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Everything posted by MKT

  1. The BSG Viper III arrived today.. This being my first BSG & Eaglemoss product, I'm quite blown away when I opened the box. It is much bigger than I expected, yet there is sufficient detailing for its size. Its unexpectedly weighty too when taking it out of its styrofoam tray. The small icing on top is its simple but quite functional display base. The base is nice & weighted, instead of just empty shell plastic, and although the cradle just sorts of holds but does not actually attach to the Viper III, it makes it very easy to just pick it up and swoosh it around haha.. Growing up, I didn't actually pay much attention to BSG, so I don't know who were the characters or what the storyline was when it happens to be on TV. But the scenes with the Viper catches my eye every time, and now I'm glad to have a physical representation of Viper on my desk. Granted, its not the original Viper, but this Viper III is close enough and I feel looks even better with its updated design. My only gripe would be there's no opening cockpit gimmick, but also might as well not since the cockpit is just an empty space inside..
  2. My VF-0D from NY arrived today. And I'm really impressed with the weathering done on this toy, its just so pretty! For the asking price it is worth every dime. This is how Arcadia should have done premium finish from day 1 on their Macross items, instead of just putting tampo prints that should be there in first place on their normal items.
  3. Loved the review @jenius Good things really come to us who waited, after 35 years!
  4. MKT

    Hi-Metal R

    Just adding to the chorus for the Monster: it may look pricey due to its weight & shipping, especially in current times when shipping options are limited, but it will be a good buy at the end. In fact, when compared to other lines like the Metal Builds, the Monster now look like good value. And I think I just talked myself into getting another one..
  5. For some reason, this didn’t happen with the recent YF-29 Alto pre-orders. No small incremental price increases with subsequent re-lists on PO day. It was just a first batch PO sold out, and they didn’t re-list it until days later at much higher increased price.
  6. Very nice Ex-Gear custom! I recently got the Ex-Gear too, and I liked it more than I thought I would. I just like the concept of it being transformable from cockpit control interface to an exo-skeleton. It can be a bit fiddly, and not much articulation once fully suited up, but I think even the new Mospeada ride armors are the same in that regard..
  7. Nice figure skating pose
  8. I'm really liking this shade of yellow Bandai have chosen. In fact, so far the colors used for this 1/48 line, from Max's blue, Hikaru's VF-1S red, Kakizaki's green in pics and now Roy's yellow, have a certain richness or saturation that makes them pop.
  9. Great pics @tekering!! I'm happy and sad at the same time. Happy because this weathered color and effects just elevates the VF-0D to whole new level. 99.5% perfect. Minus 0.5% for the still yellow painted bit on the wings, which could have been some clear colored plastic instead? Sad because now my regular VF-0D with its regular paint suddenly looks cheap. I probably got to place it at another end of the displays so I won't get a view of both at the same time!
  10. Quite a surprise Bandai giving it a head remold, although it doesn't look like there's much difference.. What would be nice, and a bigger difference at that, would be articulated TV hands. It could either be integrated TV hands, which due to transformation, will not be as big as the existing separate fixed posed ones, or just make it a bigger separate plug in and make it articulated. I believe either way would be a first for any VF-1 toy..
  11. Don’t remember any Macross Chogokin in past few years where there’s 2 web exclusives in a row. Since Kakizaki’s already a web exclusive, it’s likely this Roy will be a normal release. Yayy the joy of F5 finger acrobatics. Edit: I forgot there was that recent Alto YF-29 reissue that's a normal release, after Kakizaki. So this Roy is really a toss up on which release channel it will be put through.
  12. Don’t think Bandai’s gonna bother with a single tiny black arrow marking to differentiate between TV & movie. But it will be nice if they include a movie Roy figure as well. Yet wouldn’t put it past them to make it as a separate Tamashii item.
  13. Looks like it is a TV version with TV Roy pilot figure. Roy's figure also looks bigger, a nice touch. And great that it comes with the stand like Hikaru's VF-1J. But is it going to be a normal release or Tamashii web exclusive?
  14. @tekering Thanks for all the pics & comments
  15. Yeah shoulder joint looks metal on 2nd glance.. I wonder if the landing gears are also the same painted grey metal. They looked like plastic in the previously posted first transformation video.
  16. What a difference, even though both are the same scale. This really hit home to me on how compact the Legioss is, and the VF-1 is the smallest Valkyrie in Macross universe too..
  17. The best Armo-Soldier pics by far! Ab-crunch is amazing. I took a chance to PO 2 copies, and don’t regret it one bit so far. In fact, the more the merrier.. One in Fighter mode with landing gears down to show how straight the body can be, another in Soldier mode to show off the great articulation, and another to keep to combine with the eventual Tread (how is Sentinel not going to make one now? They will have this market all by themselves). Not too keen on Diver mode, but I can see it’s also the best Diver mode we’ve had so far.
  18. Agree with this sentiment. So far, the cockpit changes implemented for Armo-Soldier mode is just one example of something no one asked for, it wasn't in the original design, yet intrinsically feels so right, and above & beyond the other great design liberties in this re-interpretation. On the other end, we have had Bandai slapping that gaudy N.E.T.F.C tampo that came out of nowhere on the YF-19 wings. The anxious wait continues....
  19. If there's any nitpicking based on the pictures so far, are that the mini ride armor figure & bike could do with some painting. The mini fig already has some nice articulation, a bit of shame they didn't go all the way to paint it.
  20. Since Keith's Sv-262 still going for below retail these days, now is the best time to get one! Once stock slowly dries up, then prices will just go north like any other previous 'less desirable' Macross DX Chogokins.. Even if other Sv-262 variants come out one day, Keith's still a unique mold..
  21. Yes yes yes!! The last time I felt such euphoria was when a totally new Macross VF mold was about to be released, for eg the VF-31s and SV-262s... Sentinel's most recent transforming toy, the Transforming Johanna/Anat of the Persona 5 game, is a bit of mixed bag. As far as I can tell, it's beautifully recreated as depicted in the game. Joints are quite tight, fit & finish is good, everything tabs quite well. Yet the plastics can be a bit thin on some areas and having no diecast means in hand it feels just that little bit fragile. But to be fair, it wasn't advertised under their 'Riobot' banner, which I understand to be more akin to a 'chogokin' range.
  22. Really excited for this release. I've gone back & forth so many times on getting either a CM's or Evolution Toy's Legioss just to have one in the collection. I can't imagine being in the shoes of others here in the collecting game far longer than I have, having gone through the various Legioss toy releases over the years and being disappointed each time..
  23. It does look good. Unfortunately there's no proper mecha to pose her with.. Likely get 2 copies so she can pose with herself.
  24. Oh noes!! Now I'm browsing BBTS... must resist urge to press the buy button..
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