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Everything posted by pengbuzz

  1. Understood MT: My computer has been giving me serious issues as of late. First, my hard drive is dying; a friend of mine owed me a favor so he loaned me his copy of Norton Ghost to clone my old drive. Then, my computer would not boot from it; come to find out that a capacitor on the motherboard died and was keeping my PC from reading the disk. So, I scraped together what money I had a new capacitor (2 bucks) and tried to solder it in (yes, so much can go wrong with it). Well, it didn't work and the computer doesn't start at all now (two words: "new motherboard", for which I have no idea where cash is going to come from). To make matters worse: I have Photoshop CS5 extended on that hard drive, but my disk for that as well as Windows 7 Ultimate is missing (I suspect someone filched them on me a while back when I was moving). So, trying to install that on an new hard drive for my computer is going to be impossible even without the other 2 issue. To add injury to insult: I accidentally dropped on old power supply on my foot while cleaning up from my botched repair attempt. O.O Starting to wonder if my computer and that missile model were related! Meantime, I'm going to go have a root beer float with Mr. Bill.
  2. Thanks! I wanted to stick to the original "feel and flavor" that was present in the anime. I did add some elements in from DRYL, such as the strike pack and some detailing though. And yes: I hand-painted the launch bay interior (guess all the art training helps after all!). As many times as this project went sour (with one resulting in a high-speed impact with a wall!), I really wanted to get it finished. That said, it was support from folks here (especially Thom!) that got this through the disasters.
  3. Okay...what sounds am I looking to put in btw? O.o
  4. That is a "finger LED" that you can buy in a 5-pack at the dollar store. As for my computer: been waiting on a friend to ship me Norton Ghost so I can clone my hard drive. UPS has it scheduled for Thursday delivery, after which I'm hoping to have my PC back up. Yeah, it's been WAY too long. And I miss being able to do artwork on my computer. Not to mention I still need to get you the artwork I promised bro.
  5. I've run into that with most cans myself. I found that Krylon works better than most when it comes to paint thickness. That said, I usually work in 3 layers, standing a little farther away from the piece so that I'm not piling so much paint onto it.
  6. At this point, I'm considering putting an LED in the "eye" on my Regult.
  7. Well, I've been able to get pretty decent paint jobs out of the "rattle cans" myself. I don't know if you mentioned it earlier, but what issues are you having now with your paint?
  8. This is why I created my own Star Trek "series"; it may never see the light of day past my own artwork and whatnot, but at least I don't need to worry about salads and cats.
  9. UPDATE: using my wife's computer still, as mine is currently down (waiting for a friend to ship a disk so I can clone my drive). So, not much in the way of new artwork or modeling projects per se.Hoping to have it fixed next week. Coming attractions: a storm (attacker) is coming....
  10. The length of the support pole looks fine to me. Nice work so far!
  11. Well, I can always dream.... Such as buying all 3 and making them into one transforming kit. Someone could make money making a mod kit that included parts for making it transform (but it'd be a pain).
  12. Yo Joe. *Salutes, as taps is played for Mr. Weston*
  13. If ever a series needed a "reboot", it's this one. It's only saving grace would seem to be that if Hot Rod gets Prime killed in this one, it'll be a mercy and we may end up cheering for Roddy!
  14. Good thing they don't build submarines, eh?
  15. Thanks! General Zod came out so-so ( I don't like the character anyways )., the six million dollar man...well, he was only a buck at the thrift store. lol
  16. Everything is either painted on or markered in, Xigfrid. As for putty: I've tried that when i had putty to use, and it doesn't stick very well! It tends to crumble off, so I just go with what I have. After a few dozen more paint applications (I usually end up doing several coats in acrylic, which holds up better!), the surface should be good. Then I'll go in with a pen and paint to do the panel lines. Thanks for the input; I think you'll be surprised by how this one progresses from here!
  17. Well, it still needs some mods (gotta redo part of the top "gun turret" as mickeyg suggested, as well as add/ modify a few other details), but here it is in paints: Not bad for a ball of masking tape and Styrofoam on a couple of pieces of PVC pipe, huh? Stay tuned folks...
  18. Actually, after I took that pic, I realized what happened and fixed that! lol Thankfully, the main head is just styrofoam, so it was only a matter of drilling a new hole into the main unit and resetting them. Aside from that, I checked the shape on them and they seem about right. Thanks though mickyg!
  19. Right? I wasn't a fan of the VF-4 at first, but it's been slowly winning me over in ways. I'd hate to see this just go "poof!", you know?
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