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Everything posted by MKT

  1. More and more I'm thinking I should at least start picking up some painting skills, so won't be so much bothered about paint imperfections or scratches. But maybe I'm not bothered enough yet to pick it up.
  2. Bingo! Because this describes about roughly same experience I had many years ago. I had a couple of figures being out in a room with indirect but still bright ambient light for about couple of years, and then one day I noticed they started to turn just ever so slightly yellow. I removed them to another room that have no sunlight at all, and in just a matter of short 1-2 months, it yellowed significantly. @BlueMax mentioned on previous page that exposing yellowed items back into ambient light reverses the yellowing to some degree. So it seems UV light both causes & reverses yellowing. Now I am sitting here wondering, perversely, if I should just have left my two yellowed items out in the bright room. Yes, they would continue to yellow, but perhaps not as rapid as if I removed them into a dark place, if that makes sense at all..
  3. What a great weathered piece @MacrossJunkie! It's rare to see a black piece that really pops & stands out like that. I for one love the SV-51's gangly battroid mode. Perhaps not as much if its the only valk around, but more as part of the large variety of valks Kawamori gave us over the years. Many are unique enough in its own way & stands out in my personal head cannon, and the SV-51 is really one of it!
  4. I second this. Bandai's valks, especially from Frontier era, do tend to have more random, minute imperfections - scratches, dents, warped pieces, loose pieces, inconsistent panel gaps etc. It feels like they are more loose in visual QC during assembly stage at the factory. Which I think are not that out of place compared to other general non-Macross toys & figures. It's just Chogokins are on average pricier, even more so now, that the expected standards are naturally much higher. Yamato/Arcadia really shoot for higher standards, and one of the things I'm always impressed with are the small, & generally very consistent panel gaps. But sometimes it feels they push tolerances too far, and failures are always more structural in nature in terms of materials selection or assembly process.
  5. I think there’s been a small resurgence in popularity for Kaneda’s Bike ever since Ready Player One came out couple years back. So it drove the prices up for these even further.
  6. Always a pleasure to see your pictorial updates!
  7. I would count myself lucky then, that for the one & only time I PO’ed through YAJ, it was fulfilled by seller. It was the VF-31J Kai, that was only available through lottery, and I sorta jumped at it without thinking through any protection or insurance at that time. It’s great that there’s insurance/protection plan for these.
  8. I believe this as well.. I have a new item that aggressively yellowed in only 8 months from just being in a dark room sealed display, and the only light exposure was to LED lights. After 16 months, the yellowing is worse than 30+ year old toys.. The yellowing was on selective whole parts of the figure, so it is definitely down to the plastic composition used for these parts.
  9. Hygrometer would be very useful.. thanks for the tip @BlueMax! When doing up this space initially, I only wanted to keep sunlight & dust out. Never considered humidity would be at play too, because I've never seen it mentioned (or just plain overlooked) while browsing toy display discussions online.
  10. I suppose, despite the perceived faults, this 0D is still the best factory-weathered Macross item.. not counting the Mac-Z F-14 yet.
  11. This more or less describes me. I guess ignorance is bliss haha.. but I do appreciate the critical eye of experienced modelers. Just curious, how does this VF-0D weathering stack up with previous Yamato weathering efforts? In my casual eye, when I look at pics of the older Yamato VF-1 weathering editions, I just go somewhat 'meh' while this VF-0D makes me very impressed.
  12. Hi BlueMax, I've recently experienced something along this as well. My toy room is 99% dark, door closed at all times, and display cabinets dust-proofed. Recently, I've not been hanging out as much in the room, so humidity levels would be high which resulted in some of the MDF-based cabinets having very early signs of mildew growing out of them. I wonder how did you deal with the humidity? More frequent AC turned-on? Use a dehumidifier? Use desiccant packs?
  13. Maybe it is just a very quick pic snap, but the intakes doesn't look like it has enough rake angle, and make the whole hips look too low & short. It almost seem like it's mandatory to use the gerwalk joint to fix some of that though..
  14. This arrived today from Amazon JP.. I don't understand Japanese, so am just forming impressions based on the pics. There's 162 glossy pages. First 50 pages talks about the model kits & toys over the years - mostly the model kits. The toy section is only a few pages and from what I can see on this, it's not very comprehensive. They generally cover the brands released over the years but not every variant under the brand. For eg, CM's is only half a page on the ride armors and no mention of their Legioss & Tread. Sentinel's Legioss Zeta is there, the same promo pics for pre-orders, but no sight of the recent Legioss Eta. In fact, now that I'm thumbing through again, the kits & toys section only focuses on the Ride Armor & Legioss, none for the Tread. The next few pages cover the new Genesis Breaker content. The new black & red Ride Armor is here, same renders as what was previously shown before. And couple of pages of what look to be very early sketches of new Imbit mechas for Breaker & its comparative scale to the Ride Armor. The rest of the book then goes into the line arts. Unfortunately, I do not have the prior Complete Art Works book (tried to look for it recently, but prices seem crazy in the resale market & even then its out of stock) to compare with to see what is new here. The Drone Legioss line art @akim posted right above me is present.
  15. Only learning about the Drone Legioss now.. gotta say it looks cool! But the sunken head or rather eye sensor, coupled with the claw hands gives me the Inbit vibe.. is it meant to emulate Inbit mecha?
  16. Generally there have been very impressive 3rd party figures, but every once in a while something comes that just bowls me over: This little goblin TLK Megatron may not be for everyone, certainly not me when it comes to SD/Nendoroid/Bobblehead/FunkoPop type heads.. but once I have it in hand, every other aspect of it - the build, engineering, precision, paint, detail, sharpness is just overwhelmingly in its favor..
  17. After looking at it a bit more, yeah the Dark Legioss' shoulders will be more a problem to capture accurately for both Fighter & Soldier.. but I'm hoping, as Sentinel have done wonders for everything else so far, they may just be able to pull off some solution. The one-piece cockpit though, will not work with the current cockpit opening gimmick in Soldier mode..
  18. Never noticed Dark Legioss would need so many changes to the mold. How about Toynami’s or Evolution Toys Dark Legioss? Wonder how much they changed it from the base versions.
  19. IActually, I would prefer Sentinel releasing the Dark Legioss before the Iota. Mix it up a bit, and Dark Legioss was always a cool colour scheme..
  20. Messing around with the Legioss again recently, and took some pics. One of the intake covers will not stay on in soldier mode & pop out every time, had to use a bit of tack to make it stay in place.
  21. Assuming the Tread will have the same quality as their Legioss, I would get every variant they make. What would be a great bummer is if no Tread will be released at all.
  22. There is a unit listed at Sahra outlet. If you are logged in, you can see how much the shipping costs..
  23. The Arcadia Proto-Garland was actually just reissued couple months ago. But Mandarake have quite a few copies up. Mostly for 28k yen which is still retail price. There’s even an opened copy for 24k yen: https://order.mandarake.co.jp/order/detailPage/item?itemCode=1144072643&ref=doc&keyword=Arcadia proto garland&lang=en
  24. Its the battroid stand adaptor that comes with the toy. There were 2 included adaptors: one for fighter & gerwalk, and another just for battroid.
  25. CGI VF-1? Most recent would be when it appeared in Macross Delta as training valks, in VF-1EX designation. It has been quite sometime though, can’t recall if it ever transformed there..
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