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Everything posted by Mog

  1. Not sure if this was posted earlier, but if only ROTF had ended like this: .
  2. I never understood why most film franchises feel you have have to kill off the villains after each movie. You mean to tell me audiences wouldn't be up to see Nolan's Batman and Joker square off for Round 2? At least with the latest Batman films, only Two-Face has been killed off; leaves the potential for any of the old bad guys cropping up in future films. Raimi's Spider-Man series did a good job of this with Harry Osborn (one of the few bright spots of the third movie). Of course Harry's butler waiting umpteen years to reveal the truth to Harry kinda screws that up just a bit.
  3. Seriously, in terms of music, characters, stories, and main baddy, I'd take VI over VII every day of the week. . . and twice on Sundays. Give me the psycho clown who , than that pansy long-haired pretender with the momma's boy complex. Heck, how about just one Magitek armor? They'd probably fit right in with the style of the figures posted above.
  4. I really wish there was more product out there for FFVI.
  5. Hackman's Luthor was good for its time. But my money's on Clancy Brown's version (from the DC Animated Universe) as THE signature Lex Luthor. Getting back to Spider-Man 4 (Spider 4ever!! ), I think a thrown-down with the Lizard would have been the most logical move.
  6. ^^Excellent points. Hollywood has a tendency to beat their cash cows into dead horses. I think the problem specifically with Superman Returns was that Bryan Singer was so hell-bent on making an homage and sequel to the 80's Superman films that it didn't really resonate with the current movie-going audiences. I mean did you ever consider Kevin Spacey's Lex Luthor to be a worthy adversary to Superman? He seemed more like a minor nuisance than anything else (not the master manipulator who could use the law, his wits, and Superman's own sense of justice to outsmart ol' Supes). Well that, and Kate Bosworth's Lois Lane was more bland than stale crackers.
  7. NBC's decision to choose Jay instead of Conan was a great choice. . . FOR ME TO POOP ON!!!!!!!!!!! Back on topic: was Dwane Johnson too busy making the Tooth Fairy to take this role? Sorry but Arnie's portrayal is so ingrained in the public's consciousness, that it's hard to imagine Conan as anything but stocky and a little more bulked up.
  8. Haven't watched Hours 3 and 4 yet (a little thing called "the birth of my daughter" ). But seeing bad-ass, muthafrakker Starbuck turned into this season's "CTU agent with an ugly secret from his/her past that will ultimately cause some mayhem at the most inappropriate of times" was a real downer. Doesn't help that her character has googly eyes for Freddie Prinz, Jr. Also, glad to see that Chloe's social skills haven't improved one damn bit after all these years!
  9. <Raises hand> Because there is something therapeutic about watching Jack kick ass; interrogate; torture; tell Chloe "THERE'S NO TIME!!!!"; and/or scream, "DAMMIT!!" So, who do you think bites the dust this season? My guess is Chloe or her husband.
  10. I just find it highly ironic that the title of this movie (about heavenly fighting angels) shares the same name with one of the Bible's more well-known DEMONS. Only Hollywood.
  11. ^^That and Stig's usual attack strategy (whether in a Legioss or Ride Armor) could be summed up as "Fire every frakken missile at the enemy."
  12. I'm pretty sure me and ruskii have posted pics in the past of the YF-21 in battroid mode, looking awesome on a flexi. The flexi's will hold.
  13. Finally watched The Plan over the past few days. Definitely agree with most of the sentiments here. It was okay, but I'll probably not add it to my DVD collection of the series.
  14. Can we just say that Spider-Man 3 never happened and have this fourth movie pick up from there?
  15. ^^If we're talking about the original, "as released" figures, you weren't missing much. Malak needs a little more height and buffness in his sculpt, could use more/better articulation, has an inaccurate cape that SHOULDN'T cover his whole back, is missing his back tabbards, has an overly bulky faceplate, has a lightsaber that's just a bit on the short side, and has a head that's too wrinkley for my tastes. Revan has no leg articulation whatsoever, has an inaccurately sculpted mask, and I'm not a fan of how his hood is molded to his cape. You can't turn the head without the cape flying off to Revan's left or right side. Also, I think he looks a lot better with a black cloak than the gray one they gave him in-package. Of course, modifying both figures rectifies a few of these problems.
  16. It's about DAMN time! 2009 Fans' Choice Poll Winner Is. . . (I'm sure I'll have something to criticize about it once the pics finally leak, but let me have this moment to celebrate!)
  17. Really? Okay, I'll admit that I laughed at the "catching a fly with the chopsticks" bit. But how many standard Hollywood cliches did you all spot?
  18. Screw that. Four pages, and no one has said this staple of made-up DRAMATIC TENSION "Shields down to 70 percent." "Shields down to 40 percent!!" "SHIELDS DOWN TO 10 PERCENT, OH NOOOOOOOOOES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111111111111111111111!!!!!!!" And its bastard-cousin: "Polorize the hull."
  19. Actually, the "Weesa gonna die?" quote from the South Park movie and the "sparkley and the glowy" bit from Robot Chicken are the only two times I can honestly say I look forward to Jar Jar. All the other times though? Open season as far as I'm concerned.
  20. Beautiful poses of the M&M's, hutch! Hey Ace, is there any way you can combine your first two shots above (have the Valk posed as it is in the second shot, but have the Valk standing above the pint glass)? I can imagine everyone's favorite sempai fighting off the enemies and just barely realizing he's standing on top of liquid gold!
  21. "It has been revealed: Admiral Cain and Gina are lovers. . . QUIZNO's Mmm, Mmm, Mmm, Toasty." "WE CAN BE SLAVES. . . OR WE CAN BE LYCANS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111111!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'LL KILL YOU!!! ALL OF YOU!!!" (before every. single. bloody. webisode.)
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