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Everything posted by Mog

  1. Okay, so only half the mechas are Macross-related. Hope you still enjoy it: Side View:
  2. Mog

    Birds in Flight

    From the album: Mog's Yammy Collection

    Yes, it's not all Macross in there. Yes, there's only one Yammy in there. Yes, the scales are all mixed up (with a 1/55, a 1/60, and a couple of 1/whatever-the-hell-scale-they-are Alphas). But I really don't care. I like how they all look together.
  3. Who you callin' a "floppy-ass mess"?!! I keep thinking the Beta should have more missiles and weapon hatches to it. It looks a little lacking when compared to the Alpha. It probably would have been tricky to pull off properly, but pop-out shoulder missile launchers would have been an awesome addition. Also, I forgot how beautiful the Red Alpha looks in fighter mode. Its solid color pattern really makes it stand out from the rest of the Alphas out there.
  4. ^^Poor Zentradi, he must be awfully squished in there!
  5. ^^With the way I set up the question, that would actually fall under the "lack of ability" category. Whenever there's some sort of obstacle or limitation preventing you from buying more Valks (whether it's financial issues, lack of space issues, Yamato shifting towards more web exclusives, girlfriend/wife making an ultimatum , etc.), I'd qualify that more as a lack of ability. It's not an issue of you not wanting to buy more Valks. Rather, there's a tangible "something" (in your case, your industry's severe pay cuts) that prevents you from fulfilling that wish. I'm sure there's no question you'd like to purchase more Valks, but the financial issues prevent that from happenning. On the other hand, lack of desire comes into play when you could make that purchase (even if you would have to do some significant budgeting, planning, and saving), but your heart is just not in it anymore. Or less severely, you just don't have the same fire for collecting Valks like you once did. To put it another way, is it more external pressures or internal pressures that keep us from buying more Macross goodies? I'm not saying the two groupings are mutually exclusive. But to paraphase Michael Madsen's character in Kill Bill, Vol. 2, you've gotta feel one more than the other.
  6. Very valid points. I do agree with you. I'd only argue that it probably peaked a few years later (say somewhere around 2007 or 2008?). I'm curious though, for our community as a whole, is it more an issue of lack of ability (don't have as much discretionary income to purchase toys) or more an issue of lack of desire (changing priorities as we get older)? I'm sure it's a combination of the two. But which of the two is the bigger factor? As I posted earlier, personally, I know I have the ability to purchase a few of the high-end Valks. But the desire's not exactly all there. On the other hand, if Yamato was to announce a TV-style SDF-1 priced at US$500, I'd be lying if I said that price wouldn't give me pause and make me think hard about a potential purchase.
  7. For anyone who's gonna be up in Seattle two weekends from now: http://www.empsfm.org/exhibitions/index.asp?articleID=1491
  8. YF-21. . .check. Custom YF-21. . .check. Beta. . .check. TV-style SDF-1. . . . patiently waiting for the day.

  9. That's why I put it in parentheses, DH. Gotta give all possible options and solutions.
  10. This question seems to crop up every six months or so. Bear with me, I'm trying to do this from memory. Open up the landing gear doors (by the wingroots). You should see a screw (or two) inside the landing gear bay next to the wing. If you tighten (or loosen) that screw a bit, it should help to make the wing stay in place better and eliminate any sag.
  11. I guess I could be an ass and post a photo of the Tread/Beta. It was more than 20 years after the anime aired before they finally mass-produced a large-scale Tread/Beta. So sometimes, patience has its virtues. BUT you do have a point. Now that I have a family, it's getting harder for me to pull the trigger on some purchases. Unless it's one of my personal holy grails (such as TV-style SDF-1, a VF-17, or a VF-171), I'd have a hard time convincing myself to put down the funds for a Valk that I think looks cool but that I don't absolutely love. For example, I think the SV-51 looks cool as hell, and if I wanted to, I could easily afford it. But I don't have the space for it. I don't have as much time as before to play with it or do what I'd consider a full-on quality photoshoot of it. And I doubt it'd give me as much joy as some of the other items I already have in my collection. Guess I'm becoming more crotchety and picky in my old age! <smirk>
  12. ^^I'll add to the simple--but accurate--comment above: it's the current state of the economy. The consumers tighten up their purse strings more than before. And our niche toy manufacturers have to be more cautious and move closer to "survival mode" to make it through these "tough economic times." As much as I'm not a fan of those web exclusives and what-have-you, it makes good business sense for Yamato and Bandai to rely on these tactics until the times get better.
  13. After last night's episode, I think it's safe to say that Hank had the more interesting story and the better ending when compared to Dean. And do I get a partial-credit no-prize for guessing somewhat correctly about Dr. Venture?
  14. The one thing that bugs me about the new Zam Wessel is that her helmet is just a size or two too big. Will have to see how the arm armor looks on the new Jango before I take the plunge. I still don't think Hasbro has made the definitive Jango with the correct color and full articulation just yet. Senate Guards look promising. But I don't think I have anywhere to put them in my displays.
  15. Alternate dimension Rusty Venture, who actually became a successful super-scientist? Or maybe, it's just The Sovereign frakking with the Ventures again.
  16. Hank Too bad the big reveal kinda spoiled it for him. I'm curious too as to what the deal is with the new and improved Dr. Venture. "Now get your ass to Mars!"
  17. You mention AC/DC and don't list this song?! <shaking head>: Tsk, tsk.
  18. I'm surprised no one brought this thread back up, since the newest episode aired last Sunday. I thought the Hank training montages were mildly amusing.
  19. I know. "RECOMMENDATION: When you absolutely, positively have to kill every last mutha-scruffin' meatbag in the room. . . Accept no substitutes."
  20. One or the other: Too much love and work put into both of these babies.
  21. So, I finally snagged a single Vintage carded Magnaguard tonight.* Yeah. . . Moggy likey!! Absolutely loving the ball-jointed hips and getting a kick out of posing this figure. Kinda wish either the ankles or the knees were ball-hinged (like most of the humanoid SW figures). It would have really opened up a few more posing options. But overall, it's definitely an awesome figure. I'll probably either wet or iron the curly-ness out of the cape, and I'm thinking of painting the hood wrap a slight beige to better match the rest of the cape. Yup, these are definitely an improvement over the old Magnaguards back when Revenge of the Sith first came out! * If anyone's in the South Bay, I found the entire ROTS wave there but left the rest of the wave for anyone else to pick up (Yes, that means I left Sidious/Palpatine, Grievous, Cody, and the rest for anyone else to get). There was also a Jabba's throne there too. PM me if you need more details.
  22. The Hawk's okay; it was functional and served its purpose in the game. But it's pretty obvious they were doing an homage to the Millenium Falcon. The Hawk isn't anything to write home about.
  23. Sorry, Scream, but there already is one: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=33239&st=0
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