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Everything posted by pengbuzz

  1. Nice additions!! I recently added the 4 comm antennae to mine (pics of that yet to come), and have to add the two circles to the right side. That said; I ended up having to replace the railguns on the shoulders (the ones I scratched up began to fall apart! O.o 😞 Also did a wash overall: And of course, a test shot with a photoshop background: The ship still needs work, but I hope I can get it at least to a level that compares to Tekering's masterpiece!
  2. Yeah; doesn't surprise me that there were others involved in this. Right? I recall that from a previous convo of ours; pretty much akin to finding out that someone programmed the T-800 Terminator with the Joker's brain!
  3. And I suspect General Galaxy to be one of the main developers involved in that fiasco. I find it a strange coincidence that the Macross Galaxy fleet launched from Eden in 2031; nine years would allow for project development, and data and comparisons would be exchanged between the fleet and the military project. I may be a bit off on my suspicions here, but I think there's a pretty good case for some type of connection. Yeah; Marge was shown obtaining the chip illicitly and then admitted to Sharon's manager that he had installed it. This freaked him out so badly that he attempted to halt the concert, only for Marge to kill him. Marge himself was also fairly unhinged I suspect, as his obsession with making Sharon fully autonomous led him to endanger everyone listening to the concert, and led to Sharon hypnotizing him into a long walk off an equally long Macross. Is it possible in story that one reason that the Unity Government wanted an unmanned fighter was so that they could produce it in vast numbers as a way to help even the odds should a Zentraedi Main Fleet find a settled world? It certainly wouldn't take as much time to produce as it would to train a new pilot, could produce more quickly, not need things like life support or to limit g-forces, not need the same radiation protection that a human-manned cockpit would require, and so forth? On top of that: the hypnotizing feature I don't think was an unintended side effect. I suspect that was a type of weapon designed to hypnotize enemy pilots and ship crew, making them far easier to take out in combat. After the devastation wrought on Earthy in SW1, I can understand how the UN SPACY would not want that happening again, given many of them in the upper echelon were most likely veterans of that war.
  4. Same; whatever you save on price the shipping utterly murders you on.
  5. Well, considering that Macross Plus took place circa 2040 AD, and Delta is set around 2067, that's about a good 27 years after the incident. I can see it being about at least 2060 before anything was even allowed outside of "most secret" status, and then, only redacted info that didn't directly implicate anyone in the upper echelon directly.
  6. Wow!! Nice job with the weathering so far! That bird is really starting to shine! Also liking the job you did with the heat discoloration on the metal!
  7. Well, here's a cure for that "dark blue" armor scheme: Yes folks; it's only a model. *claps coconuts together and rides off with Patsy*
  8. *re-entering this convo for important info* The U.N. Spacy/ N.U.N.S logo (the words, not the "kite" roundel) is in a bold/ "black" style Helvetica font. I know Chartpak makes white dry transfer lettering in Helvetica; it would just be a matter of locating it in bold and in the correct point size. Also Thom: if you did buy one, I have spares of decals from my 1/72 Ima/ Bandai's I could send you.
  9. Looking really sweet!! Loving the detail you're putting into this derex! BTW: are you going to make a tiny Leo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet for the bow? 🤣 *ducks*
  10. This project is just all aces, MT!!! Really looking top of the line now!
  11. LOL! Naw...just some photography and cgi work in photoshop! And thanks; I wasn't sure this project would ever happen! Really looks like you've got the Yamato going strong there, Thom! Nice work so far; looking forward to seeing the lady completed!
  12. With all of that said: I'm starting now to get the impression that the Protoculture were basically Space Goofy asking Mickey to "hold my beer"... Like 3000-5000 Zentraedi Main Fleets, for example...
  13. I wanted to address this past post; who knew that I'd get one just four months later? Anyways, an update on my 1/3000 Macross: the railguns on the shoulders I scratched up were coming apart, so I did an emergency transplant: And while I was at it, I did a sludge wash and some drybrushing to bring out the panel lines and details: And of course, the inevitable Photoshop job involving it: Stay tuned...
  14. Agreed; no race is simply static in their abilities. I just wanted to point out an option that allowed for the divisions that led to Protoculture trying to blow itself into tiny bits with their high-tech Holy Hand-Grenades of Antioch. I also suspect that as the conflicts went on, each faction/ side became increasingly more desperate and thus willing to try ever-riskier tech and ideas. On that note: what truly makes me shudder is that what has been discovered so far of the Protoculture's tech is probably only a very small amount, and that what lies out there yet to be uncovered may very well be even more frightening. If the Evils (Protodevlin) are any indication, then we've seen very little of what their technology and progress was really capable of.
  15. On the topic of Zentraedi craft, I found this pic online that shows the pilot inside their respective craft (probably been posted here before, but I figured it couldn't hurt to repost it if that's the case):
  16. Yeah... everyone knows a company won't release something unless/ until they see someone do it first! *secretly wonders if they have spy satellites positioned over the modelers'/ kitbashers' homes*
  17. Well, a way that could be explained is that these were different scientific groups within the Protoculture, each focusing on different scientific fields of research and technologies. But all of them under the auspices of the Protoculture as a whole and whose work was utilized by their government/ society. That would explain much (like our own military/ scientific industry nowadays focusing on different disciplines).
  18. Must be a nice change, as opposed to the brutality and pointlessness of say, Attack on Titan...
  19. Those feet are just WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY too long! lol Otherwise it looks remarkable!
  20. Looking really good for what you had to do at this point! I think you'll pull a showpiece out of this one with some detail work and a bit of post shading. :)
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