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Everything posted by pengbuzz

  1. Thanks for the encouragement on the 1/537; my model is an old AMT "smoothie", so I doubt Round 2 could help. Besides, i would prefer to get a better set, as Ertl's were a bit too small (particularly the top hull registry). The WoK display is actually a dual bridge diorama that I built surrounding a Photoshop-doctored printout of the actual nebula scene from the movie (both backdrop and underneat hthe ships joined in PS). I hand-painted over some of it to add my own touch. The data printout was all done in Photoshop, as if this were a display diorama in the Federation's Museum of History
  2. I thought I was getting a ".hack//SIGN" vibe from it; quite a bit from the little I know of it sounded familiar, but couldn't put my finger on it. Might still watch it, but glad I'm not going to invest too much other than maybe looking at the first few episodes and seeing how it hits me.
  3. I ran across an anime recently that I was considering watching: Sword Art Online (2012). Anyone ever hear of this one, and is it worth the effort to watch?
  4. HG trying to squeeze the last droplets of money out of a franchise is about as predictable as the Cookie Monster looking for a good chocolate-chip cookie. As for Battlecry: I truly hate that game. Had the PS2 version and half the time, Gerwalk/ "Guardian" mode would get me killed. Not that fighter or Battroid mode were anything to scream home about, but any level that needed Gerwalk? You may as well put in Metal Gear Solid and enjoy that instead.
  5. No Corinthian leather, but this diorama was done about 3-4 years ago (old relic).
  6. When I built this kit, I faced the same kind of issues (the K'tinga simply fell apart on me, so I never got that far!); the decals just would not play nicely, and even with micro-sol, some of them were a royal pain to get to lay down right. I found a hair dryer on low and multiple applications helped to an extent. In the end, I ended up doing battle damage to Reliant and Enterprise, which led me to this idea (the pics are old, as this was done a couple of years ago): The biggest pain here was fashioning the Starfleet pin; that took a piece out of me! lol As for the 1/537, still wrestling with rebuilding the warp pylons yet again. The following were how far i got a couple of years ago before needing to remove the warp engine/ pylon assemblies (it's still sitting to one side partly disassembled, in need of supplies and decals, and motivation to actually finish it!):
  7. I tried watching AoT; I found it so disturbing that after a few episodes I gave up. They may as well call it Attack on Sanity.
  8. So then basically, even if the airframe can take the kick of the thrust, it does no good if the entire mess goes SPLAT because the pilot couldn't control it? While we're at it: I wonder if starships could somehow use heavy quanta for power/ propulsion (if they don't already do so and I'm just being incredibly dense for not recognizing that in the various ships? And could they ever reach a point where fighters were running off of it instead of fuel (again with same disclaimer about my ignorance on the matter)?
  9. I would have thought the fold reheat system would have been more robust and thus taken up more room and energy to operate properly. But yeah: the additional stresses on the airframe itself are a major concern, seeing as you previously mentioned Hayate was putting his fighter through stuff that was already incurring maintenance issues with just the onboard engines already. I'm currently laughing to myself imagining Hayate successfully turning his VF-31 into a mecha-pretzel.
  10. All they apparently need him to do now is part the Red Sea Sea of Japan, then walk on it.
  11. The thing is: they could reinforce for the direct thrust of the engines, but there would also still be the issue of reinforcing for the added stresses of maneuvering with said engines at their operational speed. I would have to assume that at their operational standards, the Sv-162 engines are going to be pushing the craft at higher G's in the turns and other maneuvers. At some point, is "reinforcement" going to mean rebuilding the entire airframe? On top of that, there's the issue of the fold reheat system; would a VF-31 (even with enhancements to the airframe) be able to handle that? What systems and sub-systems would they need to install to operate such a feature? Is there enough available room / power conduits/ engine connections/ computer linkage for control to include such a system? I would assume the Sv-262 was designed with these things in mind, but the VF-31 was not.
  12. That's because they couldn't see a thing in their helmets.
  13. I got very good at realigning shattered decals thanks to projects like that one! lol At least I don't have to worry about that anymore....
  14. They could have gone with Charlize Theron for that.
  15. And the entire tournament is very reminiscent of Enter the Dragon.
  16. Ed Boon admitted that Lightning from BTiLC was largely whom they based MK Raiden on.
  17. At this rate, they might as well make an origin story for Jaffar from Aladdin. :|
  18. So essentially, you get a true miniature sun of an explosion. Unbelievable gravitational forces courtesy of the heavy quanta compress the hydrogen into fusion. Isamu's head must be filled with heavy quanta to contain all that massive ego in one small space.
  19. Take your time with those decals!!! Use plenty of water and don't try to do too much in one sitting! I did this kit a couple of years ago, and it was a royal pain!
  20. ST: Picard would have better luck dangling snap-together models on fishing line at the rate their "SFX" is going. At any rate, nothing really comes as a surprise for me anymore for either Picard or Discovery; we've already covered in extensive detail how much they are phoning all of this in, and it passed the "embarrassing" mark a few light-years back. Frankly, the fault is in the crew helming this operation on every level. The incompetence shows in everything they are producing for this ill-begotten series, and that amateurs can outdo them with home rigs is just the icing on the cake. Let's face it: they were expecting to just hack together some gritty crap with what they could scrape up, added foul language for extra "grit", slapped a formerly-lucrative franchise title on it and were most likely expecting the name alone to sell it. The rest is history. Anyways, I'll probably chime in from time to time on this, but all I'm doing now is beating a dead horse with an equally dead phaser. So with that, I think I'll take a break from this topic folks.
  21. UN Spacy should have recruited Isamu into their Intelligence Division as an infiltration agent. Having him join the other side would be the best way they could destroy them.
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