am having enough troube trying to get Yamato to fill the present order. Plus in the intial info gathering Yamato said they will not issue parts for the 1/60 scale. Sorry. Rob
  18. Hello, Just an update. yamato has not responded to the offical order I sent in regarding the items they said "could" be ordered. As soon as they actually take the time to respond or send the items I will let everyone know. I want to thank everyone for being patient and apologise that it is taking so long. But at this point I do not think that they are going to respond. I could say a lot of bad things but I won't. I know that people at Yamato read these threads and all I can say is: Your customer service leaves something to be desired. <_<
  19. That was just simply amazing! You are a true asset to the Macross Community and to this Forum! Thank You again!. BTW did you get that info from the VF-1 Angel-Birds Book? If so I am definately buying it! Rob
  20. I'll take a set. That is excellent work! Now hurry up and finish your Elint Armor! Rob
  21. I voted NONE. You are just going to buy it, take it out of the box, and by doing this break some part which you can't get replaced because Yamato doesn't care if they put out quality (Durable) items. Rob Sorry I own a total of 4 Yamato Valks and 3 of them are broke. One I haven't removed from the box for fear of breaking it.
  22. hello All, it is out. I have it on auction right now. It was released last Friday here in Japan. personally I am color blind. The parts look white to me, but it could be molded in light pink and I would never notice the difference. Rob
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