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Everything posted by pengbuzz

  1. When HG is involved in something, it's going to be messed up, not to mention expensive as all get-out. Going to pass on this.
  2. I think from the stern looks better, JMO. BTW: that ship just rocks!
  3. Essentially it's own "Stand Alone Complex". I think a considerable issue here is that they are not getting the way that the world of GITS works and why. Every universe, bizarre as it may be, has something of a rhyme and reason to it, even if it doesn't make much sense to most folks. Things work a certain way, things exist the way they do for a reason, and characters are who they are and do what they do for reasons and events that shaped them (and continue to do so for some time to come). The movie makers tend to ignore this in many instances and force their own "story" on it that allows for explosions, "bullet time" scenes and whatnot and discard the sensibilities of the series to the wind. While I understand that some concessions do need to be made for the sake of the movie and the audience, too many or ones made in critical areas of the story will ruin what brought the idea to the table to begin with. Anime is not the same kind of "beast" that Hollywood is used to, and movies made of the series/ OVA's we love need to be handed in a much different way than your "average blockbuster". As for "borrowing scenes"; while that can help connect the movie, it's kind of like taking parts off a VF-1S to deck out another valkyrie: unless you know what the parts do and why, it's just taking what looks good and slapping it onto a very different "airframe" as so to speak. They scenes may look good and provide action and story, but without the underlying reasoning (as mentioned before) that operates their universe, it's just parts removed from a frame and pasted en-masse onto another frame of a different structure and reason. ...and if none of this makes sense, then it's the Pepsi throwback I drank tonight.
  4. Thanks! Doing a bunch of these as a series; if there's anything folks would like to see, let me know.
  5. Sounds mostly like just about every joint on my VF-1 Strike valk. The thing is: depending upon the age of the kit, the quality and the formula used in the polystyrene for the parts and whether or not the kit was stored in relatively stable conditions (mine had a few parts break due to them being discolored by sunlight (UV). There's a lot of factors that can cause a part to give out, and it's usually at the worst time for it and the worst place on the model for it to happen. But another issue can be the design of the part: some pieces don't have a lot of plastic to them to begin with. In those areas, they would probably be better served by replacing them with ABS (which Bandai still managed to screw up on their new version VF-1 series), rather than risk styrene's weaknesses. I've seen load/weight-bearing parts on kits look like someone took a power drill to the insides for whatever reason, while others you can understand why they were made that way. Regardless, as you had to do Big s: replace, modify, rebuild and continue. Then we get a soda and some chips and complain on the boards about it!
  6. Try devcon plastic welder. I use it for all my work and it usually works. it's a two-part epoxy-like adhesive, but far stronger and not nearly as brittle.
  7. I'd love to see a VF-4 done up.
  8. Well put, JB0. Until HG's stranglehold is broken (unlikely in the near future unless the Macross lands right on top of their offices in Storm Attacker Mode and Misa decides to do a "full thruster burn" of the Ship's main engines while it's standing there*), there's most likely not going to be a whole lot of Macross releases in the US per se.
  9. Thanks! Meantime, been trying to resist weathering, modifying or even thinking of changing anything about my VF-1J: Of course, out of boredom, I put three of my collectibles from the 80's together: But of course, out of boredom, they began to chat amongst themselves... Meantime (in all seriousness), I'm considering selling the "battle fortress" I kludged together. Stay tuned on that one...
  10. WOW! Really intricate detailing in this one! I prefer the second one with less yellow myself; the YF-19 is kind of a tan/ cream color, and the toning down of the yellow adds a bit more realism to it. I love the added detail of the soldiers near the foot of the Battroid;it adds a sense of scale to the pic! Awesome work! Two thumbs up from the pengbuzz!
  11. My take on Episode 12 from SDFM: "Big Escape". You know it's embarrassing when someone just flew a Valkyrie right through your bridge (not to mention right in front of your BOSS), and all you can do is glare after them as they proceed to streak to the nearest exit. Breetai's probably going to need some Zentraedi-strength Tylenol after this one... https://www.patreon.com/pbz313
  12. Funny you should ask... http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/topic/44633-impact-south-ataria-island/
  13. Please support my work: https://www.patreon.com/pbz313
  14. Thanks! I have some early pictures of it in paint: it's a bit rough and I'm not fully decided on the colors, but here it is:
  15. Huh...I always imagined the ASS-1 a bit differently, but then again, nothing's really been set in stone I suppose. Further progress:
  16. Well, the SDF-1 could be represented during it's crash by a Snickers bar then.
  17. Update: Got a few more things on there. Starting to look kinda like a ship. It won't transform of course, but hey, it's at least something no one's seen before, right? Now i just need guns for the bottom of the "arms".
  18. My latest...er...build: I had some parts kicking around, and one thing led to another... next thing I know, i have this. Not sure if it's a half-assed battle fortress wannabe with valk legs, or a some kind of kludge-gunship thing. Maybe it's just some kind of kibble on a flight deck bulkhead, but all I know is it just happened. Stay....um..tuned (kinda, I think?)...
  19. The QRau; that would be an interesting build...
  20. Mine was custom built, due to lack of funds. Maybe someday when I have money again I'll try one. I bet the booms could be beefed up a bit with some styrene. To be honest: I wonder if someone could cross a 1/8000 cruiser with a 1/8000 storm attacker and make a transforming version?
  21. OOPS! Double post, and I just caught this!
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