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Everything posted by MKT

  1. I finally received the Hikaru 1J Armored & Max 1A. On opening, it struck me how bright the whites are, and my mind immediately goes back to the old-school clothes detergent commercials. These new TV valks will be the brilliant whites after wash, whilst the older HMRs are the dull whites before. In fact, I reckon these whites are probably the whitest of any toy in Macross history.. Taking Max out of the Tamashii brown carton was also nice small surprise, as the colored box material is back to the older HMR ones. The printing is more vibrant compared to the newer, thicker box material of other recent HMRs.
  2. Awesome!! This new Streets of Rage somehow looks familiar, then I remember some small studio made a proof of concept some 10 years or so ago for a 3D Streets of Rage game, and this one although unlikely looks like it straight continued from that. Shinobi is hitting the right notes! What a classic, especially the new wolf riding scene recalling the horse riding stage of Shinobi 3. The graphical effects have some similarities to Streets of Rage 4, so perhaps its the same studio handling it..
  3. Thanks @m0n5t3r. Agreed the gimmicks are rather fun. Fiddly they are, all down to the rather loose hips that they always want to do the splits. But I reckon some Kiki or floor polish would work well there. Too bad Bandai didn’t do the green version, although am already satisfied they gave the whole Pixie Squadron.
  4. Wow to fall off just by itself.. doesn't seem to be just weak plastics, sounds like also some form of plastic rot over time due to defective formulation, not dissimilar to the exploding shoulders of the Yamato VF-0.
  5. Other than individual details such as weapons, is the Q-Rhea supposed to be slimmer in sculpt compared to the Q-Rau? Or is it down to the Q-Rhea being a CGI interpretation of the latter, that it is becomes slimmer overall? Personally I do prefer the Q-Rhea's proportions..
  6. Chogokin Aerial at a deep discount on Hobby-Genki: https://hobby-genki.com/en/chogokin/13405-chogokin-gundam-aerial-mobile-suit-gundam-the-witch-from-mercury-4573102640727.html
  7. This sounds most plausible. They have been doing this for the past few releases, including the Garlands.
  8. I wished I applied them, but the valk was purchased from a forum member here some years ago, with stickers already done & Shapeways shoulders installed. It's my first v2 with Shapeways and I reckon they were done very well. Incidentally, the seller later on revealed here that he was having a terminal illness. He hasn't been online for a while, so he may be in a better place now.
  9. Still not convinced the SV-51 were actual re-issues, but old stock at Arcadia. If they were, it would be just about the fastest turnaround time of 1-month from PO to delivery lol.
  10. Outside of the VE-1, this current series of pics is actually my first time fitting a Super / Strike Pack to a regular v2. Was always hesitant to do so, as always thought the packs kinda spoil the base VF-1's sculpt more so when the v2 has such fine panel gaps. But as always & again for Macross toys, I come around to liking something I was hesitant to try before. My only surprise is that the gun drags at the bottom, which looks to be a bit of an oversight given how everything else is well designed. Coincidentally, came across @Graham's review of the v2 which is a bit of a find by itself lol. The v2 mold is 15 years now, and a venerable piece of work for it to still be getting releases today without needing necessary changes in its lifetime *cough cough KC*.
  11. These would make great Christmas tree ornaments haha
  12. Her white suit material looks better than the previous one they showed.
  13. There’s certain nostalgia on the triumph & disappointments with Macross pre-order nights. With WWM these days, these pre-order stories are getting to be few & far in between lol. Congrats
  14. I’ve not had the DX VF-1 with supers wheels down for display, but just the naked ones. I’ve also had other Chogokins & Arcadias wheels down long term, & so far none of the gears have any issues. What I do though is to rotate the wheels periodically to prevent potential deformity / flat spotting on the rubber wheels from the weight.
  15. Nice observation. Somehow obvious stuff that should be included are not, but stuff nobody asked for are, like that alternate head lasers for the 0S.
  16. No experience with them before, but from the PO just now, the quoted shipping looks pretty reasonable for my imagined package size. Hence, now I understand why others have reported why Nin-nin sometimes ask for extra shipping if the actual item turned out to be heavier than expected. Hobby-Genki on other hand, turned out to be opposite in a way. For one of the PO’s, they appeared to have put in a very large margin for error in estimated weight, & consequently quoted me an insane shipping rate. I went with private warehouse, and so upon release, the actual shipping tuned out to be effectively near half of what was quoted earlier. I’m not sure if they will refund shipping cost differences between actual & during PO if one paid at that time. Anyway, both Nin-nin & Hobby Genki offer private warehouse option so that should always be the choice even for single item orders.
  17. Nin-nin is surprisingly the cheapest this time, and by quite a fair margin. Tyring them out for the very first time, despite some not too good feedback from others. If anything goes wrong, there should be no problem picking up another copy elsewhere on release.
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